Need for bragging system

Chapter 74 - The Prince is Coming

Chapter 74 - The Prince is Coming

Wang Kai's face darkened when he heard this, and he scolded Xiao Lang hoof inwardly, if possible, he would naturally want to stay, but right now is definitely not the time to have fun, even if he stays a little longer, he will feel like sitting on pins and needles.

"Cough cough, Miss Lingxian is as pure as ice and jade, and she is so beautiful. I am the only one who can match you in today's world, but I will tell you the truth. There are indeed important matters in the mansion that need to be dealt with as soon as possible, so I'll leave it to you later." Let’s get together again today.” Wang Kai hurriedly bragged, and walked towards the stairs at an extremely fast speed.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, bragging is worth 1 point."

Seeing this, Li Lingxian hid his face and smiled coquettishly, his beautiful eyes were full of teasing, it was quite interesting to see Wang Kai's appearance like this.

"Master, did you really let him go like this?" Li Lingxian asked with a charming smile, her eyes flickering.

Lou Baiyu shook his head lightly, took a sip for himself, put down the glass slowly, looked at the night outside the window, and said with a faint smile: "He will be back soon."

Sure enough, in less than 200 breaths, Wang Kaihei climbed up to the third floor with a sullen face, extremely unwilling, because he left in a hurry just now, and when he came up again, he paid [-] million taels of silver ticket.

Accompanying him were two young men, His Royal Highness Wan Kong and the Prime Minister's Mansion Yu Wenhao!

Wang Kai wanted to leave Baiyulou as soon as possible, but he met the two of them as soon as he reached the first floor. If it was normal, he would not talk to them. The key point is that the owner of Baiyulou is on the third floor!

Now that the attack on Tianwu is imminent, the devil knows what kind of tricks Wan Kong and Yu Wenhao want to play.

"Master Kai, why did you come back again?" Li Lingxian teased with a coquettish smile, the meaning of teasing was beyond words.

Wang Kai glared at her viciously when he heard this, but he quickly recovered his smile, came to her in three steps, squinted his eyes and said with a smirk: "It's only because Miss Lingxian is too beautiful that I let this young lady be so beautiful. It's really hard to forget, even if we were apart for a while, this young master will be tortured by longing, but you should also feel lucky that you can make this young master such a favored son of heaven love you so much, which is enough to make countless beauties in the world envy."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Lingxian's beautiful eyes were immediately stunned, and she secretly ground her teeth in annoyance. The first few words were considered human, but the latter words were completely insulting in disguise.

Lou Baiyu couldn't help smiling, stretched out his hand and pointed to the chair, and smiled softly, "Since we're all here, let's sit down and talk."

"Your Excellency is the owner of Baiyu Building?" Prince Wankong's eyes flashed, and he came to the table and asked tentatively. When he saw Lou Baiyu nodding, he immediately looked in awe.

"Junior Wankong, I have met senior!"

"Junior Yu Wenhao, I have met senior!"

Wan Kong and Yu Wenhao saluted and greeted respectfully. In front of this person, even the kings of the Shenwu Dynasty were willing to bow down. There are only four such people in Fanzhou!

"Well, it's still a bit polite, much better than that little guy in the Marshal's Mansion." Lou Baiyu smiled lightly, and with a wave of his arms, the two chairs were slowly pulled out.

"Thank you senior!"

Seeing this, Wan Kong and Yu Wenhao believed more and more in their hearts that this person was the owner of Baiyulou, and immediately saluted and thanked him again, and immediately sat upright.

"Hmph, it's just two third-rate bastards, how can you be better than this young master? It's just that you can flatter. This young master is a good man who stands up to the sky, how can he kowtow to the strong like them, and kneel down to the powerful? Such etiquette can only be imposed on me by others!" Wang Kai looked extremely disdainful, snorted coldly, went straight to the other side of the table and sat down.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Presumptuous! How dare you speak nonsense in front of your seniors. For the sake of Marshal Wang being a hero of the Shenwu Dynasty, this prince doesn't care about it, just get out!" Prince Wan Kong frowned and scolded.

Wang Kai had disrupted the opportunity last time, which made the attack on Tianwu delayed until now. If it is destroyed again this time, I am afraid that the attack on Tianwu will not start smoothly.

"Are you talking to this young master? Believe it or not, this young master will give you a civet cat in exchange for the crown prince? It just so happens that this young master has a demon pet that can transform into thousands!" Wang Kai squinted his eyes, and a cold light appeared in his eyes. If necessary, He will never be merciful, even if he is the present prince!
Civet cat for prince?A demon pet with countless illusions?
Several people were stunned when they heard the words, and then they all came over suddenly, causing Prince Wankong to be furious, got up and scolded: "Bold! Do you think that the Shenwu Dynasty belongs to your royal family? Don't force the prince to kill you on the spot !"

"His Royal Highness! Everything must be based on the overall situation!" Yu Wenhao hurriedly got up to stop, frowning and whispering.

I can't help feeling a little worried in my heart, I don't know why, every time His Highness the Crown Prince confronts Shang Wang Kai, it will make his mood unstable, if this continues, I'm afraid it will ruin the big event.

Prince Wankong frowned tightly when he heard this, if he didn't need the help of Marshal's Mansion to attack Tianwu Dynasty, why should he care about a little Wang Kai?Thinking of this, his expression softened a little, he sat back in the chair, and said with a faint smile: "Wang Kai, you should leave quickly, the 200 million taels of silver note that I just delivered, I will give you ten times as much!"

Li Lingxian stood behind Lou Baiyu with his beautiful eyes twinkling, and the two of them watched quietly from the side from the beginning to the end, their faces were expressionless and there was nothing strange about it.

"Ten times? Hehe, His Highness Wan Kong will take it out and hand it over to Ben." Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, his expression extremely indifferent.

Give it to you first?Is it still like last time?

Prince Wankong's face darkened, because of this last time he was tricked by Wang Kai, if he fell for him again, where should he put his face as a prince?
"You go back to the Marshal's Mansion first, I will send someone to deliver the bank notes later!" Wan Kong said lightly.


Wang Kai glanced at him contemptuously, leaned his head back on the chair, pressed his legs on the table, both legs of the shaking chair were off the ground, waved his hands disdainfully, and said with a smile: "Forget it Well, what this young master has never liked the most is verbal agreement."

"If you are the crown prince, will you not keep your promise like you?" Wan Kong said coldly, clenching his hands into fists, wishing he could kill him immediately.

Seeing this, Yu Wenhao got up quickly, cupped his fists at Lou Baiyu and said, "Senior, since the crown prince has arrived, let's discuss the matter of attacking Tianwu."

"Yu Wenhao!" Wan Kong frowned and snorted coldly, his expression was rather displeased, very dissatisfied that he told this matter to Wang Kai.

Yu Wenhao shook his head lightly, and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness, if the owner of Baiyulou can agree to help, it is imperative to appoint generals. There is no need to conceal this matter. Come on, it can’t threaten our big event yet!”

(End of this chapter)

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