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Chapter 199 The Strange Stone Stairway Melts Instantly

Chapter 199 The Strange Stone Stairway Melts Instantly (Please subscribe for a monthly ticket)
"Hmph, one person from the human race and the demon race went to explore the way, Luo Qing, what do you think?"

At this time, Demon Emperor Void Shadow didn't care about Houtian's words, but looked at Emperor Luo Qing and asked.

The most important thing now is to enter the forbidden area, and it is not a solution for everyone to stalemate here.

Emperor Luo Qing naturally understood this truth, thought for a while and said, "No problem."

"On the human side, my disciples from the Celestial Dynasty will go, who will go to your Demon Race?"

It has to be said that Luo Qing is quite an upright person, and he didn't send people from other forces to be guide stones just because he is a strong emperor and a member of the Celestial Dynasty.

Everyone knows that this trip is very likely to be death.

"I didn't expect people from this dynasty to be so responsible!" Hou Tian couldn't help sighing.

Han Ruoshuang next to him said: "My lord, people from the Celestial Dynasty are more upright in every battlefield of gods and demons. In this regard, since the previous Shangguan was personally executed by Lord Qin Chuan, it should be You can see it too."

"Well, let's have a look again!" Hou Tian nodded, it's hard to come to a conclusion now.

However, on the side of the Demon Race, the Void Shadow Demon Emperor looked at the people behind the other great emperors, and asked indifferently: "Which of you will represent the Demon Race and explore the way?"


Hearing this sentence, the expressions of the other Demon Race forces below changed.

They all know what this Pathfinder means.

"Why, you don't want to? If that's the case, then I'll just pick it."

The Void Shadow Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and then his eyes fell on the tallest Demon Race member. Apart from being the tallest, this person had the lowest cultivation level.

Such a person is perfect to be cannon fodder.

"You, go explore the way!"

The Phantom Demon Emperor looked at the member of the Demon Race, and ordered in a cold tone.

"Ah..." The face of the demon clan man who was named changed, a little ugly.

Looking at the Void Shadow Demon Emperor with a smile on his face, he said helplessly, "Master Demon Emperor, I..."

"You are a member of the demon clan. Now it's time for you to contribute to the demon clan. Why are you giving me a hard time? If you don't go, I will slap you to death right now."

Before the man could finish speaking, the Void Shadow Demon Emperor scolded him coldly.

This guy is simply too embarrassing for the demons, can't he learn from other people's families, and he will be whoever he calls.


The tall demon was startled, he didn't expect that the Void Shadow Demon Emperor would directly threaten him.

Either way, it is death. If you serve as a pathfinder for the demons, at least you are still loyal to the demons. Maybe your family can get some subsidies. If you are killed by the Void Shadow Demon Emperor, you will really have nothing.


The tall Demon Race man sighed, then nodded slowly: "I would like to serve the Demon Race."

After finishing speaking, he set off and walked towards the stone ladder in the center of Xingyue Lake together with a Martial Emperor Realm expert from the human race under everyone's attention.

Seeing that the tall man was obedient, a faint smile appeared on the face of the Void Shadow Demon Emperor.

And Hou Tian, ​​who was standing next to Xingyue Lake, had a new understanding of the demons after seeing this scene.

The demons are really demons, and when they are in real danger, they obey the human saying, "Fly each other when the disaster is imminent." Few of them are really thinking about the entire demons, and they are all for their own interests.

In the spotlight.

A human Martial Emperor, and a tall demon, walked step by step to the seemingly peaceful stone ladder in the middle of Xingyue Lake.

Both of them seemed a little nervous, and after taking a deep breath, they were very disturbed.

"What are you two still moaning about? Hurry up and have a look!" The Void Shadow Demon Emperor's urging voice sounded from behind.

Hearing this, the two gritted their teeth and stopped hesitating.

Step out.

However, their feet were stuck in the air on the seemingly peaceful stone ladder, unable to step down no matter what.

It feels like stepping on the soft sand, but I can't step on the bluestone steps.

"Strange, why can't you step on it?" Both of them frowned, then gritted their teeth and tried again.

This stone ladder has greatly aroused their competitiveness.

It's too shameful for a dignified Martial Emperor Realm expert to not even be able to step up a step ladder.

However, under full force, whether it is the strong human race or the demon race, their faces flushed red, their veins burst out, and they only slowly lowered their feet a little under the condition of fully mobilizing the spiritual energy in their bodies.

"Let's work hard together and step on it!"

The strong man of the human race suggested.

The Demon Race thought for a while and nodded.


The two jumped up suddenly, their feet bent slightly, and they stepped down hard.


With the joint efforts of the two, a crack appeared on the surface of the stone staircase that seemed to be covered by a layer of soft sand.

Among them, faint winds blew out from the cracks in the ground.

"There's a gap!"

Both of them were overjoyed, and they worked harder.

It turned out that there was an invisible thing above the stone ladder, resisting their footsteps.

There is already a gap, so is it still far from opening it all?
The two worked together again.

a bit!

at last!

With a bang, a gap about two centimeters wide was opened in the soft sand underground.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes lit up. It seems that the stone ladder will be opened soon and they will enter the forbidden area!
"Great, great!"

Whether it is the strong of the human race or the people of the demon race, there is a flash of surprise in the eyes.

But right now.

Suddenly, from the gap below, a gust of wind blew up.

Both of them shuddered subconsciously.

Then, there seemed to be a zither sound in my ear.

In an instant, before the two could react, their bodies quickly melted in front of everyone at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the clanking bones turned into dust and dissipated in Xingyue Lake .

The two of them didn't even have time to scream, and they disappeared into the stone ladder in the middle of Xingyue Lake.

There seemed to be the sound of something merging again.

The scene just now appeared so suddenly in Thailand that even the many great emperors present hadn't realized what happened.

But in an instant, the human race's Martial Emperor Realm expert and the demon clan's people melted into flesh and blood, turning into dust and floating in Xingyue Lake.

What the hell is going on?

Seeing this scene, many people swallowed, and a look of disbelief flashed in their eyes.

Those members of the Demon Race felt like they were alive after a catastrophe, but luckily the Void Shadow Demon Emperor was not calling him.

But on the Human Race side, they all feel sorry for the Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse.

"What, what's going on here?" The Void Shadow Demon Emperor frowned and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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