Need for bragging system

Chapter 675 - Big Bed Candle Whip

Chapter 675 - Big Bed Candle Whip
Enthronement ceremony?

How could it be so grand?

Wang Kai immediately raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and turned around involuntarily, looked at Gu Yuntong and the others, nodded and smiled slightly: "You guys are very good at coming! Let's make it so, um, before tomorrow, I will Let Xiao Yanyan accompany you at least, oh, and the saint of Yunxi should also be called over."

Hearing this, Gu Yuntong and the others frowned slightly.

Xia Xinyan has now been defiled by Wang Kai, so letting her go with Wang Kai is a good way to tie Wang Kai up.

But when Wang Kai opened his mouth, he still wanted Saintess Yunxi to accompany him!

For a while, Gu Yuntong was a little embarrassed.

"Tsk tsk, just now you shouted for absolute obedience, but now I just made a small request, and then retracted?" Wang Kai narrowed his eyes and sneered with disdain.

"I don't care if you help the Tongtian Sect or not, I will never agree to your unreasonable demands!"

Before Gu Yuntong could speak, Xia Xinyan couldn't stand up any longer, she just made a sneer, turned around and walked away.

For this, Wang Kai didn't mind, and he didn't rush to chase, but looked at Gu Yuntong and others with a playful look.

Gu Yuntong and the others, who thought Wang Kai would definitely chase after them, saw that Wang Kai had no intention of moving at all, and they were also very hard on the spot.

"Little leader, the marriage between Xinyan and you should be the first priority. As for Yunxi... I think it can be put on hold for a while." Gu Yuntong said with a frown.

"Teacher... ahem, what Elder Gu said is true, if the goddess and the leader you form a Taoist couple, add another saint, so as not to cause civil turmoil in the Tongtian sect."

"That's right, there are a lot of disciples in the Tongtian Sect who love the goddess, and there are not a few suitors of the saint Yunxi, if..."

Following the persuasion of many elders and Gu Yuntong, Wang Kai immediately frowned, waved his hand immediately, and interrupted: "That's a problem you have to deal with, it doesn't matter to me, as long as you give an order, let them accompany me It’s fine if you don’t! Well, you have to do it in a way that forces you to do it.”


Everyone froze when they heard the words, but they didn't expect that Wang Kai had such an idea.

Let them give orders, disciples will resent, I am afraid most of them will also resent them.

As for Wang Kai, as long as he said he was forced, wouldn't everything be settled?

"No, Master, if you do this, the Tongtian Sect will be in chaos!" Gu Yuntong said anxiously.

Numerous elders were also extremely speechless, they didn't expect Wang Kai to make such a request.

To get a goddess Xia Xinyan is already a loss to Tongtianjiao, and what kind of troubles may arise.

But now, he actually wanted to get the Saintess Yunxi at the same time.

If it weren't for the current Tongtian Sect needing Wang Kai's help, those present would definitely turn against him.

"No more nonsense, there is no need for other forces to destroy the Tongtian Sect, this young master will destroy you first!" Wang Kai frowned, snorting coldly pretending to be impatient.

They all want to use themselves to deal with the foreign enemies of the Tongtian Sect. In this case, if they don't hand over some benefits, how can they let it go?

Many elders wanted to try to persuade them, but they were interrupted by Gu Yuntong in the middle of their conversation.

"Okay, since the leader has made up his mind, we must obey! Elder Liuhuo, I will leave this matter to you." Gu Yuntong said with a serious expression.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who heard it immediately looked startled, they didn't expect that Gu Yuntong actually agreed to Wang Kai's request.

But after thinking about it, Tongtianjiao's current situation is the only way to go.

The Supreme Elder who called Liuhuo nodded lightly, and said with a serious face: "I will obey the orders of Elder Gu and the leader!"

As soon as the words fell, Elder Liuhuo was about to turn around and leave, but just as he moved, he was stopped by Wang Kai.

"Wait, when you go to deal with the Yunxi Saintess, remember to bring the goddess Xia Xinyan here together, well, my leader is waiting here in the Tongtian Hall." Wang Kai shrugged and smiled jokingly. road.

There is a Supreme Elder in the Heavenly Emperor Realm to go to work, why bother to chase after Xia Xinyan by himself?

"Yes, leader!" Elder Liuhuo gritted his teeth when he heard this, and bowed back with fists folded.

In the face of Wang Kai's rude request, no one has the right to stop the whole body from top to bottom, after all, he is the current leader of the Tongtian sect!

Even if it is not, there is no way to stop it!
"Well, you guys, go get a big bed and put it in the center of the hall, oh yes, get some more incense burners, leather whips, candles, etc., let's get some too." Wang Kai touched it. Touching his nose, he smiled casually.

big bed?Placed in Tongtian Hall?

incense burner?Whip?Candle?

With such words, everyone who listened was puzzled, they all looked at Wang Kai suspiciously, secretly guessing, what exactly does he want to do?
"Master, Tongtian Hall is the most important place of Tongtian Sect... Ahem, I think it's better to go to Tongtian Peak to find an attic." Gu Yuntong said boldly.

However, Wang Kai didn't care about this, and with his hands behind his back, he went straight to sit down at the top, and said with a faint smile, "Since this young master is now the leader of Tongtian Sect, everything must be arranged by this young master. Do you know that even the Nine Heavens Palace is crying and shouting to give the position of leader to this young master, unfortunately, this young master really disdains it!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

How bragging!

Everyone heard that the corners of their mouths twitched fiercely. Seeing that Wang Kai insisted on this, they could only look at each other, and secretly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to dissuade.

Fearing that Wang Kai would be angered, if he didn't protect the Tongtian Sect, if he took action against the Tongtian Sect, it would be a loss outweighed the gain.

"Follow the order of the leader! Please wait an hour, the leader, and I will go down the mountain to find what I need!"

I saw that under the leadership of Gu Yuntong, many elders dispersed together.

Whether it's a big bed, candles or leather whips, it's really hard to find them in Tongtian Sect.

"Boy, if you continue to make trouble like this, aren't you afraid that Tongtianjiao will turn against you later?"

Suddenly, the phantom of Master Cat appeared, stroking his long whiskers, his eyes half-closed.

Wang Kai's gaze narrowed slightly when he heard the words, and he naturally understood the meaning behind Master Cat's words. In fact, he had already guessed from the beginning that Gu Yuntong had absolutely no good intentions in letting himself be the leader of the Tongtian sect.

Even though he was doing it for the safety of the Tongtian Sect, he had really calculated the wrong target.

"Hehe, there is no need to worry about this matter, but you, since there is no strong person above the Heavenly Emperor in the Tongtian Sect, why are you still hiding?" Wang Kai raised his brows slightly and asked curiously.

Master Cat stroked his long beard when he heard the words, shook his head lightly and said, "Sometimes, you choose to hide because you don't have a strong enemy. Boy, you are still a little tender."

(End of this chapter)

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