Need for bragging system

Chapter 9 - The Power of the Bloodline

Chapter 9 - The Power of the Bloodline

"How is it? Our young lady is amazing, right? Hee hee, she is my idol." Yue'er pursed her lips and smiled.

Wang Kai pursed his lips when he heard the words, nodded in agreement and said: "Well, it's quite...why are you still here!"

Only then did I realize that standing behind me was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, wearing a green dress, with a delicate face and an extremely attractive face, especially those big naughty eyes, blinking He blinked and laughed at himself.

"I want to stay and watch you instead of Miss, otherwise what will you do if you go to Baiyu Tower again?" Yue'er stuck out her tongue angrily.

Send a servant girl to watch over me?
Wang Kai raised his eyebrows involuntarily, turned around with squinted eyes, looked her up and down carefully, held Yue'er to his chest and kept backing away, his big eyes were flickering, and he was really scared in his heart .

"What are you looking at? The lady said that Yue'er was born beautiful, and the man who looked at me lewdly is definitely not a good thing. When you meet such a person, just tell the lady, and the lady will clean up for Yue'er!" Yue Er pouted, pretending to be a strong threat.

There were black lines on Wang Kai's forehead, he glanced at her lightly, and said disdainfully with his mouth curled up: "If you want breasts or butt or butt, what's there to look at?"

"You bastard! You obviously looked so carefully just now." Yue'er blushed angrily, pointed at him and clenched her silver teeth.

"Who's looking at you, I'm looking at the beauty behind you, tsk tsk, she's so beautiful." Wang Kaishen praised again and again.

"where is it?"

Yue'er frowned, and quickly turned around to look, only to find that there was no beauty there?There are quite a few aunts selling green vegetables. When they turned around, where was the shadow of Wang Kai in front of them?Immediately realized that he was cheated, pouted his lips and snorted coldly: "Miss is really right, this Wang Kai is a hateful bastard, if he can run away from a monk, can he still run into a temple? Hmph!"


Marshal's House.

Wang Kai laid his hands behind his back leisurely, walked into the gate of the mansion humming a little song, looked at the guards standing on both sides, suddenly became angry, and said coldly: "Didn't you say that you gave this young man outside the Baiyu Tower last night? Are you looking out for the wind? How come Miss Liu has gone, and you don’t know to come up and report? Do you still have the face to go back to the house now?"

"Master, we had already returned home in the early hours of the morning. Uncle Fu said it's fine to let you stay there by yourself." A few guards said with tears in their eyes. I went up with him, and now I don’t even cry anymore.

Uncle Fu actually went there last night?
Wang Kai was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, thinking that Uncle Fu had killed countless enemies in the battlefield, and when he returned to Wangcheng, he was also entangled in the affairs of the mansion, so it was right to go to Baiyulou for entertainment at night, so he nodded immediately and took small steps left.

In a courtyard with a beautiful scenery, Wang Kai walked in happily, looked at the surrounding scene, and felt extremely proud. Although he was not worth as much as that of Prince Wankong, but thinking about his identity and the courtyard he owned , is not bad.

"Master, I heard that you have reached the rank nine martial artist, but you have activated the power of blood?"

In the middle of the courtyard, Uncle Fu was sitting at the stone table, when he saw Wang Kai coming in, he asked with a light smile.

"Uncle Fu, why are you in my courtyard?" Wang Kai was taken aback for a while, but when he saw Uncle Fu's bewildered expression, he immediately acted as if he knew me, sat opposite him, and turned upside down. Tea smiled and said, "Uncle Fu's stature is really the same as before. After working all night in Baiyulou, he still looks like a youth. I really admire him."

Baiyulou?Toil all night?When you are young?
Uncle Fu's face darkened, and he suddenly understood, he blew his beard and stared angrily, and snorted coldly: "Master, you are really capable now, you even dare to make jokes about old slaves!"

"Ah? How can it be said that you are joking? Just now the guards said that you went to Baiyu Tower last night. In such a place, besides looking for women, what else can you do?" Wang Kai said winkingly.

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's talk about business, have you activated the power of blood? How many levels have you reached?" Fu Bo asked with a frown.

The power of blood?
Wang Kai's face was full of doubts. If you talk about martial arts, you still have some understanding, but the power of this blood has never appeared in his memory. He shook his head and said: "Fu Bo, I don't even have the power of blood. I know, how can I open it?"

"Without the power of the bloodline, I can become a ninth-rank martial artist overnight..." Uncle Fu frowned even tighter. Rao has never encountered such a situation in his life as a martial artist, even if he is a genius, it is impossible Do such a horrible thing?

"Could it be because the level of blood power is too high, and he deliberately concealed it?" Fu Bo pondered for a while, his brows gradually relaxed, and now it can only be like this, recalling what Wang Kai did before, until now. The door of martial arts opened wide, and I couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"The young master has really grown up."

Wang Kai watched from the side for a while, and didn't know what kind of ideological struggle Uncle Fu was doing, but looking at him, it seemed that it had been resolved, so he asked curiously: "Uncle Fu, what is the matter?" For the power of blood?"

"Hmph, I'm still pretending. Forget it. Since the young master chose to hide it, then follow him." Fu Bo glanced at him playfully, and said lightly: "The power of blood is the qualification of a warrior." As well as future achievements, it is the key to defeating the enemy and winning the battle!"

"Just like the young master...cough cough, just like some late blooming warriors in the world, they have never practiced martial arts at first, but when the power of the bloodline is activated, they can use the power of the bloodline to break through and become warriors in one fell swoop, and the power of the bloodline The level of power is related to the future achievements of this person."

"For example, once the lowest level of blood power is activated, it proves that the person's lifelong achievements can only stop at the realm of martial arts! If it is level two, it means that he can reach the realm of martial arts; General! As long as the level of blood power is determined, this person will definitely reach the corresponding level of martial arts, of course, blood power also has a special ability!"

Speaking of this, Uncle Fu's expression became more and more playful. Seeing Wang Kai listening with great interest and looking forward to it, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, secretly thinking that the young master is very good at bragging. The ability to pretend to be stupid is not bad.

"Any other special abilities?" Wang Kai asked quickly.

"Leapfrog to kill the enemy!" Fu Bo said indifferently.

Leapfrog to kill the enemy!
Wang Kai's complexion suddenly changed, and he was extremely excited. If he activated the power of blood and possessed the ability to kill enemies by leapfrogging, wouldn't he be so awesome?
"Just like the usefulness of martial arts, in a fight between warriors of the same realm, the strength of the martial arts can determine the advantage of one side, and the power of bloodline can kill the enemy by leapfrogging. If the bloodline is at the second level, it will be two grades higher, and if it is a bloodline at the tenth level... then it can kill the enemy at a higher level!" Fu Bo said.

The words are not amazing and die endlessly!
(End of this chapter)

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