Need for bragging system

Chapter 92 - The Great Army

Chapter 92 - The Great Army
"Suppressing Heavenly King, are you really going to be the eternal sinner of the Shenwu Dynasty?"

A thunderous shout exploded in the air, and the king of the Shenwu Dynasty, Shangwan Batian, stepped into the air, his majestic Chinese character face was full of violence at the moment, and above his head, there was a statue holding a pair of hammers in his hand. fierce giant.

"Brother Wang, it has been a hundred years since my father passed on the throne to you. Now it is time for me to sit on the throne of the Shenwu Dynasty. Hehe, if you want to blame it, it is your overconfidence. Perish here today!"

Facing the void, stood two middle-aged men in armor. One of them had thick eyebrows, big eyes and beards. He was extremely burly and sturdy. A giant with two hammers was suspended above his head.

This person is the Shenwu Dynasty—the King of Heaven!

"Haha, the two of us joined hands to quickly kill this deposed king. From then on, there will only be two kings in the land of Fanzhou. The first is the Zhentian Dynasty, and the second is naturally my Tianwu Dynasty!"

Another middle-aged man laughed loudly. He was wearing a tiger skin, with half of his chest exposed. There were scars all over his chest, his muscles were bulging, and his face was fierce and frightening.

This person is the king of the Tianwu Dynasty—Tuoba Kuang!

"Brother Tuoba, you haven't revealed the law of heaven and earth so far, how can you kill him quickly with me alone?" Suppressing Tianwang snorted rather displeased.

Tuoba Kuang grinned ferociously when he heard the words, and threw a long spear into the sky, then spread his arms wide open, raised his head and laughed wildly: "Haha, if that's the case, then let's make a quick decision! The law of heaven and earth, heavy gun! "

In an instant, the long spear above Tuoba Kuang's head instantly turned into a thousand-meter giant spear, which was tens of meters thick, like a huge stick, suspended in the sky like that, with the point of the spear pointing directly at Wan Ba sky!

"Heavy sharp gun! Today I want to see whether your gun is heavier or my king's giant hammer is stronger!" Wan Batian smiled coldly, and immediately killed him with a little step.

The double-hammer giant floating above his head, similar to Wan Batian's movements, waved the giant hammer and followed up with the attack.

At the same time, in the center of the battlefield below, Prince Wankong was covered in blood in his battle armor, holding a long sword in his hand and fighting continuously. Behind him, hundreds of royal Wuzong powerhouses followed him, and they were fighting with the prince of Tianwu Dynasty, Tuoba. compete fiercely with each other.

"His Royal Highness, I'm late!"


Holding the folding fan in his hand, Yu Wenhao suddenly opened it, black sharp blades pierced out backwards, he leaped down with his feet in the air, and came straight to the side of Prince Wankong.

"Is Wang Kai still safe? Have Wang Shuaishan's 20 vanguard troops been invited?" Prince Wankong's eyes were bloodshot. It's just tired of resisting.

Now Prince Wankong has mixed feelings in his heart, he never imagined that a mere king Kai would actually be the key to winning or losing the war!
But right now, they have to place their hopes on Wang Kai, if Wang Kai encounters misfortune, the Marshal's Mansion will definitely not take action!

Then, it means that the Shenwu Dynasty will definitely be destroyed!

"His Royal Highness, please make amends! If I could have figured out earlier that the Shenwu Academy has joined hands with the Tianwu Dynasty, the Shenwu Dynasty would not be in such a precarious situation!" Yu Wenhao said guiltily.

Prince Wankong didn't get entangled in this matter when he heard the words, but asked again with a stern expression: "Is Wang Kai still safe? Has Wang Shuaishan's 20 troops been invited?"

"Wang Kai is safe and sound, 20 troops are rushing here!" Yu Wenhao was stunned, and immediately clasped his fists in response.

"Come here! Quickly tell Marshal Wang about this matter, and invite him to fight!" Prince Wankong's face was filled with joy, and he immediately gave the order with a big smile.

