Need for bragging system

Chapter 94 - 8 Doors Open

Chapter 94 - The Eight Doors Open
"Bastard! Peacock Emperor Ming, hurry up and capture this son!" Nine Dragon Granny snapped, her wrinkled face was full of coldness.

Peacock Daming Emperor's face became more and more livid when he heard the words, even the Liu family's Jiulong mother-in-law, who was so enraged, had no intention of beheading Wang Kai, but let himself capture him!
He couldn't help but think of Fu Bo, the old housekeeper of the Marshal's Mansion that Ling Dan mentioned before, and he must have a great background!And it is an existence that can challenge Granny Jiulong!
First it was the Liu Family in Wuzhou, and now there is another Marshal's Mansion who doesn't know where!

"Return Rou'er to the Emperor, Ben... I am willing to leave Fanzhou immediately!" Peacock Daming Emperor gritted his teeth and said, he really didn't want to stay here, for fear of messing with someone, which would make it difficult for him in Yaozhou. Survive.

Wang Kai nodded lightly when he heard this, threw Kong Rou over with his backhand, and said with a calm smile: "Emperor Peacock Daming, you are very knowledgeable about current affairs, no matter how powerful the Liu family in Wuzhou is, in front of this young master, you are as fragile as a newborn baby! "

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."


Under the control of Liu Yao's thoughts, the bundled king cable turned into a golden thread and floated over, directly submerging into the hair.

"Damn bastard! Don't let Miss Ben see you in the future!" Kong Rou's pretty face was annoyed, and she cursed with her silver teeth clenched.


The Peacock Daming Emperor frowned, grabbed Kong Rou, and immediately disappeared into the sky in a stream of light. In his heart, he had already regarded the land of Fanzhou as the last place he could not come to. Only now did he understand why the land of Fanzhou was so Weak, but no one came here!

"Hehe, Jiulong mother-in-law, you just said that this young master is a weak waste and can only hide behind women, but I don't know that my fiancée's actions are not to protect this young master, but to protect this young master from the friendship of the same family. Senior Brother Bailong!" Wang Kai smiled lightly with his hands behind his back.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

As soon as this remark came out, Granny Jiulong was taken aback immediately, and even Lou Baiyu who was beside her narrowed her eyes, watching quite curiously.

"Don't talk nonsense anymore. You are only at the fourth level of blood power, and you are in Wu Zong. If you can't improve your blood power in other ways, you can only stay in Wu Zong's realm in this life! If you fight against Bailong, you You must die!" Liu Yao said through voice transmission with a cold face.

Wang Kai raised his brows when he heard the words, and did not choose to pass the sound transmission into the secret, but said bluntly: "Master fiancee, step aside and watch from the side, how your husband abused this White Dragon Wu King, um, just one Just a sword!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through the realm and reaching the first-rank Martial King realm."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully improving the power of the bloodline and reaching the fifth-level bloodline!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully reaching the realm of Martial King, and unlocking the talent of the law, myriad transformations!"

A series of reminders made Wang Kai's head jump when he heard it, and his expression became more and more confident. Just now, as the ninth rank of Wu Zong, even relying on the power of blood, he could not deal with the strong Wu Wang. After all, only the power of tenth level blood can Can cross a large realm against the enemy.

But now that he has successfully broken through the realm of Martial King, relying on the power of the upgraded fifth-level bloodline, he is enough to fight against the sixth-rank Martial King!
In addition to the eight-door Dunjia, it is not difficult to fight the seventh-rank Martial King!

"Wang Kai! Don't mess around!" Liu Yao scolded coldly.

"Hmph, ordinary people in Fanzhou who don't know what is good or bad, if you fight Bailong, you will be killed in one move!" Nine Dragon Granny said disdainfully.

Wang Kai's face darkened immediately when he heard this, it seems that he is not so strong in Liu Yao's mind, so he must help her change her mind!
"Wanhua Dharma! The deity comes!"

In an instant, above Wang Kai's head, a huge figure emerged, wearing a white robe fluttering in the wind, with the same expression and appearance as Wang Kai!
The law of heaven and earth!Martial King Realm!
Such a scene immediately caused Granny Jiulong's pupils to shrink suddenly, and the wrinkled hands that were leaning on the dragon's crutches trembled slightly.

No matter how hard it is to believe, Wang Kai is actually a strong man in the realm of King Wu!
"Hehe, this way, it's a good show!" Lou Baiyu narrowed his eyes and chuckled, his expression full of surprise.

"Hehe, that heartbroken man is really a narcissistic guy, it's his true self that even condenses the laws of heaven and earth."

In the void in the distance, Li Lingxian, who was fighting fiercely with the black tiger, smiled coquettishly, and glanced at the giant on top of the king's head with beautiful eyes.

Liu Yao's beautiful face was full of disbelief at the moment, she stared blankly at Wang Kai's face, feeling the coercion of the aura released by him, it was astonishingly in the realm of a Martial King!
"My fiancée, my husband has already reached the realm of Wuwang ten years ago, but it's too dazzling and I don't want to show off too much. Just step aside and let my husband come to see how strong the young generation of Wuzhou is! "Wang Kai put his hands behind his back and smiled indifferently.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully bragging, gaining 1000 experience, and bragging is worth 1 point."

Liu Yao nodded slightly when she heard the words, automatically ignored Wang Kai's preface, stared at Wang Kai's firm and confident expression, put away her long sword and stepped lightly, and retreated to the void in the distance.

Ten years ago, it was already the realm of the Martial King?Doesn't that prove that Wang Kai reached the peak state of Fanzhou when he was five or six years old?

If you say this, will anyone believe it?

"Haha! As expected of Wang Cheng blowing the gods!" Lou Baiyu couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing on the spot.

Granny Jiulong's wrinkled face was full of coldness, she tapped her dragon's crutch vigorously, and said indifferently: "What can you do even if you reach the realm of Martial King? It's just a mere first rank. If you don't have the power of bloodline above level six, you still can't do it." Confronting the white dragon, mere ordinary people in Fanzhou..."

However, Granny Jiulong stopped in the middle of her words, and looked at Wang Kai in horror.

"Eight doors Dunjia! Open all eight doors!"

In an instant, streams of red air and black air lingered around him, and Wang Kai's aura also surged crazily at this instant!

Just in the blink of an eye, he suddenly reached the coercion of the seventh rank of Martial King!
"The seventh door of wounds burns blood, the eighth door of death burns soul, the taste is really good..." Wang Kai murmured hoarsely, his eyes were red and his veins were bulging all over his body. Demon gods are generally terrifying and frightening.

The red air flow is caused by the burning blood!
The black air flow is caused by the burning of the soul!
"You...why did you use such a suicide method!" Liu Yao's face suddenly changed, her voice was no longer cold, but extremely annoyed.

Hearing this, Wang Kai's expression was indifferent, with his hands behind his back, he laughed hoarsely and said: "If you are a man, you can't even protect your own woman! If you need to stand behind a woman in everything, then you are not Wang Kai!"

"Men! When it's time to be strong, you must not be weak!"

(End of this chapter)

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