Need for bragging system

679 - Don't grab

679 - Don't grab
"Bastard! A mere pig demon dares to be rampant with this suzerain! Do you want to be burned and eaten?"

Suddenly, the suzerain of Yujianzong yelled at him sharply, and with a wave of his hand, he shot out bursts of righteousness, directly bombarding Zhu Bajie.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Bajie stared at him with wide eyes, his expression flew into a rage, he turned the nine-toothed rake with one hand, and threw it out through the air.


In an instant, the bursts of Taoism were directly scattered by the nine-toothed rake, and even the Suzerain of the Yujian Sect was vomited blood and flew into the sky after being beaten.

Blink and be out of sight.

I don't know where I flew to!
"Hmph, such a weak bastard, I also want to fight with your grandpa pig. You haven't eaten today, have you? Are you hungry and faint?" Zhu Bajie snorted rather disdainfully.

Such a scene immediately caught everyone by surprise, all of them widened their eyes and opened their mouths, looking at Zhu Bajie in disbelief.

I can't believe it at all, but a mere pig demon can actually fly the majestic Suzerain of Yujianzong into the sky with one move.

Until now, no one knows exactly where Yuhuan flew to.

Life and death, even more unknown!
"The men leave immediately, and the women stay here! Grandpa Pig wants to have a discussion with you!" Zhu Bajie laughed proudly.


"You're paralyzed, why don't you run away?"

In an instant, many male disciples ran away frantically.

Among them, most of the women also turned pale and wanted to turn around and run away, but found that they couldn't move at all.

And there is also a female disciple, who has no intention of running away, but still winks at Zhu Bajie.

Some women, no matter how advanced Zhu Bajie is, cannot tolerate his face.

But some women don't care about their faces at all, they only care about Zhu Bajie's cultivation.

It's just that, no matter what kind of woman it is, Zhu Bajie accepts it all.

It can be said that from the very beginning, all the female disciples have been locked.

"You two, don't leave, Grandpa Pig hates you cunning people the most! Stay here and bring your Grandpa Pig the urinal!"

In an instant, under Zhu Bajie's call, the Badaomen and the owner of Yunhai Mountain, who had already fled away, were all arrested and returned.

There is no resistance at all.

Until now, Liu Feibai, the owner of Yunhai Mountain, has completely recognized a fact.

This pig demon is simply too terrifying!
Even the lords of the [-] powerful forces are no match for them.

Within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, who else could be his opponent?

"Grandpa Pig, please forgive me, the little one came here just to help the Tongtian Sect become the overlord with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles!" the owner of Yunhai Mountain, Liu Feibai, cried loudly.

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie immediately became extremely disdainful, raised his slap, and slapped it hard, then sneered and said: "You should go and talk to them about this kind of thing, your grandpa pig has no time to talk to you!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Bajie turned his hand and rolled all the female disciples of the three major forces, a total of [-], into the sleeve robe.

"Elder Zhu, wait, the suzerain of Yujianzong..."

The corners of Gu Yuntong's mouth twitched, and he asked boldly.

The other elders of the Tongtian Sect also felt extremely speechless.

Even if you like beauty, you can't do so much at once, right?
That's more than 3000 women!

Can you eat it?

"Hmph, there are too few people who can survive after being raked by Grandpa Pig!" Zhu Bajie snorted disdainfully, and disappeared in a hurry.

Hearing this, Gu Yuntong and the others couldn't help but look at each other, and they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Take the two of them down, and sacrifice them to the heavens when the little leader ascends the throne tomorrow!" Gu Yuntong said indifferently.

"Yes! Ancient elder!"

Elder Liuhuo responded with clasped fists, one hand in each hand, and directly captured the ashen-faced Liu Feibai and Li Badao back to Tongtian Sect.

Gu Yuntong and the others hadn't reacted to such an easy defeat of a powerful enemy.

It is clearly true, but it is still somewhat unacceptable.

However, it seems like a fantasy.

"We are still too weak, they are too strong!" Gu Yuntong shook his head and sighed.

"Elder Gu, I think that now is a great time to dominate for hundreds of thousands of miles. Yujianzong, Yunhaishan, and Badaomen can all be defeated one by one!"

"That's right! Without the leader's overlord force, there is no threat!"

Many elders squinted their eyes one after another, making proposals one after another with a cold light flashing.

In their opinion, the demise of the leaders of the three major forces is undoubtedly an opportunity to destroy the three major forces!
"You can't do this, let's listen to the little leader." Gu Yuntong was also a little moved when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, he waved his hands helplessly and refused.

So what if the three major forces are eliminated?

The overall strength of the Tongtian Sect cannot be changed!
And within this hundreds of thousands of miles, there are still many forces!Also not afraid of today's Tongtian Sect!
After driving away the tiger, there are still wolves!
Everything depends on Wang Kai's intentions. After all, he is the only one who has the ability to dominate hundreds of thousands of miles.

Many elders also reacted when they heard the words, and couldn't help sighing secretly in their hearts.

No matter what, there must be a strong support to complete the great cause of overlord.

There is no chance at all based on the declining general education.

At the same time, Wang Kai, who came to the Holy Maiden Peak, stood in the air, looked down at the mountain below, couldn't help touching his nose and said with a smile: "The two little girls dared to run away without the permission of this young master. It seems It's the ass itching again."

"Boy, if there is no one to help them, the only way for them to escape is to rely on the Daogu Divine Sense. Moreover, although the Daogu Divine Sense can only be used once, it lasts for an hour!" Serious voice transmission reminded.

I was afraid that Wang Kai would really cause trouble, and be wiped out by Daogu Divine Sense.

Hearing this, Wang Kai narrowed his eyes, shrugged his shoulders, and smiled with his hands behind his back: "It's just an hour, I rarely have time to wait, this world is my own, for beautiful things, when to get them , isn’t it because Ben Shao has the final say.”

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"Master, all the powerful enemies have been repulsed. Two of the masters of the three major forces have been captured, and the other one was beaten to death by the old pig."

I saw Zhu Bajie approaching quickly from a distance, made a hasty report, and was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing this scene, Wang Kai's eyes froze immediately, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, and asked curiously: "Wait, why are you so anxious? Did you do something wrong?"

"Uh...Master, you don't want to fight the old pig, do you?" Zhu Bajie froze, turned around, and looked at Wang Kai bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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