Need for bragging system

Chapter 637 - This pretense is flimsy

Chapter 637 - This pretense is flimsy
The tone is so rampant!

Guan Qingqing fixed her beautiful eyes when she heard the words, raised her jade hand, summoned the bronze tripod, and said with a faint smile: "Then, you are the so-called bounty killer?"

Bounty killer?
Wang Kai was stunned, he really didn't understand the name she said, so he couldn't help but secretly sent a voice transmission and asked about Master Cat.

"Bounty Killer..."

Following Master Mao's faint sound transmission explanation, Wang Kai also understood what Guan Qingqing meant.

In Tianzhou, there are six domains.

They are eastward, Huangquan Dao domain, southward, Tianwu Shenyu, northward, Tongtian domain, westward, pharmacist domain.

And in the middle, the Nine Heavens Territory.

And now the region where Tongtianjiao is located is the sixth region, a land of Tianzhou, the most chaotic region.

In this domain, there are strong men of any force, traitors of any force, even the famous devil in Tianzhou, the most vicious people, all will settle down in this domain.

The sixth domain does not have a clear name, and everyone has unique views on it.

Some people call the sixth realm the realm of evil, while others call it the sixth realm, the realm of chaos.

Some people even call the sixth domain the domain of abandonment.

Of course, the most common name is "Bounty Domain".

Because in this sixth domain, most of the powerhouses are forces and personal powerhouses who have committed heinous crimes and even been squeezed out by many forces.

As long as they are killed, their heads can be exchanged for huge bounty wealth.

The Tongtian Sect was knocked down to less than [-] members, and was even kicked out of the Tongtian Domain.

But Tongtian Sect did not completely perish.

Therefore, even if they hid in the sixth domain, there would still be many old opponents, enemies, who would send people to attack and kill them.

"Yellow Spring Dojo ranks second among the [-] forces in Tianzhou. Since it is so powerful, why not directly invade the sixth domain and destroy the Tongtian Sect? Why bother to find some bounty killers?" Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, his expression Quite contemptuously sneered.

Hearing this, Guan Qingqing frowned, staring at Wang Kai strangely with her beautiful eyes, and said in amazement: "It seems that you are not a bounty killer, so why did you infiltrate the Tongtian Sect? You can see my Dao mark clearly." God's mind above, your cultivation base, at worst, is higher than Tianjun!"

"Boy, the forces of the Sixth Realm and casual cultivators are extremely chaotic and complicated. Even if Huangquan Dojo ranks second, they cannot interfere with the affairs of the Sixth Realm. Even if it is the Nine Heavens Palace, it must follow the rules." Master Cat said lightly through voice transmission.

Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, he couldn't help shaking the folding fan, and said with a voice transmission: "So, in the sixth domain, there are still strong people who can make the Nine Heavens Palace and the Yellow Spring Daoist place fearful?"

In this regard, Master Mao remained silent, neither refuted nor admitted.

It can be seen that Master Cat is also very reluctant to mention this matter.

However, in such a situation, in Wang Kai's view, he became more and more curious. How strong is the strong man who can't even say it?
"Heavenly Monarch Realm, what kind of realm is it?" Wang Kai shrugged and asked casually.

As soon as this remark came out, Guan Qingqing's beautiful eyes were immediately stunned, she stared blankly at Wang Kai, and after a long while, she pursed her lips and said in shock: "You don't know the realm of Heavenly Sovereign?"

"Hehe, what's so surprising about this, my master's cultivation base is too high, and the years of cultivation have been hundreds of millions of years. Some things, I still can't remember clearly." Wang Kai waved his hand, pretending to be a person who has experienced many vicissitudes. faces.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Regarding this, Guan Qingqing sneered with undisguised contempt, turned to fly the bronze tripod high into the sky, and while waving her jade hand, bursts of powerful aura swept out.

Just a breath, the shaking Wang Kai frowned, feeling like he was about to be oppressed and collapsed.


Wang Kai's eyes narrowed slightly, this aura is generally the same as the Dao intention he displayed before.

"You are not a strong Tianjun! Tell me, how did you see through the Dao Mark's divine sense?" Guan Qingqing frowned and scolded in a charming voice.

It was just a casual release of a trace of Daoism, which was unbearable to the already shocked Wang Kai.

Such a scene immediately caused Guan Qingqing to become more and more puzzled.

"Are you an idiot? Which faction's saintesses and goddesses have no spiritual thoughts on their dao marks? Do you still need this young master to answer such a simple question? It's not a question, I will answer it!" Wang Kai frowned, and snorted coldly with a rather disdainful expression.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

As soon as these words came out, Guan Qingqing immediately suffocated, and could not help withdrawing the Taoist intention released.

Indeed, any spiritual girl of any force will be protected by the divine sense of the lord of the force.

There is nothing wrong with what Wang Kai said.


"Then how did you find out that my dao mark has divine sense?" Guan Qingqing asked softly, pursing her red lips tightly.

Without the oppression of Taoism, Wang Kai suddenly felt light all over. Hearing this, he was even more speechless. If he had known that this spiritual girl was so powerful, he would not have come forward rashly up.

Being able to cultivate to the level of Taoism proves that Guan Qingqing has already practiced the fifth way of reaching heaven.

The fifth way of Taoism can only be cultivated by those who are above the heavenly king!

A spiritual girl is ranked above the Heavenly King Realm, so what about the next holy girl?Where is the goddess?

If he really went, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?
Thinking of this, Wang Kai immediately dismissed the idea of ​​going to Shengnvfeng, stared at Guan Qingqing in front of him, thought for a while, and then said: "You are really an idiot, this young master just said something casually. Said, if you try it casually, you will fall into the bait by yourself, who is to blame? In the final analysis, this young master is too smart and you are too stupid!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Feel free to explore!

Say it casually!
Guan Qingqing gritted her teeth immediately upon hearing these words, she was still so righteous before, but now she is sophistrying.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you don't say anything. When this spiritual girl captures you to the Saintess Peak, Sister Yunxi will have her own way to make you speak!"

As soon as Guan Qingqing finished speaking, she turned up her jade hand, causing the bronze tripod to suddenly grow bigger, and immediately fell directly, holding Wang Kai inside.

On the way, there was even more moral suppression, which made Wang Kai unable to move an inch, and could only watch the bronze tripod fall with a helpless expression.

"It's a lot of pretense now, big stupid cat, your uncle, why didn't you tell me the cultivation level of the spiritual girl earlier? This pretense is so fragile!" Wang Kai stood alone on the copper tripod Inside, looking at the pitch-black surroundings, he couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead, and sighed in a rather speechless voice transmission.

(End of this chapter)

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