Need for bragging system

Chapter 686 – The Heavenly Martial God Soldiers

Chapter 686 – The Heavenly Martial God Soldiers
Weapon level?

The five leaders outside were stunned when they heard the words, and immediately stepped in. Looking at the dazzling array of weapons, they felt a little stupid for a while.

It can make Fengjiazhai, five masters, dignified Tianjun realm powerhouses dumbfounded...

Wang Kai narrowed his eyes at such a scene.

"Don't just stare there, tell me, what level of weapon is this?" Wang Kai shrugged and said impatiently.

Since I came to Tianzhou, I learned that there are nine volumes of Taoism and Tianwu skills.

But I don't know how weapons are divided into levels.

Even if you don't use it yourself, you can still use it to pretend to be a criminal.

"Ah, the lowest level of weapons here are all the sixth-order Heavenly Martial God Weapons! There are so many of them, and every one of them can make the Tianjun strong man crazy! They will catch red eyes and make blood flow like rivers." The fifth master was shocked. shouted.

Tier [-]... Tianwu Divine Weapon?
Hearing this, Wang Kai frowned suddenly, and couldn't help playing with the long sword, squinting his eyes, looking at it, and said with a smile: "Tsk tsk, Tianwu Shenbing, it's quite a domineering name, sixth rank, and What's going on? Is the sixth level the strongest in Tianzhou?"


The fifth leader was stunned for a moment, and looked at Wang Kai in disbelief. He couldn't imagine that he really didn't know anything.

Since he doesn't know, and he still has such a cultivation level, who the hell is he?

Not even afraid of Feng Hua Xue Yue Lou?
Is it really just a stunned young man with no background?

"Ahem, the Heavenly Martial Gods are divided into nine ranks. The first rank is the weakest, and the ninth rank is the strongest. Each rank corresponds to a cultivation level. For example, the strong ones in the Heavenly Armies realm can only use the first rank of the Heavenly Martial Soldiers. , the Tianjun powerhouse can only use the sixth level, no higher level, but below the sixth level, you can use it at will." Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, the fifth master explained in great detail.

Ninth rank, Tianwu Divine Weapon.

Each realm can only use the Heavenly Martial Divine Weapon of the same level.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, you can't use the Heavenly Martial Divine Weapon that matches your own cultivation base.

"So, this young master is now in the Heavenly Monarch Realm. Although he can use weapons of Tier [-] to Tier [-], he can't use Tier [-] weapons?" Wang Kai frowned and smiled in surprise.

Hearing the words, the fifth leader nodded repeatedly, and said very seriously: "That's right, that's exactly the case. The weapons I used before are only fifth-tier weapons, and they were given to me by the fourth leader."

Is it the fifth level...

Tier [-] is everywhere here, and there are quite a few of Tier [-] and above.

From this, it can be seen that Fengjiazhai is really not as good as Fenghuaxueyuelou.

It's no wonder that the five masters were so afraid of the dead old housekeeper before.

"Well, show me the way. You can choose one of these weapons at will, but only at Tier [-] or below." Wang Kai shrugged and smiled casually.

Hearing this remark, the five masters were originally extremely pleasantly surprised, but in the end, the sense of surprise was reduced a lot.

Although the sixth-order ones are very precious, who wouldn't want the seventh-order ones?

Even if you can't use it now, you can wait until you can use it later.

Moreover, if you choose a seventh-level one and sell it, you can get a lot of sixth-level ones.

What's more, I can get more cultivation treasure resources.

All of a sudden, the five masters were completely speechless by Wang Kai.

But being able to obtain a sixth-order item is considered a blessing and a curse.

"Thank you senior! I will choose this black knife!"

The fifth master clasped his fists to thank him, and among the dazzling array of weapons, he picked a black long knife at a glance.

It looks majestic.

The sixth-order Heavenly Martial Divine Weapon, just like the cultivation base of the fifth master in the Tianjun realm, can be used just like that.

"Wait, what does this young master mean to let you take it now?" Wang Kai frowned when he saw this, staring at him rather unkindly and snorted.

Hearing these words, the only excitement of the fifth family was exhausted again, and what was left was only endless despair and helplessness.

"Uh, senior, didn't you just say you would give me one?" the fifth master said rather speechlessly, holding the black long knife tightly like a treasure, how could he be willing to let go?
Seeing this scene, Wang Kai was really contemptuous to the extreme, and he was still the majestic Fengjiazhai, the seventh bandit gang of the ten major forces in Fushi River.

In the end, this is what a mere Tier [-] Celestial Warrior looks like.

"You Fengjiazhai, haven't you robbed anything good for many years?" Wang Kai asked in surprise, frowning.

As soon as this remark came out, the five masters immediately blushed, and they were even more ashamed and indignant in their hearts.

Indeed, as Wang Kai said, although Fengjiazhai is very famous in Fushi River, but for robbery, it depends on who the other party is.

Just like today, do you dare to mess with Fenghuaxueyuelou?

"To be honest, there is only one force in Fushi River that can see who is robbing whom, and that is the number one most wanted house." The fifth leader said.

Wanted house?
The first of the top ten forces in the Fushi River?
Anyone dare to rob?
"They are both top ten forces, why is there such a big gap? Alas, forget it, since you like it so much, you can take it away. In the eyes of this young master, these things are not even a fart. It's not that this young master is boasting. As long as this young master wants it, he can have trillions of pieces." Wang Kai shrugged and smiled with disdain.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Casually, there can be tens of thousands... billions of Heavenly Martial Divine Weapons?
In Tianzhou, all of them added up, not that much, right?
The Fifth Master was also stunned to hear it, and he never thought that Wang Kai could be so bragging, it's almost limitless.

"Well, and they are all the most powerful ninth-order." Wang Kai narrowed his eyes, and then smiled with a rather indifferent expression.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

Hearing these words of making up swords, the eyes of the Fifth Master suddenly protruded, and after dryly swallowing a mouthful of spit, he hurriedly said: "I didn't expect the senior to be so awesome. If there is a chance, I really want the senior to come to my wind." Let’s go to Jiazhai as a guest.”

"Well, although this young master is a busy person and a famous person, even the owner of the Nine Heavens Palace cries and calls for this young master to be a guest every day, but this young master will give you a face and will go Fengjiazhai took a look." Wang Kai nodded lightly and smiled.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

As soon as the words fell, the five masters were already dumbfounded on the spot, looking at Wang Kai in disbelief, they couldn't imagine why he would be so shameless and shameless?

What you said just now was obviously just a polite remark, okay?

If Wang Kai is really allowed to go to Fengjiazhai, is there still a problem?

(End of this chapter)

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