Need for bragging system

Chapter 64 - The Cat Demon Emperor

Chapter 64 - The Cat Demon Emperor
"When fighting Beitang Wentian, you must pay attention to the Zong-level martial skill Beiming Seal, which contains the death energy of the underworld, which is not much worse than the Nether Sword!"

A voice came into his ears, causing Wang Kai to be stunned and his heart skipped a beat. He was not surprised that the Beitang family could control the death energy of the underworld. After all, their entire family came from the land of Mingzhou.

The real surprise was Liu Yao's martial arts realm.

Transmitting sound into secrets, this unique skill can only be performed by the strong Wu Zong.

"This little girl is really powerful. She is not a few years older than me, and she has actually reached the realm of Wuzong. It seems that it is impossible to tie her into the bridal chamber for the time being. Hey, my bragging is still too little. It's gone." Wang Kai shook his head and sighed secretly.

If Liu Yao knew that he was still thinking about such things, he would be furious and beat him up, right?

"Wang Kai, if you are willing to become the servant of this young palace master, you can avoid death today!" Beitang asked Tian Senran with a smile, and he already had another plan in his heart. Two extremes, one civil and one military, if they can get the support of both parties at the same time, the Shenwu Academy will surely achieve great things.

Wang Kai heard that his expression was full of contempt, he raised his arm and slapped it across the air, and said extremely impatiently: "The annoying fly can fly as far as it can go, I don't want such an outstanding person to talk to animals! "

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"It seems that you don't know the horror of the strong in the Wu Zong realm!" Beitang Wentian's face darkened, his figure suddenly flickered, and he came to Wang Kai in an instant, flipped his palm and slashed his head.

"Golden Feather Three Changes!"

However, before Wang Kai could strike back, a golden light penetrated from outside the hall, and in an instant, it turned into a long spear burning with golden flames, stabbing directly at Beitang Wentian's side.

"Who is coming?" Beitang Wentian's expression changed suddenly, he quickly stepped back and retreated, his heart was filled with anger, if he didn't retreat just now, even if he could take Wang Kai's life, he would definitely be stabbed by a spear wear.

Seeing this, Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, put his hands behind his back, and said with a displeased expression: "King Xiaopeng, you come out early and late, why did you come out to stop this young master when he wanted to teach that idiot a lesson?"

The spear burning with golden flames turned into two golden wings, and the Kunpeng demon body also turned into the appearance of King Xiaopeng, only to hear his fighting spirit boil with a smile: "Sorry, since the Tongtian Tower can suppress the realm of martial arts, it is just used to suppress the realm of martial arts. Let me try the ability of the strong Wuzong."

"In that case, I'll leave it to you, tsk tsk, Kunpeng's dry flies are considered flying animals, which one is stronger and which one is weaker, I am looking forward to it." Wang Kai smiled lightly.

King Xiaopeng's expression froze when he heard this, and he glared at Wang Kai angrily, gnashing his teeth and said: "Wang Kai, don't think that you can defeat this deity just because you have defeated my transfigured form!"

"Oh? Why don't you two join forces and come together to compete with Ben Shao? That fly can be crushed to death, but you, it happens that Ben lacks a mount." Wang Kai shrugged and smiled nonchalantly.

"You bastard! How can my master, who is a strong Wuzong realm, join hands with a bird? It is you two generals who should join forces!" Beitang Wentian angrily rebuked.

"court death!"

King Xiaopeng's expression is extremely gloomy and cold. If he fights with Wang Kai, it will be extremely difficult to defeat him. After all, the transformed form has the same thought and martial arts realm as himself, and even all the means of fighting the enemy. Since he can defeat himself His transformed form means that he is definitely not his opponent.

But it doesn't mean they can't beat Beitang Wentian.

King Xiaopeng turned into a golden light and penetrated away, and the two golden wings suddenly turned into flaming palms, holding Beitang Wentian in his hands, and immediately turned into a golden light, shooting out of the hall.

"Wang Kai, after I defeat Beitang Wentian, I will fight you again!"

Wang Kai shrugged casually, with his hands behind his back, scanning the empty hall, relying on the blood contract, clearly felt the existence of Master Cat, and suddenly smiled playfully: "Big stupid cat, you can come out and explain Have a moment?"

"Hey, Beitang Wentian can't die now, otherwise Master Cat will be in danger."

The figure of Master Cat appeared in the hall out of thin air, stroking his long beard, his nose moved slightly, his eyes fixed on Liu Yao's body, he stretched out his paw and waved it, and said with a smile: "Little girl, return the spirit of Tongtian Tower!" Give it to Master Cat."

"Hehe, you are the cat demon emperor that the master said, right?" Liu Yao smiled lightly, her beautiful face was full of curiosity, she did not take out the Tongtian Tower artifact, but stepped back a few steps .

The Great Cat Demon?

Wang Kai's figure slowly floated down, and when he came to Liu Yao's side, he looked quite surprised, squinted his eyes and smiled, "Big stupid cat, I didn't expect you to have such a title, Great Cat Demon Emperor, tsk tsk, that young man is The master of your bloodline should be Emperor Shenwu."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

Blood contract!
Hearing this, Liu Yao's beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, her narrow eyes flashed past, she suddenly covered her face with a soft smile and said, "Master Husband, you must protect me well."

"Uh..." Wang Kai's body was numb all of a sudden, and he felt a sense of ecstasy from the beginning to the end. He turned his head eagerly and looked at her in disbelief. He never thought that this little girl's skin could change so quickly.

"Who is your master?" Master Cat shrank his pupils suddenly, stroked his long beard, and stared at her coldly.

"Ahem, she is my fiancée, big stupid cat, the aura of Tongtian Pagoda's tool spirit is extremely weak, it's useless for you to go back, just give it to her." Wang Kai waved his hand and said with a dry smile.

"Extremely weak? Impossible!"

Master Cat immediately jumped up, and the cat hair all over his body stood up, as if he had heard something terrible.

Liu Yao flipped her hand and took out the Tongtian Pagoda Qi Ling, and said softly: "Senior Cat, just look at it and you will know that the power in the Qi Spirit has almost been swallowed up, and I hope that the remaining wisp of power can be gifted to you by Senior Cat." For the younger generation."

"How is this possible?" Master Cat quickly approached, his eyes widened, staring at the blue light ball with bloodshot eyes.

"Hehe, it seems that the senior has successfully swallowed the black Elvis. Since this is the case, we should be able to see that the power in it was not swallowed by us." Liu Yao smiled lightly, put away the spirit weapon, stepped a little, and stepped back. Arrived behind Wang Kai.

Seeing this, Wang Kai's self-confidence suddenly swelled, and a masculine majesty suddenly appeared, and he waved his arms and said proudly: "Your fiancee can rest assured, with your husband here, even if the gods come to you, they can't hurt you at all. !"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

(End of this chapter)

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