"Yes! His Royal Highness!"

Immediately, a strong Martial King stepped into the air and turned into a streamer of light.

"Hmph, it really is the dynasty of the defeated army. Seeing that the battle is about to lose, even the strong King Wu has fled!"

A young man in his 20s was full of contempt, wearing a tiger skin and holding two big knives, his face was extremely tough and rough.

This person is the crown prince of Tianwu Dynasty - Tuoba Lie!

"Prince, do you want to intercept and kill the escaped King Wu?" A strong King Wu asked in a low voice.

Tuoba Lie waved his hand in disdain when he heard the words, pointed at Wankong with a long knife, and shouted loudly: "Don't chase after the poor! First take off the head of the prince of the Shenwu Dynasty to sacrifice wine! Kill!"


In an instant, under the leadership of Tuoba Lie, countless armies followed. After repeated battles, the 140 million army lost about 20, but now there are still 120 million left.

On the side of Prince Wankong of the Shenwu Dynasty, with an army of 70, the remaining loss is less than 30!
"It seems that a change has occurred, and the Marshal's Mansion has joined the battle!"

Beside the giant golden tower, the Elder Lingdan frowned, and looked coldly at Marshal Wang who rushed into the battle zone, as well as many powerful generals in the Marshal's Mansion.

"Hehe, it's not that simple? I'm going to do it myself now and wipe out the Marshal's Mansion!" Peacock Daming Emperor sneered.

Elder Lingdan immediately stopped shouting when he heard the words, and said sharply: "No! If Uncle Fu, the housekeeper of the Marshal's Mansion, is alarmed, this event will be unpredictable!"

"Hmph! But how strong can a mere butler in the land of Fanzhou be? Even if the realm of the emperor is suppressed at the peak of King Wu, in the land of Fanzhou, except for that Emperor Fan, there is no opponent at all!" The Peacock Daming Emperor said disdainfully, and immediately swooped down towards the many strong men in the Marshal's Mansion.

"Peacock Great Ming Emperor! If you don't want the Tongtian Pagoda to fail to restore the spirit, come back quickly!" the Elder Lingdan snapped.

Peacock Daming Emperor's eyes turned hard when he heard the words, and he walked back slowly, his expression indifferent: "Lingdan, don't forget who I am!"

"Senior Peacock Daming Emperor, big things are about to come true at this time, don't ruin the overall situation because of small things, just now Ling Dan was just too worried, and said something rude in a hurry, I hope you don't care about it!" Elder Ling Dan lowered his head and cupped his fists and said, coldly It flashed in the eyes.

Boom!Bang bang bang!
Boom!Bang bang bang!
Suddenly, bursts of drums resounded like thunder, accompanied by waves of extremely majestic coercion, as well as that terrifying momentum, the armies on both sides of the battlefield that were shocked immediately stopped their movements involuntarily, and they all looked shocked. looked up to the sky.

"Wang Kai!"


"Liu Yao!"

"Kong Rou!"

"Wang Shuaishan 20 Pioneers!"

In an instant, exclamations were heard endlessly. The legend about Wang Shuaishan's 20 army has already spread throughout Fanzhou. What I saw now, the Tianwu Dynasty's army was immediately frightened, and my heart beat wildly.

"Yo, the fight was quite fierce?" Wang Kai stood with his feet in the air, his hands behind his back, looked down indifferently, and smiled softly.

On the side, Liu Yao's white dress was fluttering, her figure was graceful and elegant, like an immortal descending from the nine heavens.

Behind him, all black armored soldiers stood in uniform, all holding black spears and pointing to the sky, the seven generals of Wu Wang with white cloaks and silver spears were very powerful, two banners of handsome kings were waving in the wind, and the handsome drums on both sides were booming ring.

The momentum filled the air and crushed down, and the oppressive army below was all suffocated.

(End of this chapter)

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