Need for bragging system

Chapter 656 – Mind

Chapter 656 – Mind

"What? Don't you want to? Hmph, in this world today, there are countless literati, inkmen, and even martial arts supremes, crying and clamoring to become my dog, but they don't even have a chance. So, you must know how to be content, understand What is the meaning of luck!" Wang Kai shrugged and snorted with a rather cold expression.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

After listening to such words, Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian became more and more annoyed, and their hearts were full of shame and anger, but they didn't dare to speak out to resist. They could only grit their teeth, hold back their anger, and clasped their fists and said in unison: "We are waiting for you!" Understood."

"No, no, no, it's not me waiting, but the self-proclaimed dog understands, come on, do it again." Wang Kai raised his eyebrows and smiled with contempt in his eyes.

He even dared to plan and frame him behind his back, saving the lives of the two of them in vain. Such unrepentant garbage, letting them die directly, is taking advantage of them.

Hearing this, Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian looked at each other, their eyes gleaming fiercely, then they lowered their heads deeply, and said in unison: "This dog understands."

clap clap!

In this way, Wang Kaifang slapped his hands in satisfaction, nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, very self-aware, um, this young master will give you two dogs the first task, go quickly Find out the person who called the king to cover the well! Discuss with the goddess, tsk tsk, if this young master can get such an opportunity, in the future, he won’t need to be in this outer place!”

It turned out that he was also building the well to catch the king!
Yu Zexian and Hu Luotian came to a sudden realization.

No wonder he hadn't found this person in the outer door before, but now that the goddess gave enough conditions, he jumped out.

"Do you want to become a core disciple of Tongtian Sect? Make your spring and autumn dream!"

Both Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian sneered in their hearts, but they clasped their fists respectfully in response.

Seeing this, Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly, why didn't he know that these two guys were playing evil?Immediately shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly: "There is one more thing, all the people who have something to do with Wang Gaijing will be caught by this young master, um, the speed must be fast, and, before Wang Gaijing is found Tell me about the meeting between you and me, otherwise, the life of a dog is not as valuable as that of a human!"

Hearing this, Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian's expressions froze. They didn't expect that they had become dogs, and their lives were in danger.

Immediately after that, Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian walked away quickly with terrified eyes, while Wang Kai closed his eyes and murmured with a smile: "As long as the two brothers Sun Guantian come to this young master, in this Tongtian sect, arrest them." This young master doesn't care at all who goes away."

At the same time, outside Hospital B.

Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian's eyes were gloomy, and they even walked with evil spirits.

"We quickly searched for the traces of that Wang Kai, and then we will directly reach the inner gate or the core hall, and give his traces to a certain disciple!" Yu Zexian said with a cold smile.

Hun Luotian was also very appreciative of this, and immediately nodded and said with a cold smile: "This method is exactly what I want, but before that, I have to bring that brother Sun Guantian and bring him to Niu Zhetian for a while. They'll hold on for a while!"

"That's right, this plan is very clever, using Brother Sun Guantian to delay the time, enough for us to find Wang Kai's trace! By then, hehe!" Yu Zexian sneered with a murderous look on his face.

As soon as the words fell, the two of them rushed to the first courtyard together.

Sun Guantian and his brothers, because of Wang Kai, have already moved into the First Academy.

However, all of this fell into the mind of Wang Kai in the room of the Second Hospital.

Under the spying of their souls, their words and expressions can be seen and heard clearly.

"If I personally come forward to arrest Brother Sun Guantian, then the core and core, and even the elders' house will come to thoroughly investigate, and there will be doubts. It will save me a lot of trouble if the two of them do it!" Wang Kai shrugged and smiled confidently.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't want to fall out with the Tongtian Sect for the time being, Wang Kai really didn't want to do this.

All kinds of conspiracies and calculations are not as good as a happy battle.

However, it can only be so for the time being.

Within a hospital.

The two Sun Guantian brothers also just rushed back from the C Courtyard, and through Wang Kai's power, they snatched a lot of Tongtian Orbs.

But before he saw Wang Kai, and before he could cast the Transfer to Swallow Heaven Technique and devour all the Tongtian Orbs, he received an order from the goddess Xia Xinyan.

Isn't the Wang Gaijing to be captured the young master of the two of them, Wang Kai?
Now even if the masters of the Heavenly Beads that they have snatched will not come to ask for their return for the time being, in the end, it is only a matter of time.

Once Wang Kai was arrested, let alone the Tongtian Bead, it would be difficult to save his life, right?
"Brother, why don't we use the Transition Swallowing Heaven Technique now to improve our cultivation and go directly to the inner test?" Sun Guandi gritted his teeth and said.

It's also unexpected that Wang Kai angered the goddess Xia Xinyan after only passing the meeting!
goddess!The future strongest man of the Tongtian Sect!Now Tongtian Sect is the most maintainer!
Such a status, once provoked, is there still a way to survive?
Since Wang Kai hasn't appeared yet, he knows that even he is afraid.

"No, Wang Kai treated us well. If it wasn't for his help, we would have died in the outer sect. How could we kill our enemies and obtain Taoism?" Sun Guantian shook his head and refused directly.

Hearing this, Sun Guandi's eyes were also full of helplessness, how could he not understand the principle of repaying kindness?But right now, if it's too real, he will definitely be implicated, and he will die!
"Are we going to just sit and wait to die? Don't forget, everyone in the outer sect knows that you and I are Wang Kai's followers. If this is someone from the inner sect and the core Highness... we... oh!" Sun Guan He shook his head severely and sighed.

However, Sun Guantian naturally understands what Sun Guandi said, but in his heart, he still can't turn the corner. In his opinion, one must repay someone's kindness.

If you just ran to avoid it, regardless of the life and death of the young master, this kind of escape is really impossible.

"Guandi, there is no need to say more about this matter. I have made up my mind. However, for the sake of our Sun family's great enmity, you can't die. Now we will use the transfer to swallow the sky technique to help you raise your cultivation to the peak of Tianyuan alone. Even above! At that time, you can go to the inner sect's trial place!" Sun Guantian said lightly.

Hearing this, Sun Guan's eyes froze, and it took him a while to come back to his senses. He shook his head and said, "No way! Let's go together!"

"Needless to say, I want to stay and look for the young master. At that time, if both the young master and I can survive and I am here, the young master will not blame you. If we all die, you must not, you must be the young master." Avenge the Lord, avenge the Sun family! Let's start quickly!" Sun Guantian said in an unquestionable tone.

(End of this chapter)

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