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Chapter 203 The Bottom of Xingyue Lake, Strong Sword Intent

Chapter 203 The Bottom of Xingyue Lake, Strong Sword Intent (please subscribe for monthly ticket)
Hou Tian gave Li Chunfeng an angry look and said, "You are an old-fashioned old man, you seem very dishonest, how about I introduce you a beauty?"

"The poor way is a monk, and he is not greedy for worldly emotions and desires!" Li Chunfeng said with an air of a master.


Hou Tian didn't ask Li Chunfeng again, but looked at the entrance of the stone staircase.

A bright light fell on the lore sound array in the stone staircase.

In an instant, the attack dissipated, and the purple light on the lore sound array also dissipated.

The sound of lore, slowly disappearing for hours.


Seeing this scene, everyone present could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The Lord of Yaochi above slowly got up, put away the guzheng, scanned around, and said: "The stone ladder has been opened, and everyone can enter now."

Hearing this, the Demon Race side originally planned to rush in, but seeing that the Human Race did not move, they were afraid that there would be fraud inside, so they also stopped.

Hou Tian took a look and said with a smile: "Since they don't want to take the lead, let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, he led Han Ruoshuang, Li Chunfeng, Yuhuatian and ten elite guards and walked towards the stone staircase together.

Walking to the door of the stone staircase, Hou Tian's spiritual power flowed, and the chaotic celestial body was running to the extreme.

Although the threat at the entrance has been lifted, it is still wise to be careful.

Hou Tian took Han Ruoshuang's hand and walked in the front, followed by Li Chunfeng and Yu Huatian.

After stepping on the stone ladder, the group walked towards the depths of Xingyue Lake.

A huge force impacted on everyone.

However, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

As for the others, after seeing Houtian and his party entering, there was no accident, and they all followed.

Hou Tian didn't know how many hardships he had experienced in the entire stone ladder.

The further down the stone ladder, the greater the impact everyone has to bear. Even if they are all high-level emperors, emperors of martial arts, or martial saints, they are still too small in front of the force of nature.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The spiritual power of Hou Tian's body flowed, and his powerful body burst into golden light, rushing towards the depths of Xingyue Lake.

Hesitating that Yuhuatian and Li Chunfeng could not reveal their own strength, so the ten elite Jinyi guards in the back were shrouded in the cold energy cover, and the pressure they received was greatly reduced.

I don't know how long it has passed, Hou Tian and the others only felt waves of sword shadows flowing around them.

Cracks appeared on the skin. Fortunately, Hou Tian's physical body was strong enough, and Han Ruoshuang was originally a way of practicing ice, which could provide enough energy shield to protect others in the water.

Han Ruoshuang and the others followed closely behind Houtian, and behind them was the person following the Lord of Yaochi.

Houtian at the front, despite those cracks, tearing the body, and running the chaotic celestial body can directly repair it.

"Huh? Sure enough, there is a hole in the sky."

Hou Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw a desolate and simple stone gate at the bottom of Xingyue Lake not far away.

He landed steadily outside the stone gate, and just as he landed, he felt a powerful sword intent, and his spiritual power surged towards the surroundings.

Feeling a little horrified in his heart, he muttered, "Is this the inside of the Xingyue Lake forbidden area?"


Hou Tian's palm lightly covered the stone gate, and a deafening rumbling sound was heard.

The stone door burst open.

chi chi chi...

Hou Tian's face changed drastically, and he saw endless sword shadows, filled with the aura of destroying everything, forming a terrifying vortex of sword shadows, towards the place where Hou Tian was, like a huge vortex attacking.

"Be careful!" Han Ruoshuang shouted behind him.

Hearing Han Ruoshuang's voice, Hou Tian naturally knew that this sword shadow vortex was not simple, and shouted loudly behind him: "Get out of the way, I'll come!"

Then he seriously felt the terrifying aura of the sword vortex, his eyes were fixed, and he didn't dare to be careless.

Holding the Renhuang Sword in his hand, he slashed out toward the whirlpool, causing the entire bottom of the water to tremble violently.

The spiritual energy in Hou Tian's body flowed, and he stepped out towards the inside of the stone gate, and the sword shadow that attacked him disappeared in an instant.

Whoa whoa whoa!
What caught his eyes was a somewhat desolate large palace, on both sides of the palace, densely packed long swords were placed.

What shocked Houtian was that those long swords were not ordinary things.

Immediately afterwards, a figure in a white robe appeared, looking at Hou Tian with deep eyes, the color of horror flickered deep in the eyes.

The white-robed figure realized that he was a strong man in the divine realm, but he couldn't see through the young man in front of him.

Very shocked inside.

No wonder Hou Tian was able to resist the terrifying simplicity just now and break into this stone gate.

"Hahaha... I really didn't expect that here, I can still see such a genius in the human race, not bad."

After the figure in white robe sensed the aura of the Seven Star Martial Emperor on Hou Tian, ​​he couldn't help laughing up to the sky, his face full of excitement.

Hou Tian's bone age is only in his 20s, yet he is able to cultivate to the level of Seven Star Martial Emperor, and he is about to break through to Eight Star Martial Emperor.

Although this cultivation base is very inconspicuous in Bai Pao's eyes, at Hou Tian's age, he is already a very monstrous existence.

Hou Tian just stood in the hall like this, staring at the phantom, and didn't take the initiative to talk to him.

"Young man, do you know who I am?" the white-robed figure looked at Hou Tian and asked slowly.

Hou Tian didn't answer, he was a dead person, and he didn't bother to answer.

"I used to be the suzerain of the Nine Heavens Sword Sect of the human race." Seeing that Hou Tian ignored him, the master of the white robe couldn't help but said.

Hou Tian was stunned when he heard it. He had heard about the Nine Heavens Sword Sect before. He remembered that Han Ruoshuang said that there used to be a power as powerful as the Celestial Dynasty in the human race, named Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

It's just that later, I don't know what caused the entire Nine Heavens Sword Sect to disappear on Nine Heavens Continent overnight.

It is rumored that the swordsmanship of Nine Heavens Sword Sect is the strongest among the human race, and there are countless geniuses in their sect. The only person in Nine Heavens Continent who has reached the tenth rank of sword martial spirit is from Nine Heavens Sword Sect.

"It's just that in our struggle with the Celestial Empire, we lost and we withdrew from the Nine Heavens Continent. But at that time, the Battle of Gods and Demons happened to open, so we were dispatched to the Battle of Gods and Demons."

"Originally, I thought that as long as we win the battle of gods and demons, we can have a place in the Nine Heavens Continent, even if we are not born, as long as we have a place to live."

"Unfortunately, after we came to the battlefield of gods and demons, the people of the Celestial Dynasty and the demons colluded secretly and led us into the forbidden area of ​​Xingyue Lake. Using the rules in the forbidden area, they killed me here."


"Although the body is annihilated, no matter whether it is a human or a devil, as long as they come in here, I can feel it, and I have killed a lot of them."

"I used to be in Nine Heavens Continent, and I had a famous title, Mingyue Nine Heavens Sword Master."

Nine Heavens Sword Master said with a full face.

(End of this chapter)

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