Need for bragging system

Chapter 658 – Destruction

Chapter 658 – Destruction
"Where are you waiting? I have already come out, tell me where you want to take me, just lead the way!"

Sun Guantian stepped out of the room, looked up at Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian in the void, with contempt and mockery on his face.

Seeing this scene, Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian were trembling with anger, and their eyes were full of killing intent. How could they endure being teased like this?

"Damn it! If I have to hand it over to Niu Zhetian, I will definitely execute him!" Yu Zexian said coldly.

Hun Luotian also gritted his teeth, and said with a sneer, "It's okay if we don't kill him, but if you hand it over to Niu Zhetian, he probably won't live long!"

"Hey, that makes sense, as long as he doesn't help Niu Zhetian find Wang Kai, it's impossible to survive! Let's take him there, and then we can go find Wang Kai!" Yu Zexian's eyes were gloomy endlessly said.

Immediately, under the leadership of Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian, Sun Guantian came directly to the Second Courtyard, and was outside the room where Wang Kai was.

"Master, the person has already been brought."

Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian looked at each other and said in unison.


As soon as the words fell, the door of the room opened spontaneously, seeing this, Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian led Sun Guantian into the room.


However, when they just walked into the room, the door was slammed shut.

The sudden sound caused Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian to feel uncertain.

"Well, you two dogs have done a good job, your mission has been completed." Wang Kai shrugged, lying on his back on the chair, and said with a playful smile.

Hearing this, Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian's expressions froze immediately, they looked at Wang Kai uncertainly, and said with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, Master, if there is nothing wrong, we will leave."

"Back? Where are you going? Hmph, do you still want to live?"

Suddenly, Sun Guantian sneered, and while speaking, he had already walked to Wang Kai's side, and even bent down, clasped his fists and said respectfully: "Young master."

Hearing Wang Kai's voice and his attitude, Sun Guantian was sure that the person in front of him must be Wang Kai!
No wonder he sent a voice transmission, telling himself to follow Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian.

It turns out that Wang Kai has already changed his appearance!He stayed in the courtyard of the outer disciples happily.

"Young are Wang Kai!"

Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian all turned pale in shock, and stared at Wang Kai in extreme horror. Suddenly, their bodies became stiff, as if they had lost their souls from fright.

"Hehe, this young master has just said that your mission has been completed. Outsiders only know that Sun Guantian was taken away by you, but they don't know who he gave it to. It will be a long time before the identity will be revealed." Wang Kai shrugged and smiled casually.

Hearing this, Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian both fell to the ground dumbfounded.

escape?Totally impossible!
Wang Kai is a cultivation level above the Heavenly King Realm!

Is there a chance?

"Kill them quickly, well, it's best to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces." Wang Kai said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, Sun Guantian nodded heavily, and immediately walked in front of Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian, and took out the dagger in his arms, aiming to stab their throats.

"Bastard, even if you die, you can't die at the hands of a waste like you... Ah! You..."


Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian were about to resist and hold Sun Guantian hostage, but as soon as they moved, they were suppressed by Wang Kai's eyes and couldn't move an inch.

He could only watch helplessly as the dagger stabbed towards him, until finally, he was completely exasperated!

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, and Wang Kai's unfathomable cultivation, Sun Guantian lost his mind for a moment.

Not only did he kill the enemy, but now he personally beheaded the two overlords of the outer sect.

This kind of thing has never been thought of, and I dare not think about it.

But now, it's all come true.

Thinking of this, Sun Guantian regretted and worried more and more.

If Wang Kai is dissatisfied with Sun Guandi's matter, wouldn't it be...

Even if he really passed the test of the inner sect and became an inner sect disciple, so what?

Wang Kai, but he dared to provoke even a goddess!

Cultivation is unfathomable!
I'm afraid that the inner disciples are definitely not Wang Kai's opponents.

"Young master, my younger brother..."

Sun Guantian was extremely worried, gritted his teeth, and turned to kneel down in front of Wang Kai.

"Well, just rest assured, I won't blame him, everyone has their own ambitions, but I will never help him again, so don't mention this matter again." Wang Kai shrugged and said casually .

Regarding Sun Guan's critical moment, he wanted to run away alone, although it was for his life, it was reasonable.

But in Wang Kaixin, he was very disgusted.

In Wang Kai's view, true brothers share joys and sorrows.

Difficulty is imminent, going their separate ways, that's not brothers.

Hearing this, Sun Guantian was relieved, but at the same time felt extremely regretful and worried.

If Sun Guandi doesn't do well in the inner sect...

At that time, I have no ability to help him, what should I do?

Isn't it a cocoon?
"Take the bodies of the two of them..."

"Young master, I want to swallow their corpses!"

Just when Wang Kai wanted to destroy the corpses of Yu Zexian and Hun Luotian, Sun Guantian interrupted him surprisingly.

Swallowed corpses!

"You... transfer the Heaven Swallowing Technique, can you still swallow the corpse?" Wang Kai asked in a daze, and he was quite surprised in his heart.

After all, swallowing a corpse like this makes one's scalp tingle.

"Yes, compared to devouring other powers, the power obtained is ten times stronger. It's just that in the middle of each month, you will suffer from backlash, and you may turn into a demon who doesn't recognize your relatives and only knows how to kill. At that time, I hope the young master Can suppress me." Sun Guantian said seriously.

Hearing this, Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly, probably also guessed his intention, nothing more than wanting to help that stupid younger brother Sun Guandi.

"What if you can't suppress it?" Wang Kai shrugged and said indifferently.

Even if he is his subordinate, he cannot be a killing machine.

Random killing, Wang Kai doesn't like it.

Can't hold back...

As soon as this remark came out, Sun Guantian was stunned, but considering Sun Guandi's unstable situation in the inner sect, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Then kill me!"

"Hehe, you are still very confident in this young master's ability. That's right, as long as your cultivation does not exceed the level of a heavenly king when you go crazy, this young master can easily suppress you. Moreover, if you want to eliminate the possibility of your going crazy, it is also Easy."

"Who made Ben Shao so awesome? The omnipotent hero is what I'm talking about!" Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders and smiled proudly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

(End of this chapter)

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