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Chapter 221 Cooperate with the Lord of Yaochi, Lucky Draw

Chapter 221 Cooperate with the Lord of Yaochi, Lucky Ten Consecutive Draws (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)

It has to be said that Houtian's cooperation is very risky.

Although the Holy Master of Yaochi was shocked when he heard that Houtian's two guards were already strong in the Emperor Realm, even if these guards were all strong in the Great Emperor Realm, it would be unrealistic to fight against the human base camp.

Of course, she naturally knows the reason why Houtian said these things. The human race seems to be united on the surface, especially the Celestial Dynasty of the human race. If you have not touched his interests, then everything is easy to talk about.

But once his interests are touched, the dynasty of that day is like a python that must retaliate, and it will definitely retaliate crazily.

Apparently, the strength that Hou Tian showed was too strong, to the point where even the Celestial Dynasty felt a little palpitated, so the Celestial Dynasty would definitely not be indifferent.

"Holy Master Yaochi, you know that we are peace-loving, and it is our honor to be able to contribute to the human race."

"These strong men around me are also for the purpose of exterminating the demons. Although we have always done this, we can't help but guard against some villains. They don't think so!"

"Especially now, we have conquered all the castles outside the Demon Race Base Camp. If we go further, we will directly kill the Demon Race Base Camp."

Hou Tian slowly described the situation in front of him.

The Holy Master of Yaochi and Han Ruoshuang, two people who have a certain right to speak in the human base camp, suddenly found out after listening to Hou Tian's analysis.

This young guy has such a long-term perspective on things, and his mind is quite flexible, and he is already planning for a rainy day.

The Holy Master of Yaochi looked at Han Ruoshuang with envy.

Although what Houtian said is very reasonable, it is not that they want to oppose the human race, but to prevent other forces of the human race. In order to worry about the people that Houtian brought, they robbed their interests, so they suppressed them, and Houtian was forced to oppose the base camp .

But the Holy Master of Yaochi is not a casual cultivator, no matter what decision she makes, she only needs to think about herself. She is the master of the entire Yaochi Holy Land, so it is natural to consider the entire Yaochi Holy Land when making decisions.

After careful consideration, the Holy Master of Yaochi slowly opened his mouth and said, "Emperor, although I believe that you have the strength and brains, what you just said is true, but I can't give you an accurate answer right now. .”

"However, there is one thing I can assure you right now. If the day you said really happens, my Yaochi Holy Land will definitely not attack the Divine Phoenix Empire."

Hou Tian could also understand the words of the Holy Master of Yaochi, after all, on one side were the major forces of the entire human race, and on the other side was the weak and weak Divine Phoenix Empire.

Anyone who wasn't a fool would know that with such a huge disparity in power, if they choose to help the Divine Phoenix Empire, wouldn't they be making enemies of other forces in the entire human race?
In the base camp of the human race, the reason why Tianchao has always been the leader is because he is followed by many top forces. As long as Tianchao says a word, these top forces will take action without hesitation.

It is already a great favor for the Holy Master of Yaochi to guarantee that the Holy Land of Yaochi will not attack the Divine Phoenix Empire.

Hou Tian didn't even think that he could settle the deal once. From his storage ring, he took out a milky white elixir, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance, and handed it to the Lord of Yaochi.

Introduced: "This is a fifth-grade melting spirit pill. People below the Emperor Wu realm can increase their cultivation by a small realm after taking one, and there is no side effect."

After feeling the strong medicinal fragrance in the elixir, the Holy Master of Yaochi felt relaxed and happy. Obviously, this fifth-grade melting spirit elixir was of a high grade, and even she was a little moved.

"The emperor can make alchemy?" The Lord of Yaochi suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked curiously.

Although Yaochi Holy Land also has an alchemy pavilion, no one dares to say that the elixir he refined has no side effects, but Hou Tian actually dares to say that his fifth-grade melting spirit elixir has no side effects.

Is it real or fake?
The elixir is naturally real, but whether there are any side effects remains to be confirmed.

Hou Tian nodded, and said modestly: "It's just superficial."

He obtained alchemy through the system, but he hadn't used it much before. After the battlefield of gods and demons, he found that there were a lot of heaven and earth spiritual materials, so he began to refine elixirs.

Of course, the most important thing is that now he is eager to improve the strength of his subordinates, and it is definitely not enough to rely on the elixir of that fat man Yuan Bao, so he can only refine it by himself.

Han Ruoshuang also looked at Hou Tian in shock.

It's unbelievable that she didn't know that Hou Tian could make pills!

One must know what kind of business is the most profitable in the Nine Heavens Continent, and it is undoubtedly the pill business. Just a single high-grade pill can sell a lot of spirit stones.

Moreover, pills are fast-moving products, whether it is an individual warrior, a sect force, a dynasty or an empire, they all need pills.

Some high-end pills are very attractive to the Zongmen forces, while some low-end pills have too big a market for the imperial dynasty.

The Zongmen forces care about the improvement of the realm of cultivation, so the pill is indispensable.

As for the dynasties and empires, wars continued all the year round, and they needed to provide pills for their soldiers, so pills were even more life-saving.

In the entire Nine Heavens Continent, the lineage of alchemy has long been broken, and now the highest one can only refine the sixth-grade elixir.

But Hou Tian was able to refine a fifth-grade elixir, which is too powerful!
[Ding, you shocked the Taoist companion Han Ruoshuang! 】

【Ding, you shocked the Queen Mother of the West, the holy master of Yaochi! 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting the lucky roulette ten consecutive draws. 】

"Lucky roulette draw ten times in a row?" Hou Tian was taken aback for a moment when he heard the prompt in his mind, and then he was filled with joy.

Ever since I got the system, I have always shocked others, and the system rewarded me. This time I actually got myself a lucky roulette with ten consecutive draws.

It is equivalent to a lottery draw. The key is that there are ten chances, and naturally there will be no less things to get.

He really didn't expect that he could get such a big gift after taking out the fifth-grade melting spirit pill.

"Holy Master Yaochi, this kind of elixir is more troublesome to refine, and it is best for people at the peak of the Martial Saint Realm to use it, so that they can directly break through to the Martial Emperor Realm."

Seeing the Holy Master of Yaochi and Han Ruoshuang looking at the fifth-grade melting spirit pill in Hou Tian's hands with shocking faces, Hou Tian explained with a smile:
"Of course, if the Holy Master of Yaochi can cooperate with me, I can provide you with ten melting spirit pills a month, so that you can quickly cultivate a strong Martial Emperor."

I have to say that the Holy Master of Yaochi is very interested in Hou Tian's words.

You must know that there are countless warriors who have been stuck in the realm of martial saints all their lives and can no longer save. It does not mean that they are not working hard enough, but that many times, from the realm of martial saints to the realm of emperor Wu, they also need opportunities and talents.

But the elixir of the day after tomorrow can actually directly allow warriors at the peak of the Martial Saint Realm to directly break through the Martial Emperor Realm.


(End of this chapter)

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