Need for bragging system

Chapter 83 - Going out

Chapter 83 - Going out
"Hmph, the majestic Marshal's Mansion is the commander of the army of millions of martial arts, and he arrived at the latest. In my opinion, the commander should be handed over, and another capable person will be selected!"

Wanliu, the second son of Tiantian King, wearing armor and holding a long knife, riding on an armored horse, snorted coldly with an extremely disdainful expression.

Beside him, there are also hundreds of strong men following him, all of whom are at the lowest level of Wu Zong.

"Wan Shizi's words are wrong. The old marshal of the Marshal's Mansion led the army to destroy the Zhanwu Dynasty. Now he is late. I think it is because it has been too comfortable for more than 50 years." Li Chengfeng sneered. The Li family is the first, and also leads hundreds of strong men, but most of them are generals.

Wang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and looked at the numerous teams present. Wanliu led the Tiantian Palace, Xiaopeng Wang led the Dapeng Palace, Yu Wenhao from the Prime Minister's Palace, and Liu Yao from the National Teacher's Palace. The Liu family, the head of the family, was not present, only the Li family, the Su family and the Xu family were present.

The forces led by the two palaces are the strongest, on par with the marshal's palace, Yu Wenhao is the only one in the Prime Minister's Palace, and Liu Yao is the only one in the National Teacher's Palace. As for the four great families, they are all generals.

"It's not enough for you to be taught by this young master in the Shenwu Academy, right?" Wang Kai looked playful, with his hands behind his back, he went straight to Wanliu's war horse, and slapped it with his palm.


I saw the iron armored horse fell to the ground directly by Wang Kai's slap, and Wan Liu on top was even more unstable, fell to the ground, rolled over a few times, jumped up, drew out his long knife and pointed, sternly He scolded: "Presumptuous! On the way out of the army, you dare to attack the people in the army without authorization. This has violated the military regulations! Come, someone, take him down for me!"


Two figures flashed out one after another, the blue battle aura gathered, and the fists were fierce, one left and one right surrounded Wang Kai.

"Top-rank Martial Ancestor? Transformation!"

Seeing this, Wang Kai looked extremely disdainful, and his figure disappeared immediately when he moved his footsteps.

When Wang Kai appeared again, he suddenly came in front of Li Chengfeng, and with the same slap, he knocked the horse to the ground, and Li Chengfeng was thrown tens of meters away, spitting blood Even worse than Wanliu.

"Bastard! General of the Li family, arrest this thief who violated the military regulations!" Li Chengfeng roared loudly with a bluish complexion.


Several figures flashed out of the Li family's team, but before they got close to Wang Kai, they were all vomited blood and flew flying due to the coercion of the Zongjing.

"However, in the realm of a general, you dare to attack this young master?" Wang Kai sneered disdainfully, and stepped back to the side of the old man of the marshal's mansion.

And the two high-rank Wu Zong who suppressed the Heavenly King's Mansion frowned slightly when they saw this, seeing the many strong men behind the Marshal's Mansion, they didn't dare to step forward for a while.

"Stop it all, I have passed the tiger order to Kai'er. From now on, he will be the commander of the Shenwu Army, and I will be my assistant! You are also my assistant! Dare to disrespect the commander, just now is a punishment, if you dare to mess around again, Don't let it go lightly!" The old man said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions immediately changed. If they didn't expect it, the coach Hu Ling actually fell into Wang Kai's hands!
"Old Marshal, this is not a trifling matter. There are millions of martial arts troops, how can you choose someone for the position of commander at will?" Yu Wenhao hurriedly jumped off his horse, came to the old man, bent over to dissuade him respectfully.

"I hope the old Marshal's Mansion will think twice before acting!"

The three great aristocratic families and everyone in the Zhentian Palace clasped their fists together with firm expressions.

"Shenwu army? Millions of giants? Are you insane? There are only many strong men in Wangcheng here, but there are more than a thousand, but where do millions come from?" Wang Kai raised his brows and said rather puzzled .

I saw Xiaopeng Wang Pengjiu jumped off his horse, came to Wang Kai's side, and said in a low voice: "Brother Wang, a million troops have already confronted the Tianwu Dynasty at the border. The old master and King Zhentian, as well as my father and prince The Patriarchs of the three great families led by His Highness are already in the borderlands!"

"This matter has been decided, and it cannot be changed! Those who are in the realm of King Wu, follow me to the frontier. Kaier, you lead the rest of the people to the territory of the original Zhanwu Dynasty, and dispatch the royal army to the left. Suppress the Tianwu Dynasty!" The old man ordered sharply, and as soon as the words fell, he stepped into the air, followed by the twelve strong martial kings behind him.

The Wu Wang powerhouses of Zhentian Wangfu and Dapeng Wangfu were also accompanied by Takong.

"The territory of the original Zhanwu Dynasty...cough cough, where is it?" Wang Kai laughed rather awkwardly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was immediately speechless.

"As for the commander-in-chief, let all parties discuss and decide after arriving at the border, go out!" Yu Wenhao said lightly, turning over and riding on his horse.

Wanliu, the second son of Tiantian King, glanced at Wang Kai contemptuously, waved his arm and shouted, "Suppressing Tianwang Mansion, follow Brother Yuwen, and go out to the army!"

"The Li family obeys orders, follow Brother Yuwen, and go out to the army!"

"The Xu family..." "The Su family..."

In a short while, under the leadership of Yu Wenhao, Zhentian Wangfu and the three great families all galloped up on horses.

"Aren't you going with them?" Wang Kai rubbed his nose, and looked at King Xiaopeng on the side quite playfully.

King Xiaopeng was disdainful when he heard the words, and said lightly: "They are not qualified to let me follow!"

"Wang Kai, why are you still chatting there? Why don't you go out quickly?"

Liu Yao, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke at this moment, her beautiful face was full of indifference.

Seeing this, Wang Kai shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly: "Since we are all Wu Zong experts, wouldn't it be faster to walk through the air?"

"Hey, we are not as powerful as the King of Martial Arts. If we walk through the air and reach the destination, I am afraid that the warriors of the ninth rank of Wu Zong will be exhausted. If we encounter troubles again , hehe..." King Xiaopeng laughed in a low voice.

Is there still something to stop it?
Wang Kai raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and said with a faint smile: "Then... let's go to the army, King Xiaopeng, you will lead the way."

King Xiaopeng nodded speechlessly, sighed secretly in his heart, if his father hadn't asked him to follow Wang Kai, he really wanted to leave immediately.

"Follow him too, my fiancée and I will be behind!" Wang Kai said with a smile on his face. After the many strong men in the Marshal's Mansion disappeared, he ran to Liu Yao's side.

"My fiancée, that... I didn't bring the horse out, can I..." Wang Kai said with a smile.

Liu Yao slightly frowned upon hearing this, and hummed rather coldly: "Get on the horse!"


Wang Kai was overjoyed immediately, turned over and jumped, and sat directly behind Liu Yao, wrapping his hands around her waist involuntarily, feeling the softness and the fragrant smell coming from his nose, and immediately felt comfortable. He hummed secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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