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Chapter 213 Yuhuatian makes a move, the mysterious powerhouse arrives

Chapter 213 Yuhuatian makes a move, the mysterious powerhouse arrives (please subscribe for a monthly ticket)

With the Human Emperor Sword in Houtian's hands, its aura continued to rise and became even more terrifying. ,

"Killing Field!"

"Chaos celestial body!"

The acquired killing field and the chaotic celestial body diffused at the same time.

The Human Emperor Sword let out a heavy dragon roar.

With the blessing of the martial spirit of the Twelve Swords and the Chaos Celestial Body, the power of Hou Tian's sword intent of the Twelve Swords has become even more terrifying.

The golden sword glow stretched out and slashed straight at the blood-red sword glow of the mighty Demon Emperor.

scoff! ! !

After just one confrontation, Demon Emperor Li Hai's expression completely changed.

The golden sword light was invincible, and the long sword seemed to pierce through the void, and attacked his chest fiercely.

"Damn it, why is this human boy's sword so strong?"

Devil Emperor Li Hai was horrified, he never expected that Hou Tian's swordsmanship would be so strong.

Even though the realms of the two are far apart, Li Hai has to admit that he is really not as good as Hou Tian when it comes to swordsmanship.


But Hou Tian didn't intend to give Demon Emperor Li Hai any chance, so the second move of Twelve Swords and Sword Intent suddenly attacked.

A sword is stronger than a sword.

chi chi chi...

Many warriors of the demon clan, as well as the soldiers guarding the city, were completely shocked after seeing the twelve sword intents displayed by Hou Tian.

They originally thought that it was the powerful Demon Emperor who suppressed Hou Tian, ​​but who knew that Hou Tian's attainments in the way of swords were so strong that the twelve swords he used completely suppressed the sword shadow of Demon Emperor Li Hai .

The confrontation of sword intents made Devil Emperor Li Hai completely helpless to fight back.


The sword glow of the Human Emperor's Sword slashed fiercely at the chest of the mighty Demon Emperor, and immediately green blood flowed horizontally, making the flesh and blood blurred.

The whole person was torn apart by Houtian's sword light, and he kept retreating in the void, blood spilled on the field, and his face was full of horror.

"You're forcing me..."

Demon Emperor Li Hai was greatly shocked after receiving Hou Tian's sword.

He knew that if he didn't use some real skills, it would be impossible to kill Hou Tian on the way of the sword.

Hou Tian naturally caught the flaw of Devil Emperor Li Hai's underestimation of the enemy in the early stage, so he was able to hurt Devil Emperor Li Hai in the way of swordsmanship. If he really used the strength of a strong devil emperor, Hou Tian would definitely not be able to hurt him.

The aura in Demon Emperor Li Hai's body soared again.

"Yuhuatian, it's your turn!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Houtian said to Yuhuatian behind him, and he himself rushed to the gate of the demon castle and began to kill those demons with low cultivation levels. people of the clan.

Just kidding, my goal is to capture the demon castle. As for the strong demon emperor level, Yuhuatian and others will naturally take care of them.

After Yuhuatian heard Houtian's words, he was so excited!

Immediately the momentum of the whole body was released, and he jumped to the side of Demon Emperor Li Hai, glanced at him lightly, and said: "You said that you are fine and hide in the castle, why do you want to come out and pretend to be 13?" ?”

After speaking, he raised his hand and punched Devil Emperor Li Hai's wound.

At this time, the pain from the blow on the wound made Yuhuatian even more excited.

When Devil Emperor Li Hai felt Yuhuatian's attack, he immediately felt bad.

Sure enough, when Yuhuatian's punch hit his body, his whole body exploded like a deflated ball.

The wound that was bleeding profusely now became even more painful.

Devil Emperor Li Hai looked at Yuhuatian with surprise in his eyes, and exclaimed: " are actually in the Great Emperor Realm. When did the human race still have the Great Emperor Realm experts in El Castle?"

But he was not surprised, according to his own information, the only human emperor in El Castle is Han Ruoshuang, and the Lord of Yaochi has already left.

But when did a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm suddenly appear?
Moreover, the breath on this person is even more terrifying than Han Ruoshuang. What's going on?
"Go ask Lord Yan, he will tell you!" Yu Huatian snorted coldly, and the attack in his hands never stopped.

After some fists and kicks, how could Demon Emperor Li Hai, who was already injured, last long in Yuhuatian's hands!

The dying Demon Emperor Li Hai knew that he was no match for the Human Race Emperor in front of him, so he said decisively: "Human Race Emperor, please be merciful, it's not time for a big battle to break out in our Emperor Realm, don't..."


Yuhuatian didn't want to waste time here with Demon Emperor Li Hai.

Now only his cultivation was exposed, if the other devil emperors came, the cultivations of Li Chunfeng and Zhao Yun would definitely be exposed as well.

After a burst of drinking, Yu Huatian drew out the long knife from his waist and slashed towards Demon Emperor Li Hai's neck.

"Okay, great emperor of the race, you forced me to do this!"

Devil Emperor Li Hai spat out a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth, and a strange ball appeared in his hand.

"Lord Yingsha, save me!"

After a burst of drinking, the sphere instantly split into pieces and shattered.

A terrifying breath emerged spontaneously.

After feeling this breath, many strong men and city guards of the Demon Race fell to the ground one after another. Hou Tian also brought the human cavalry to stop when they were fighting.

Everyone felt that the blood in their bodies was suffocating, and they all had the urge to kneel down in their minds.

"Killing Field!"

After Hou Tian saw the situation of the soldiers, the killing field on his body diffused again, which reduced their sense of oppression.

One by one, they began to pant heavily, as if they were the rest of their lives after death.

Houtian's violent killing intent burst out.

After protecting the soldiers, he shouted at Yuhuatian, "Whoever he is, kill that devil emperor!"

Hearing Hou Tian's voice, Yu Huatian raised his sword and slashed towards Demon Emperor Li Hai without the slightest hesitation.

Hou Tian didn't know what was crushed in Demon Emperor Li Hai's hands.

But at this moment, over the demon castle, the aura of rags slowly emerged.

A phantom flickered.

I saw a middle-aged Confucian man in a white robe, standing with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression, standing in the air.

It's really hard for Hou Tian to imagine that this person is actually from the Demon Race, no matter how he looks, he looks like a member of the Human Race.

The man stood there like this, but he gave people an aura of calmness, as if he was a god from heaven and earth, standing in the void.

Hou Tian's eyes were also filled with horror. He had seen the aura of the Nine Heavens Sword Saint at the bottom of Xingyue Lake before.

The aura of the figure floating above the demon castle can be said to be not much weaker than that of the Nine Heavens Sword Master.

All I know is that the Nine Heavens Sword Saint is a strong man in the divine realm, and this is just a projection of the opponent, and his strength may not be one ten thousandth of his body.

(End of this chapter)

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