Need for bragging system

Chapter 640 - Dare to let Master Kai be a child 2

Chapter 640 - Dare to let Master Kai be the second child
Guan Qingqing squinted her beautiful eyes when she heard the words, and with her little hands behind her back, she shook her head and hummed triumphantly: "Well, compared to you, it should be about the same, or maybe stronger, how about a fight? "

As soon as this remark came out, the Holy Son of Light's eyes flickered, and he glanced at her indifferently, and said with a smile: "It's not too late to fight again when the leader fights."

As soon as the words fell, Shengzi Yaoguang nodded and smiled lightly, and stepped up to the Saintess Peak with a leisurely demeanor.

Seeing this, Guan Qingqing was extremely disdainful, waved her small fist from behind, and snorted coldly: "When the time comes, I will definitely make it difficult for you... ah!"

Suddenly, Guan Qingqing was startled, and then remembered that Yunxi Saintess was in a room alone with Wang Kai, and she might be doing something now.

If he is met by the Son of Light, it doesn't matter whether Wang Kai lives or dies, but the Saintess Yunxi...

Thinking of this, Guan Qingqing hurriedly moved her footsteps, dodged with all her strength and blocked the Son of Light on the mountainside.

"Wait, you are not allowed to go up!" Guan Qingqing opened her arms, her pretty face was cold, and her eyes were full of determination.

Shengzi Yaoguang frowned suddenly, looked at Guan Qingqing with some displeasure, and said lightly: "Why don't you allow me to go up?"

"It's not allowed, it's not allowed, where is the nonsense coming from? You can go up if you want to, unless you defeat this spiritual girl!" Guan Qingqing snorted coldly with her eyes full of fighting spirit.

In his heart, he has cursed the Holy Son of Light countless times, when will he come?It happened when Yunxi was lonely for a long time and wanted something...

It hurts me to stop here.

"No fun!"

Shengzi Yaoguang said lightly, and with a light step, his figure disappeared immediately before Guan Qingqing's eyes.

When Guan Qingyuan came to his senses, the son of Yaoguang had already appeared halfway up the mountain, and his steps were almost as good as a hundred steps!
Like a phantom, it is unpredictable.

"Hmph, coward! If you really are a spiritual girl, why can't you help me?"

Guan Qingqing clenched her silver teeth, turned her hand and took out the copper tripod, then directly pointed at the Son of Light, and smashed it through the air.

"Guan Qingqing, you are going too far!"

Suddenly, Shengzi Yaoguang paused, turned around and clapped his hands to block it, and the golden circle of light behind his head spun even more rapidly, emitting bursts of dazzling light.


The copper tripod was effortlessly blocked in mid-air by the palm of Shengzi Yaoguang.

Even if the Holy Son of Light waved back half a step, it would be impossible.

Seeing this scene, Guan Qingqing frowned, could not help pursing her lips, and hummed secretly in her heart: "It seems that the realm of the Son of Light has been broken again, damn it, how can this spiritual girl stop him? Sister Yunxi, you have to hurry up..."

"Guan Qingqing, what exactly do you want? Even if my Son will have a battle with you sooner or later, before that, the Holy Son Peak and the Lingnv Peak have always been in harmony with each other! What's more, the Yunxi Saintess, sooner or later If you want to become a Taoist partner with me, what are you trying to do when you stop him several times?" Shengzi Yaoguang said coldly, no matter how good-tempered he was, he was still angered by being blocked.

However, Guan Qingqing was merciless, immediately yelled coquettishly, turned around and stepped into the air, raised her hand to summon the bronze tripod back, and threw it out again with all her cultivation.

I saw that the copper tripod flashed brightly, and bursts of terrifying morality that overwhelmed the coercion swept down.

"Qingqing, why don't you stop?"


Before the Shengzi Yaoguang made a move to resist, he saw a figure appearing in the air, raised his hand, and took the bronze tripod just in time.

The person who came was a young man in a blue robe, with blue hair and blue eyes. There was a burst of gentleness in his handsome appearance, and he couldn't help but give people a very close and friendly feeling.

"Bastard Mo Kong, how dare you find fault with this spiritual girl?"

Seeing this young man with blue hair, Guan Qingqing's delicate body trembled suddenly, she clenched her silver teeth, raised her jade arm, and pointed at Mo Kong Lingzi from a distance.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Junior Mo Kong to have a breakthrough in his realm, congratulations." The Son of Light, squinting his eyes, clasped his fists and smiled softly.

Regarding this, Mo Kong Lingzi turned around and clasped his fists in a salute, and said with a soft smile: "I made senior brother laugh, compared to senior brother, he is still much worse."

Hearing the words, Shengzi Yaoguang lightly nodded his head as a response, and with his hands behind his back, he stepped a hundred steps away and climbed to the top of the mountain.

"Mo Kong, are you an idiot? Sister Yunxi is... at this moment... right now... Oh! You are a bad thing!" Guan Qingqing gritted her silver teeth, and cursed with hatred One sound.

As soon as the words fell, Guan Qingqing twisted her delicate body and chased after her like the wind.

Seeing this, Mo Kong Lingzi was taken aback, frowned with some doubts, and hurriedly followed behind.

At first, it was thought that Guan Qingqing had a conflict with Shengzi Yaoguang.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

At the same time, on the top of the peak, in the attic.

Wang Kai sat on the chair, knocked on Erlang's leg, and said with a calm smile: "So, you want Ben to go to the Fenghua Xueyue Tower, meet the proprietress, and ask something?"

I thought that Yunxi Saintess must be fascinated by her literary talents, but in the end, she obviously wanted to use herself to help her.

All that needs to be done is to sneak into the Feng Hua Xue Yue Building and find out some things from the proprietress.

"Well, I consider myself to be well-informed. No one in the Tongtian Sect can compare, but compared to the proprietress of the Fenghua Xueyue Building, I am still inferior. There is one thing that only she... can know." Yun Xisheng The woman leaned sideways on the bed, looked at Yunjuan Yunshu, and said in an uncertain tone.

Seeing this, the corners of Wang Kai's mouth twitched, he couldn't help but shrugged, and said quite speechlessly: "Even you are not sure, whether that lady boss can help you..."

However, before Wang Kai could finish speaking, the Saintess Yunxi interrupted with firm eyes.

"Whether there is hope or not, I will give it a try. It is rumored that the proprietress has always loved poetry and songs, and she takes good care of people with literary talents. With your ability to play by ear, you can sneak into the romantic building and become a sophomore. It's not difficult." Yunxi Saintess said with a sigh.

Infiltrating into Fenghua Xueyuelou, the one who returned his grandma was going to be a sophomore?
Wang Kai's face darkened when he heard the words, he stood up immediately, waved his arms, and said proudly: "This is absolutely impossible! With my literary talents and even my handsome appearance, if I want to do it, I am also a boss! What's more, this young master Why agree to you? Since you are so awesome, why don't you go by yourself? You can also be a maid who brings tea and water!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"You have no choice!" Yunxi Saintess said coldly.

"No, he has choices!"

Before Wang Kai could respond, he heard an indifferent voice coming into the attic, and in an instant, Son of Light Yaoguang walked into the attic slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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