Need for bragging system

Chapter 81 - You Can Try It

Chapter 81 - You Can Try It
"No matter how exquisite your physical and martial skills are, so what? You still can't hurt the master of the young palace!" Beitang Wentian sneered disdainfully, and his body moved a little bit, turning into blue phantoms on the fighting platform, and on his body On the surface, the battle energy barrier is still glowing.

"Shock Fist!"

Wang Kai's figure suddenly appeared, his hands were clenched into fists and covered with fierce fighting spirit, his arm was bent and he slammed down suddenly, only hearing a crackling sound, the fighting spirit barrier was instantly smashed to pieces, and his fists continued unabated, viciously The ground smashed on Beitang Wentian's face, and immediately sent him flying on his back.

Beitang Wentian flew upside down for hundreds of meters, and fell on the stands. The disciples who watched the battle got up and ran away in fright. Hearing the crackling sound of bones breaking, everyone shuddered .

"You...I...Wow..." Beitang Wentian's body was twitching non-stop, and he couldn't speak clearly. Only blood kept flowing from the corner of his mouth. He wanted to use his fighting spirit to stand up, but suddenly found The fighting spirit cannot be activated, and the physical body is also convulsed and convulsed, which is difficult to control freely.

Shocking Qi Fist, which transforms fighting energy into dark energy to severely injure the enemy, once it hits, it can cause the warrior's fighting energy to become disorganized, making it difficult to run through it for a while.

Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing Beitang Wentian's miserable condition, he couldn't help but squeezed his palms, secretly praised the strength of Zhenqi Fist, such a martial skill would definitely be able to severely injure the enemy and make the enemy lose any resistance Excellent means!

"Congratulations to the host for successfully killing Beitang Wentian and gaining 3000 experience."

Hearing the reminder, Wang Kai was stunned for a moment, and looked at Beitang Wentian who fell on the stand in astonishment, and suddenly found that he was lying there quietly at the moment without moving a bit, and he had no breath at all.

"Is this the so-called young master of the Shenwu Academy? Before he put on an invincible posture, but now he can't even hold up a single punch from me. Tsk tsk, the Shenwu Academy is nothing more than that! As long as I am willing, It can be destroyed with a flick of a finger!" Wang Kai smiled lightly, with his hands behind his back, shaking his head and sighing again and again.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"God! The Young Palace Master... has fallen!"

"Impossible! How could the Young Palace Master... this!"

Many disciples watching the battle were dumbfounded on the spot. They never thought that Wang Kai would be so powerful. Not only did he kill Beitang Xu, the strongest fourth-generation descendant, but now even the Young Palace Master could not escape the fate of falling.

"Wang Kai! My Palace Master will definitely kill you!"

Suddenly, a shocking roar spread throughout the Shenwu Academy, the Shenwu Mountain in the town shook and shook, and all the disciples present vomited blood and fell to the ground.


I saw hundreds of figures appearing one after another high above the sky, and the leader was none other than the Palace Master of Shenwu Academy, Beitang Qianjun!

"Hehe, the young ones can't beat the old ones? It's not that I'm bragging, but I can send you into hell with just one look from me, just by relying on trash like you in martial arts!" Wang Kai said with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

As soon as this remark came out, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched fiercely, and they all admired a certain aspect of Wang Kai's five-body cast. They didn't expect that at this juncture, they could still brag, and they didn't show any fear at all.

"Ahem, but, because you are old, I won't bother with you, Uncle Fu, come on!" Wang Kai put his hands behind his back, his expression calm and indifferent.

"Fu Bo, the steward of the Marshal's Mansion! Do you really want to protect this son and become an enemy of my Shenwu Academy?" Beitang Qianjun said coldly, with a gloomy and terrifying expression, his eyes staring at Wang Kai like poisonous snakes, his fists clenched But he never dared to do it.

Uncle Fu didn't get up when he heard the words, but sat upright with a calm expression, and said indifferently: "You are not the strongest in the Shenwu Academy. Even if you step into the middle-rank Martial King, you are not qualified to fight this old man. Get lost!"

"Did you hear that? I tell you to get out! Haha, get out quickly! But young master Kai, how can you not count your words? Didn't I just say that I want to keep that Beitang Wentian? Now Grandpa Liu I can't teach him a good lesson!" Fatty Liu said regretfully, shaking his big belly.

"Bastard! The Liu family dares to be an enemy of the Shenwu Academy, damn it!"

Beitang Qianjun scolded angrily, not daring to be an enemy of Uncle Fu, but it didn't mean he didn't dare to touch the Liu family, a wave of coercion crushed him in the air.



Master Zhichen clasped his palms together and muttered lightly, immediately dispelling all the coercion, a golden Buddha seal in the shape of a swastika flipped in the air, knocking Beitang Qianjun back a few steps immediately, spraying blood on the spot So miserable.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned and speechless for a long time. They never thought that Shenwu Academy can't even touch a small Liu family now!

"I don't know why Master came to Shenwu Academy?"

Elder Lingdan appeared from high above, and cast a cold glance at Beitang Qianjun.

"Amitabha, Zi Neng is a disciple of Buddhism, Wang Shenwu Academy, don't embarrass the Liu family! The poor monk came here just to warn this matter, and he will leave the land of Fanzhou soon, and will not interfere in the affairs of Fanzhou!" Wisdom Master Chen clasped his hands together and smiled lightly.

Elder Lingdan's eyes flickered when he heard the words, he nodded with a rather pleasant smile and said, "So that's the case, master, please rest assured, no matter what happens to Fanzhou in the future, Shenwu Academy will never hurt the Liu family in the slightest!"

"That's good! Zi Neng, let's go." Master Zhichen put his hands together and smiled, a golden light appeared around his body, and at the same time as he stepped into the air, Fatty Liu was also driven up.

"Master Kai! Remember to come to Florida to find me!" Fatty Liu suddenly shouted.


Suddenly, Beitang Qianjun's eyes turned hard, and he suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew down.


Elder Lingdan frowned when he saw this, and with a flip of his hands, he captured Beitang Qianjun back to the sky.

"Spirit pill!" Beitang Qianjun's face was gloomy.

"Don't be reckless, if I hadn't stopped you just now, you would have fallen by now!" Elder Lingdan sternly reprimanded through voice transmission.

"Master, the matter here is over, we should go back to Wangcheng." Uncle Fu slowly got up and smiled.

Hearing this, Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, cast a contemptuous glance at Beitang Qianjun, and said with disdain: "The palace master of the Divine Martial Arts Palace is so shameless to serve a monster as his subordinate!"



When Beitang Qianjun heard that the elixir had stopped drinking again, the veins on his forehead bulged out of anger, he swung his sleeve suddenly, rolled up Beitang Wentian's body, turned around and walked away, followed by hundreds of elders Then disappeared.

"Hehe, Senior Uncle Fu, I hope you will be able to participate in the battle in three days, otherwise..." Elder Lingdan smiled faintly, with a cold look in his eyes.

Uncle Fu put his hands behind his back when he heard the words, and said calmly: "If you have that ability, you can try it!"

Immediately, Fu Bo grabbed Leng Feng and Can Ren and stepped into the air, followed by Wang Kai and Liu Yao.

Only the corpses of nearly a hundred elders and many disciples of the Shenwu Academy with dull expressions were left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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