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Chapter 194 The Great Emperor Arrives and Begins to Clear the Field

Chapter 194 The Great Emperor Arrives and Begins to Clear the Field (Please Subscribe for a Monthly Pass)

"No problem!" Yuhuatian replied confidently.

At this time, the Phantom Demon Emperor brought a group of people to an open space beside Xingyue Lake, looking at the calm lake in front of them, they didn't make any movements.

Apparently, they also know that what exists in this Xingyue Lake is only the first gate. As for whether it can be opened to enter the real forbidden area, we have to wait for other people to come.

After all, no one wants to be cannon fodder.


"Old man Xuying, you demons came very early!"

At this time, a hearty laugh sounded.

Then, a bright golden light erupted in the distance of Xingyue Lake, just like the sun, bright and dazzling.


"This golden light blinds my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!"

"Hiss, what kind of power is this person, there is such a battle."

A group of melon-eating disciples below looked up at the past one after another, and they seemed to have a guess about the power that came.

Looking at the luxurious attire, only the Celestial Dynasty of the human race can have such a big pomp.

As the strongest Celestial Dynasty of the human race, it has mastered the domain with the most abundant aura resources among the five major domains of the human race.

In an instant.

The golden light slowly dissipated, and on one side of the sky, a huge golden carriage fell down.

There were probably dozens of people who followed the carriage, and everyone was wearing gold armor with a golden sword on their waist.

With this equipment alone, before fighting the enemy, it can blind their eyes with the dazzling light.

"Commodity emperor soldier, golden carriage?"

"Sure enough, they are from the Celestial Dynasty of the Human Race!"

After confirming the identities of these people, the people of both races present gasped.

Seeing that each of them was wearing gold armor, and there were rich reserves of elixir in the jade bottle around their waists, the corners of the mouths of this group of people who had eaten up were all twitched, and their faces were full of envy.

This is so inhumane!

"Hey, old man Xuying, I heard that you demons have found another human emperor weapon? How about I exchange five sixth-grade pills with you?"

The leader was a white-haired old man who landed on a cliff opposite the demon clan with everyone from the Celestial Dynasty, and said lightly.

The white-haired old man is one of the five emperors who entered the forbidden area this time, the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, the Luo family emperor.

"Five sixth-grade pills?"

Hearing this, even Hou Tian couldn't help being moved in his heart, let alone those people of small power.

He didn't expect that this Celestial Dynasty was so rich.

According to Han Ruoshuang's introduction, this great emperor surnamed Luo is not a very important one in the Celestial Dynasty, at least in this battlefield of gods and demons, the person who is more powerful than him is called Qin Chuan.

But it was such a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm who was able to produce a sixth-grade elixir afterwards.

After obtaining alchemy, Hou Tian naturally knew the specific grades of elixir.

Normal pills are divided into grades one to nine, from low to high, and pills above grade nine are magic pills.

And each product is divided into lower, middle and upper, and best.

This elixir is even more rare than weapons, because the inheritance of alchemy on the Nine Heavens Continent has almost been cut off.

And the value of the sixth-grade elixir is already comparable to that of the emperor's soldiers.

This day, the Great Emperor of the Celestial Dynasty took five pills of the sixth rank.

It really is arrogant!

"You'd better put away your flamboyant intestines, and don't worry about my weapons." Void Shadow Demon Emperor snorted coldly.

The demons were lagging behind the humans in the process of forging. They finally got a human emperor weapon. Of course, they wanted to take it back to the demons to study and study it. How could they change it just because of a few pills.

While the two were communicating, several groups of people appeared again.

Seeing that they appeared at the same time, a group of people looked over curiously.

A group of figures in white walked with swords, some of them were burly, walking like an earthquake, and some looked like immortals, riding cranes.

The five great emperors of the human and devil races each appeared in Xingyue Lake with their own teams.

At this time, the pupils of Hou Tian's eyes shrank slightly, and he scanned the people around Xingyue Lake.

"Honey, everyone is here, why don't they move? Is there anyone else coming?"

Hou Tian was very curious at this time, did they all come to see the show for such a big scene?

Everyone's big eyes and small eyes are unwilling to be the first to make a move, and they are all waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Han Ruoshuang shook his head and said: "Wait, although no one came, but some people should not know that there is a forbidden area here, so..."

Han Ruoshuang hadn't finished speaking.

He heard a domineering sound rolling over.

"This place is not where you should come. For those who don't have a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm, I will give you three breaths and get out of here."

"It doesn't matter whether it is a human or a demon, otherwise there will be no mercy."

The entire void was shaken by this sound wave, and the originally calm lake surface was also rippling because of this sound.

Even some warriors who have just stepped into the realm of Martial Saints will turn pale after hearing this voice.

As for those who have not reached the realm of Martial Saints, they just vomit blood and retreat crazily. If they run a little slower, they will die on the spot.

All of a sudden, among the dense grass around Xingyue Lake, one after another figures retreated rapidly.

Now there are only the people brought by the five great emperors on the human race side, and the people led by the five great emperors on the demon race side.

At this time, Emperor Qiu Ren of the Kunlun Holy Land looked towards Han Ruoshuang, took a deep look at her, and said coldly: "Oh, the empress has brought her husband here, so I'm not afraid of getting lost inside." !"

Han Ruoshuang didn't even look at Emperor Qiu Ren, and was about to reply, when the voice of the sky sounded first: "Whether I can get in or not, it's none of your business, are you full?"

Hearing Hou Tian's voice, Qiu Ren's face instantly became ugly.

He is a great emperor, he is not respected and respected wherever he goes, but he is actually attacked by a brat.

It just doesn't make sense.

With breath released from all over his body, he looked at Han Ruoshuang coldly, and asked, "You don't care about your man? If a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm speaks, there's no place for him to intervene."

Han Ruoshuang gave Qiu Ren a white look, and said, "He is my husband, and I will obey him."

When Han Ruoshuang said this, everyone in the audience was stunned.

No one thought that the extremely powerful Divine Phoenix Empress would actually say such things in public.

At the same time, everyone was puzzled, what method Hou Tian used to let a female emperor defend him so much, but still give him face in front of outsiders.

When Hou Tian heard this, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he said affectionately to Han Ruoshuang: "My wife, you are so kind, come and give me a kiss."

After finishing speaking, she kissed Han Ruoshuang's face that was as beautiful as a fairy.

What the hell!

Openly sprinkle dog food.

(End of this chapter)

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