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Chapter 216 Shocked the audience and rewarded the SSS Summoning Card

Chapter 216 Shocked the audience and rewarded the SSS Summoning Card (please subscribe and ask for a monthly pass)

"Don't kill me... please... don't kill me... I will..."

At this time, Devil Emperor Li Hai was already a little bit sluggish in his speech, and he didn't know what to say after speaking halfway. ,

With Houtian's current status and status, a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm is the younger brother, and his wife is still named the Great Emperor. Houtian may not be interested in what Demon Emperor Li Hai can bring out.

Originally, he thought that Demon Emperor Yingsha's phantom clone would be able to deter Hou Tian, ​​but he didn't expect that Houtian would bring a few strong men in the Great Emperor Realm to suppress the phantom of Demon Emperor Yingsha.

The heart is very fearful, facing death, anyone will feel afraid, Li Hai Devil Emperor is no exception.


Hou Tian didn't talk nonsense with Demon Emperor Li Hai, and shook the Human Emperor Sword in his hand.

The tens of feet of sword light instantly terminated the seriously injured Demon Emperor Li Hai.

Devil Emperor Li Hai was a little unwilling to die. If Hou Tian was alone, how could he be seriously injured. If Hou Tian was alone, he should be the one who tortured and killed him.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.

The great emperor-level powerhouse around Hou Tian can even compete against the peak of the Great Emperor's clone of the Shadow Sha Demon Emperor, let alone him.

At this time, the system prompt sounded again in Houtian's mind.

【Ding, you shocked Demon Emperor Li Hai! 】

[Ding, you shocked everyone in the Demon Race! 】

【Ding, you shocked your female companion Han Ruoshuang. 】

【Ding, you shocked the Shadow Demon Emperor! 】


As Hou Tian and others wiped out the phantom of Demon Emperor Yingsha just now, and directly killed Demon Emperor Li Hai who was seriously injured, the system's notification sounded crazily.

[Congratulations to the host, completed a high-level shock, and obtained an SSS-level summoning card. 】

"Another summon card?"

Hearing the sound of the system, Hou Tian was overjoyed.

In the last summoning card, Yuhuatian and Shiwan Jinyiwei were summoned in the battlefield of gods and demons, and they are all my own people.

All of a sudden, there are 10 more people on Houtian's side, and it is not impossible to end the battlefield of gods and demons early.

And this time it's actually an SSS-level summoning card. I don't know what kind of characters can be summoned?

But now is not the time to wait for the day to think about these things. Now everyone in the entire Demon Clan Castle saw the phantom of the Demon Emperor Yingsha being destroyed, and Demon Emperor Li Hai who was originally guarding the Demon Clan castle was killed.

The battlefield momentum of the entire Demon Race soldiers has been greatly affected. They were not opponents of human cavalry in the first place, let alone opponents now.

"Take down the demon castle, charge!"

After Hou Tian yelled to the people behind him, he was about to rush straight to the Demon Clan castle. At this time, Han Ruoshuang came to him and said, "Husband, now the Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan Castle is dead. I have already shot, let me fight side by side with you!"

Anyway, now Han Ruoshuang has already intervened in the battlefield, and he doesn't care about the reaction from the base camp.

Hou Tian thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, let's go back to El Castle and wait, and leave the rest to Zhao Yun."

Even though the Devil Emperor has been killed now, Hou Tian still doesn't want Han Ruoshuang to follow him on the battlefield, and he has a faint feeling that someone has been spying on everything just now.

Anyway, the strength of Zhao Yun and others has been exposed, so there is no need to hide it.

Han Ruoshuang wanted to say something, but seeing Hou Tian's domineering look, she nodded and followed Hou Tian back to El Castle.

Before leaving, Hou Tian said to Zhao Yun and others: "Now that you have been exposed, you don't need to pretend anymore. After taking down this castle, come back to discuss matters."

"As ordered!"

"As ordered!"

After Yuhuatian and Zhao Yun responded in unison, they rushed towards the Demon Castle with their respective people.

And Li Chunfeng naturally went back to El Castle with Houtian.

Swish swish!
Some soldiers of the Demon Race, after seeing the Demon Emperor Li Hai being killed, began to flee crazily, without any will to fight at all.

Facing Zhao Yun, who was able to defeat Demon Emperor Li Hai, they really could only be ruthlessly tortured and killed.

On Houtian's side, after returning to El Castle, he benefited a lot from the previous battle.

Although he didn't make much progress in cultivation, he also had a very significant improvement. Sitting cross-legged in the city lord's mansion, a golden dragon of luck surrounded Hou Tian.

The whole aura spread out around the city lord's mansion, whether it was Yuhuatian's Jin Yiwei or Zhao Yun's elite cavalry, they could all feel the aura of the lucky golden dragon.

The aura of each of them began to soar crazily, and Hou Tian himself had directly broken through from the late stage of the Eight-Star Martial Emperor to the early stage of the Nine-Star Martial Emperor.

Among the [-] elite iron cavalry and tens of thousands of royal guards, one after another began to break through and enter the realm of martial saints, and some lieutenants with relatively strong talents also began to enter the realm of emperor Wu.

In the demon castle.

Da da da!
The horses charged, and the blood of the demons flowed like a river, and the strong were all killed by Zhao Yun and others.

The hearts of the demons are full of infinite fear.

At the back of El Castle, a phantom in white clothes slowly disappeared, and whispered in his mouth: "It seems that I still underestimated the emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire!"

The battlefield of gods and demons, the base camp of the demons.

This is the core area of ​​the entire Demon Race, and within a radius of ten thousand miles, it is occupied by the Demon Race.

One after another figures shuttled between the entire base camp like this, a busy scene.

In the base camp of the Demon Race, various martial arts squares can be seen everywhere.

At this moment, the top of a mountain.

Demonic energy filled the air.

An extremely terrifying gust of wind condensed into a huge golem.

Standing in the void.

A figure of a middle-aged Confucian scholar stood there like this, without any aura, like a sculpture.

He is the Demon Clan Shadow Demon Emperor who has just been jointly exterminated by Hou Tian and others, a strong man at the peak of the Great Emperor.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a cold killing intent.

He knew very well that everything seemed to have subtly changed because of the appearance of Hou Tian, ​​a human youth, in this battlefield of gods and demons.

The base camps of the Demon Race and the Human Race follow the previous rules and have reached a tacit understanding with each other. Every God and Demon Battlefield will not break out until the two-year period is about to expire.

But after discovering Hou Tian, ​​a human youth, everything has changed.

First, he ran to the rear of the demon clan just after entering the battlefield of gods and demons, and then the great emperor of the human race, Han Ruoshuang, went to take him away by himself.

Then came the human iron cavalry, who were like heavenly soldiers. In just a few days, they conquered dozens of castles of the demons, and directly hit El Castle outside the base camp.

It's all right now, it's already broken into the outer circle of the Demon Clan's base camp, and more importantly, because of the appearance of this Human Race boy, this time the battle of gods and demons has just started less than half a year, and three Demon Emperors have already been lost , and a devil emperor was captured.

(End of this chapter)

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