Need for bragging system

Chapter 71 - The Cruelty of the Panacea

Chapter 71 - The Cruelty of the Panacea

"Hmph, Shenwu Academy is not strong enough to threaten Fanzhou!" The old man snorted coldly.

Wang Kai's expression was very strange when he heard the words, and he didn't expect his master to be so stubborn, so full of confidence that he didn't pay attention to Shenwu Academy at all, but thinking about how unpredictable the panacea is now, he still stepped forward and said: "Master, The realm of the spirit pill has reached a great level by devouring the spirit of Tongtian Pagoda, and the coercion alone can also shock and injure the master Lingshu..."

"Oh? The injury on your body was caused by that panacea?" The old man frowned. The coercion alone could injure the spirit pivot. Even if he was not as good as himself, it was impossible for him to be so weak.

At least, the old man believed that coercion alone would never hurt the spirit pivot.

Lingshu nodded bitterly, with a rather complicated look on his face, and sighed: "The realm of the spirit pill has reached the level of a middle-rank Martial King!"

Middle-rank Martial King, between fourth, fifth and sixth ranks!
"Absolutely impossible! The strongest in Fanzhou is no more than a third-rank Martial King! Only outsiders can reach the level of a middle-rank Martial King!" In the entire Fanzhou, excluding outsiders, they are already considered the strongest.

Wang Kai raised his brows, he couldn't help but think secretly, the other comers are talking about Master Zhichen, right?And Master Cat in Tongtian Tower... I didn't expect that big stupid cat to be so strong.

"In the land of Fanzhou, there are four outsiders, Nine Dragon Granny, Lord Baiyu, Senior Fu Bo and my Master, and there is no other person besides them. Due to spiritual power, he is definitely not an outsider! What's more, with Fandi guarding Fanzhou, outsiders dare not interfere with Fanzhou's affairs at will!" Lingshu said lightly.

The old man nodded solemnly when he heard the words, and said with a serious face: "Fan Emperor sealed Fanzhou with great mana, and no matter how strong the martial arts realm of outsiders was in the past, as long as they entered Fanzhou, they would all be suppressed at the top-rank level of Wuwang. The emperor is an existence beyond the realm of King Wu, and outsiders really dare not be presumptuous in Fanzhou, it seems that Tongtian Pagoda is also a foreign thing!"

"Old Marshal Wang is wise, Tongtian Pagoda was brought into the land of Fanzhou by my master more than 100 years ago. At that time, he accepted me and Lingdan as disciples. With the five major foreign families as the backbone, he created the Zhanwu School. The original intention was to recover from injuries in the Zhanwu Dynasty, but unexpectedly, more than 50 years ago, the old marshal led the army to destroy the Zhanwu Dynasty. Finally, the Zhanwu Academy was located in the Shenwu Dynasty and was renamed the Shenwu Academy. The old marshal did not know Tongtian Pagoda The matter is also within reason.”

Lingshu's eyes were full of memories. He had the honor to become Master Cat's apprentice back then, and he began to practice martial arts. It is not a small force, but now the years have passed, and the past is all gone like a cloud of smoke.

"Hmph, according to your opinion, the five great families are also outsiders? Why have I never heard of this matter? Besides, since your master is also an outsider, why haven't you seen him yet? Since The crisis was caused by his establishment of the school, so naturally he should come forward to solve it!" The old man snorted rather displeased, if he had known about this earlier, he would have chosen to destroy the Shenwu Academy back then.

Lingshu's face was a little stiff, and he said angrily: "My master is the cat senior who was suppressed in the Tongtian Tower. He has not recovered from his injuries, and was framed by the spirit pill more than 50 years ago. Shot it and severely wounded him, now I can only rely on disguise to deceive the evil spirit pill! I just found out about this! If I knew it earlier, I would definitely kill him before the spirit pill devours the weapon spirit!"

"Fan Di injured him severely? Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that your cat master is quite powerful, and can survive in the hands of Fan Di!" The old man exclaimed in shock.

The power of the Emperor Fan is definitely not comparable to that of the Martial King. Even a top-rank Martial King can be destroyed in front of the Emperor Fan.

But someone was able to survive in the hands of Emperor Fan, and this matter shocked the old man's heart.

"Well, the elixir is extremely insidious. It was designed to let Emperor Fan severely injure the master, and then forced me to step down in the name of the master, and secretly suppressed the seriously injured master. He has devoured the spirit for more than 50 years, and his strength has become unpredictable. Now I want to take advantage of the war between the Shenwu Dynasty and the Tianwu Dynasty, and use the blood of millions of troops to strengthen the strength of the master's power avatar, and turn the master's power avatar into a new weapon spirit of the Tongtian Tower in one fell swoop! This matter, I will definitely Stop it! I hope the old marshal can help!" Lingshu bent down and clasped his fists with a sincere expression.

"Fuck! This panacea is really a good plan! Not only does he devour the spirit to become himself, but he also needs to transform the big stupid... ahem, and the power of the cat predecessor, the black Elvis, into a new spirit. In this way, I am afraid that the real body of Senior Cat will be swallowed by the black Elvis, right?" Wang Kai couldn't help exclaiming, his expression was extremely exciting, he never thought that the panacea would be so ruthless.

The black Elvis is the most powerful avatar of Elvis Cat, transformed by the evil thoughts of Elvis Cat, if the strength is enhanced through the blood of war, once he surpasses Elder Cat who has not yet recovered from his injuries, he will surely swallow him successfully. In this way, he directly obtained all the abilities of Master Cat, and as long as he continues to recover from his injuries, he will even get Master Cat's original demon realm.

The two are one, whoever can control the body will be able to control the body!

Once the panacea plan is successful, Lord Cat will definitely become Tongtian Tower's new weapon spirit. In this way, Tongtian Tower will regain its original ability. Having a weapon spirit means having power!

"What kind of monster is the spirit pill? It's so vicious. It's frightening to think about it. However, compared with this young master, the gap is still like heaven and earth, and it's not on the same level at all." Wang Kai pouted, feeling a little embarrassed It's a big blow.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Well, it's not difficult." The old man sneered rather mysteriously.

Seeing this, Elder Lingshu's mouth twitched violently. He didn't expect that the grandpa and grandson were so similar, and they were so critical. One didn't forget to brag, and the other didn't care.

"Young master, I heard that tomorrow, you will compete with the direct descendant of the Beitang family. At that time, this old slave will follow you!"

Suddenly, Uncle Fu walked into the mansion from the outside. Beside him, Master Zhichen smiled and nodded slightly: "Hehe, the poor monk also wants to go to the Shenwu Academy for a while to understand the cause and effect." .”

"Senior Uncle Fu! This... ah! I don't know the master's name?" The elder Lingshu suddenly turned around and saluted Uncle Fu respectfully. When he looked at Zhichen, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he did not dare to neglect salute.

"Zhichen." Master Zhichen clasped his hands together and said with a gentle smile.

"Master Kai! Hahaha, I have decided to go to Florida to practice."

Fatty Liu shook his big belly, laughing vigorously and non-stop. Behind him, Can Ren and Leng Feng also appeared one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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