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Chapter 227 Use all means to survive the catastrophe

Chapter 227 Use all means to survive the catastrophe (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)

However, just when Han Ruoshuang and the others thought that Hou Tian would not be able to hold on to the fifth thunder tribulation, Hou Tian flew into the sky again from the mountain stream.

Came to above the void.

Looking up at the thousands of miles of dark clouds, he shouted angrily: "Come on, come on, my sixth thunder disaster."

His roaring sound seemed to have completely angered the heavens. The six crimson lightning strikes in the dark clouds were like six lightning dragons wandering in the dark clouds, and the void they passed trembled violently.

After a while, six thunder and lightning dragons protruded from the dark clouds, turned into a sky thunder sword nearly ten thousand feet high, and slashed vertically towards Houtian.


"The killing field is open."

"Aura of Chaos...Shield."

"Five elements form a shield."

After Hou Tian cursed secretly, he consumed [-]% of the spiritual power in the spiritual sea and unleashed the power of the five elements.

In an instant, a force of gold, a force of wood, a force of water, a force of fire, and a force of earth burst out from his body.

When the power of the five elements merged together, it turned into a colorful shield tens of feet high, covering the top of Hou Tian's head.


There was a deafening sound, and the Thunder Sword of Heavenly Tribulation pierced the five-element shield, and the five-element shield, which seemed extremely powerful in defense, instantly fell apart.

The Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Sword, which was nearly ten thousand feet high, was also covered with shocking cracks in an instant.


Then there was another loud noise, and the entire Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Sword collapsed the moment it pierced Houtian's chest, and the thousands of miles outside El Castle collapsed under the terrifying aftermath.


At this time, Hou Tian sprayed several mouthfuls of blood continuously, and finally fell heavily into the mountain stream.


Just when Han Ruoshuang and the others were extremely anxious and were about to step forward to investigate, a roar sounded, and the blood-covered Houtian charged into the void again.

Thousands of miles of dark clouds made a piercing whistling sound, and the sea of ​​clouds swirled accordingly, forming a vortex with a diameter of hundreds of miles above the sky.


The first loud noise ravaged all living beings within ten thousand miles nearby, causing many martial artists with low cultivation bases to cover their ears and use their spiritual power to seal off their hearing.

And in the vortex above the sky, the seventh sky thunder disaster has already burst out brazenly.

Han Ruoshuang in the distance, clasped his hands tightly, looked at Hou Tian who was going through the tribulation with worry and shock on his face, and whispered in his mouth: "My God, what kind of tribulation is he going through, even if he is in the Great Emperor Realm The Seventh Heavenly Tribulation shouldn't be so powerful."

"Ma'am, don't use the talents of ordinary people to look at the lord. His potential is beyond our grasp."

Li Chunfeng stroked the goatee around his mouth, and said lightly.

As a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm who practiced Tianyan Dao, he couldn't even see through Houtian's fate, let alone other people.

"Pay attention, all of you, there is a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm lurking nearby, no matter what, protect the lord to cross the catastrophe."

At this moment, Gao Ying, who had been silent all this time, suddenly reminded her.

Among the people present, Gao Ying was a strong man at the peak of the Great Emperor Realm, and his mental power detection range could be extended to thirty thousand miles away, while the spiritual power detection range of Zhao Yun and others was only ten thousand miles away.

So Gao Ying can clearly know the people they can't find.

"What? Master Gao, can you tell which faction it belongs to, the human race or the demon race?" Zhao Yun asked worriedly, holding the long knife at his waist tightly.

He wasn't worried that the demons would come to attack the city, he was worried that these people would disturb the lord's transition.

As we all know, once you are disturbed by people during the tribulation and cannot calm your mind, you will be easily smashed to pieces by heavenly thunder until you die.

"Lord Gao, where is this person? I'll go and catch him now." Han Ruoshuang took out his long sword from the interspatial ring that he had attached, and asked with great concern.

Gao Ying narrowed her eyes slightly, and then said: "It should be a member of the Demon Race, but this person's concealment method is very clever, in the sea of ​​clouds [-] miles away to the southeast of us."

"Although that person's cultivation base is not high, his strength should be extraordinary. If you go over now, he will have already run away before you can catch up."

After hearing Gao Ying's words, Han Ruoshuang stopped in her tracks. She was able to sit on the position of the empress of the Divine Phoenix Empire, and she was known as a genius of the human race. Naturally, she was afraid that it was someone else's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

"Then what should we do now?" Han Ruoshuang asked anxiously.

Li Chunfeng put his palms together, and after making a very wonderful gesture with his hands, he muttered something in his mouth.

After a while, I slowly said: "I'm going to the southeast of the main palace to set up a formation just in case."

"Yeah!" Gao Ying nodded.

Then he said to Han Ruoshuang: "My lord's wife, you, Mr. Yu and General Zhao should also go to the other three directions of the lord."

"Remember, you must stay away from the lord. The power of the lord to cross the catastrophe is too great. Even if you are in the emperor's realm, you may be severely injured in the aftermath."

"it is good!"


After the three of them responded, they flew in different directions, while Gao Ying herself stood still, observing with mental power all the time.

At this time, above the sky, the seven lightning calamities, in the dark clouds, instantly turned into seven spears of thunder, shooting towards Hou Tian in a straight line.

This is the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation of the Seventh Great Emperor.

When the second loud noise sounded, the eight crimson thunders in the dark clouds swarmed down and gathered together, forming a giant spear of the devil sky that was ten thousand feet long, followed by the spear of the seventh thunder. From the rear, with terrifying power, they came towards Houtian one after another.

"A Realm of Chaos."

Hou Tian gave a low shout, and immediately the two martial spirits behind his body appeared, and the power of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, time, space, death, and light burst out from his body.

The power of eleven colorful attributes revolved rapidly around Houtian, and then merged like lightning.

Around Houtian's body, it evolved into a chaotic sphere with a diameter of one hundred feet, tightly wrapping it.

The realm of chaos, which contains the power of three thousand ways and the power of eleven attributes, is Houtian's strongest defense against the Great Emperor's Heavenly Tribulation.

"Bang bang bang!"

Accompanied by seven shocking bangs, seven spears of crimson thunder that were hundreds of feet long hit the sphere of the realm of chaos one after another, and burst open one after another in an instant.

Every loud noise will make the chaotic sphere tremble, and every tremor is like a thunderbolt in Hou Tian's mind.


Every time the spear of thunder falls, Hou Tian will spit out a mouthful of blood.


The whole world trembled, and the sky-spanning scarlet giant spear transformed from the eighth thunderstorm struck the surface of the chaotic sphere with extremely terrifying power.

(End of this chapter)

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