Need for bragging system

Chapter 695 - Awe-inspiring Justice

Chapter 695 - Awe-inspiring Justice
Mu Wanwan?elder sister?

Mu Sanniang's younger sister?
Wang Kai squinted his eyes, and after staring at Mu Wanwan, he quickly turned his eyes away. For some reason, those eyes that seemed to see through everything made people feel quite frightened.

As the saying goes, if you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door.

Unfortunately, Wang Kai thinks he has done too many bad things.

"Wanwan, why did you come out? Go back quickly! Don't disturb Young Master Kai!"

Seeing that Mu Sanniang looked anxious, she hurried forward and stopped Mu Wanwan's wheelchair.

"Sister, you don't need to let this pervert take advantage of you just to worry about Wanwan! Wanwan has lived for thousands of years without practicing, and Wanwan is enough." Mu Wanwan said with red eyes.

How many thousands of years have you lived without practicing?

"Fuck! Little girl Pianzi, your bragging ability is very strong!" Wang Kai immediately grinned, and even raised his thumb.

Although I don't know now, how long is the lifespan of the Tianjun realm.

But definitely not less than 5000 years.

But this little girl actually said that she lived thousands of years without practicing...

This makes those practitioners who practice hard all day, how to deal with themselves?

"I, Mu Wanwan, have lived for thousands of years and have never lied. You don't know, but you are ignorant!" Mu Wanwan sarcastically said with a look of disdain.

Regarding this, Wang Kai couldn't help being stunned, and quickly waved his hand to make a gesture. Under the prying eyes, he did find that Mu Wanwan really didn't have any cultivation.

"Kai Shao doesn't know something, Wanwan was born with a body of longevity, even if he doesn't practice, he can live for 1 years..."

As soon as Mu Sanniang said this, before she finished speaking, Wang Kai was already in shock, and his figure flickered again and again. When he came to Mu Wanwan, he raised his hand to caress her forehead and peeked at her. .


"Late night!"

Seeing this, Mu Wanwan couldn't resist, so she wanted to yell at her, but she was stopped by Mu Sanniang with helpless begging eyes.

Although Wang Kai's cultivation base is not strong, the strong man he summoned is too strong!
It can be said that as long as Wang Kai is angered, even if the forces behind him do not need to do anything, just a big summoning technique can wipe out Feng Hua Xue Yue Lou!

In Mu Sanniang's heart, the most important person and the person she wants to protect the most is Mu Wanwan.

Now that she appeared in front of Wang Kai, Mu Sanniang no longer dared to resist Wang Kai.

"The soul is normal, huh? No, it seems to be a little less, what's the matter?" Wang Kai raised his brows slightly, and asked with a rather surprised expression.

Could it be said that the formation of the body of longevity is because there is a little less soul than ordinary people?

This is too unconvincing, right?

"No, Wan Wan secretly practiced behind my back in the early years, resulting in disabled legs and incomplete soul..." Mu Sanniang whispered with red eyes.

Forcibly practicing secretly, resulting in disability of both legs and soul?

Hearing this, even Wang Kai was shocked on the spot.

"If you don't practice, you can have a lifespan of ten thousand years. If you practice, wouldn't it be like a tiger with wings? It should be more powerful, why is it that you are not as good as a normal person after practicing?" Wang Kai grinned, a little surprised asked.

"Asshole! You are not a normal person! A normal person would not do anything to threaten a woman!" Mu Wanwan scolded softly.

"Uh...Your sister is obviously the one who seduced me. If she hadn't been showing off her charm in front of me, I wouldn't have bothered to talk to her." Wang Kai rubbed his nose and said casually.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

"You are talking nonsense..."

Mu Wanwan's face was full of anger immediately, but just as she opened her mouth, Mu Sanniang gently covered her mouth again.

Looking at Mu Sanniang's teary eyes, Mu Wanwan tightly pursed her lips, lowered her head, and didn't dare to say another word.

"Master Kai, let's move to another place." Mu Sanniang said in a low voice, her lips tightly pressed together.

The matter has come to this point, Mu Sanniang has accepted her fate.

It is impossible to resist Wang Kai, struggling in vain will only cause unmanageable consequences.

"Sister, why don't you go to the master, the second master, and the third master?" Mu Wanwan suddenly said angrily.

Although Mu Sanniang did this to protect her, she still felt very angry and didn't want to burden Mu Sanniang like this.

Master master, second master, third master?
Wang Kai was stunned when he heard the words, he couldn't help touching his nose, and said with a curious smile: "You have quite a lot of masters, is there anyone with the surname Kang?"

Surname Kang?

"Asshole! My master is Xiang Wentian, the famous killer in the sixth domain! Second master is also the second strongest in the fifth domain, bone emperor, third master..."

"Okay! Wanwan, don't talk about it!"

Before Mu Wanwan finished speaking, Mu Sanniang interrupted with a wave.

"Why don't you say it! No matter how strong he is, he is definitely no match for the three masters!" Mu Wanwan scolded loudly.

Suddenly, I saw Wang Kai with his hands behind his back, and said with a rather indifferent expression: "You are simply underestimating Ben Shao, even if you have outstanding appearance and charming temperament, Ben Shao will not give in easily, um, of course , a righteous and dignified person like this young master will not threaten you or anything."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Sanniang and Mu Wanwan were startled when they heard it.

No matter how hard to believe, Wang Kai would say such words.

Awe-inspiring justice?Not intimidating?
So what are the various actions you made before?
"Young Master Kai, don't get angry. I'll send Wanwan back later." Mu Sanniang said with her lips pursed, and turned to push the wheelchair to leave.

Moreover, during this process, she no longer twisted her body, and the previous charming temperament completely disappeared.

Instead, there is endless loneliness and helplessness.

Seeing this scene, Wang Kai frowned, stepped forward, and slapped Mu Sanniang involuntarily, shaking Mu Sanniang's whole body.

"Let's leave you..."

Mu Sanniang bit her red lips tightly with her silver teeth, her face was so red that she could bleed.

In front of Mu Wanwan, being so frivolous by Wang Kai, it was really hard to pretend to be calm.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Mu Wanwan immediately became angry, turned around and stretched out her hand regardless, and tore Wang Kai's clothes.

"Uh, little girl, this young master is just telling your elder sister that you can't be dejected, you have to face it bravely and take responsibility. Moreover, this young master really doesn't mean much to your sister. There are too many beauties in the world. How can this young master?" Would you like your sister?" Wang Kai shrugged and smiled with disdain.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 100000 experience, and bragging is worth 100 point."

(End of this chapter)

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