Need for bragging system

Chapter 682 – Floating Corpse River Feng Village

Chapter 682 – Floating Corpse River Feng Village

"Well, as a teacher, I have to go out for a while, and discuss with Tiandao about major issues in the world. During this period, the teacher will have a substitute who will stay in the Tongtian Sect and take care of things in the teaching. If you can understand what you want to do, then It is to protect his personal safety, and we must not reveal his identity as a substitute." Wang Kai said with his hands behind his back, his expression pretending to be inscrutable.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Wandering around?
Still want to discuss worldly affairs with Tiandao?
"Uh... Master, you are really busy."

Zhu Bajie was so speechless that he didn't know how to answer for a while.

If you want to go out and pick up chicks, just say it straight, why bother bragging about it?

"Well, the matter is such a matter, the situation, that is, such a situation, Wu Neng, you have to complete the task assigned by the teacher." Wang Kai smiled lightly.

Zhu Bajie knew that Wang Kai was pretending again, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He nodded his head and said: "Okay, master, please rest assured, as long as Lao Zhu is around, Tongtianjiao and the substitute of the master will be safe and sound."

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to be so good at bragging. That's what it means to be a famous teacher, haha!" Wang Kai raised his brows slightly, and laughed proudly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Kai turned around and left without a trace under Zhu Bajie's extremely speechless gaze.

"Hey, after my old pig has accompanied these fairies first, I should go out for a walk." Zhu Bajie grinned in a low voice, and rushed into the cave in a hurry.

Immediately, one after another gasps and whispers played together.


At the foot of Longmen Mountain, the River of Floating Corpse.

Under Wang Kai running with all his strength, in the blink of an eye, he left the range of the mountain range where the Tongtian Sect was located, and stepped into another mountain range.

In a mountain range called Longmen Mountain, there is no land here.

Some are just connected by mountains, and under the center of the mountain peaks, there is a long river with corpses floating with the current.

Floating Corpse River!
Wang Kai stood in the air, looking at the fast-flowing long river below, on which there were countless corpses.

For example, the bones that have been dead for a long time, and the corpses that have just died, the blood red blood has not been able to dye the river red.

Even though there were many corpses, the long river was still crystal clear.

"The source should be the entrance of the Tongtian Mountain Range. I passed by there just now, and I didn't find any killings. If so, where did these corpses come from?" Wang Kai raised his brows slightly, his expression quite murmured curiously.

"Yeah yay! yay yay!"

"Brother good man, look quickly, the river is actually going against the flow, it's so strange."

Suddenly, the little white beast that had been hiding in Wang Kai's arms popped out of its head, blinked its big watery eyes, and screamed in surprise in a childish tone.

Hearing this, Wang Kai was stunned for a moment, and quickly lowered his head to look, but he suddenly found that, just as the swallowing beast said, the floating corpse river below really started to flow upstream.

Those who were originally paddling forward along the water flow, but now, it's the other way around.

"It's really interesting."

Wang Kai squinted his eyes, shook his head and smiled with emotion, he couldn't help but look at the sky, seeing that it was gradually entering dusk, he shrugged his shoulders, and ran away at high speed along the opposite direction of the long river.

Wherever he went, there were corpses flowing everywhere. After seeing such a scene too much, it also made Wang's scalp tingle.

Moreover, the deeper it went, the greater the number of corpses.

The water flow became more and more turbulent.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout, causing Wang Kai to frown immediately, he couldn't help but stop, and raised his head to look at the source of the sound suspiciously.

On the tall mountains on both sides of the long river, there were nearly a hundred cultivators wearing armor and wearing helmets.

Everyone was waving long knives and spears, and a few people were holding a big flag with the word "wind" on it.

"Stop the boat quickly. If you don't want to become a member of the Fushi River, then leave the women, cultivation resources, and everything other than people! Take off all your clothes!"

Wang Kai, who thought he was blocking him, couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and looked down, only to find that there was a huge ship in the distance, and it stopped after throwing down dozens of anchors. Floating in the center of the long river.

There are nearly a hundred cultivators on the giant ship.

At this moment, hearing and shouting, they all stood on the deck, raised their heads and stared at the cultivators above with frost on their faces.

"Hehe, it turns out that they are the brothers of Fengjiazhai. According to rumors, there are ten major forces in Fushi River, and Fengjiazhai is ranked seventh. It is really an honor to meet you today."

I saw an old man walking out of the boat, leaning on crutches, stroking his beard and smiling softly.

"Hmph, don't be so damn close, do as I tell you, or you'll die!"

On the mountain peak, the leader, a middle-aged man, yelled loudly without saving face when he heard the words.

"Hahaha! Five masters, let him have sex with you."

"That's right, every time someone gets close to us, they can't survive. If they are really obedient and leave everything behind, wouldn't our knives and guns not be able to drink blood?"

In an instant, many cultivators in Fengjiazhai laughed loudly.

Hearing these words, the old man on the huge ship and the other cultivators all frowned slightly, and their complexions became ugly for a moment.

The old man and the others have all heard of Fengjiazhai and the other nine major forces.

However, they don't know their rules.

It is easy to wipe out the whole army even with a polite word, which the old man never considered from the beginning.

"Five masters, I hope we can be more accommodating. This time we pass through the Fushi River and have to go to the main city of the sixth domain to do some important things. If the trip is delayed, my master will be very unhappy." The old man He frowned and said softly.


Going to the main city of the domain?
As soon as these words came out, the cultivators of Fengjiazhai were stunned, and they all looked at the leader of the five masters.

But at this moment, the eyes of the five masters were also flickering, with hesitation and suspicion flashing in their eyes.

"Who is your master's name? Those who can enter the main city of the domain are in the sixth domain, but there are not many!" The fifth master said coldly.

Hearing this, the old man was about to speak, but was interrupted loudly by Wang Kai, who had been watching the excitement for a long time.

"Are you all idiots? It's just a fight, why is it so hard? If you go to the main city of the domain, you have to ask where you came from. From this point of view, you are just bastards. Huh, wherever you want to go, if you cross the road, you have to pay for road money!" Wang Kai frowned, with his hands behind his back, and a rather indifferent smile on his face.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

(End of this chapter)

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