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Chapter 239 Houtian's Identity, Conquering the Town Demon Tower

Chapter 239 Houtian's Identity, Conquering the Town Demon Tower (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)
"Then you told me what identity you arranged for me?" Hou Tian asked angrily.

The greatest tragedy in life is that the system has arranged an identity for me, but I don't know it.

[The relevant memories have been integrated, and the host can fuse them by itself. 】

Hou Tian didn't think about it at all, and roared in his heart: "Fusion!"

An extremely huge energy merged into Hou Tian's mind.

At this time, Dongfang Yusu didn't know that Houtian was communicating with the system at this time, but continued to tell her own story.


Hou Tian fell directly to the ground, holding his head in his hands, rolling back and forth, looking very painful.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"


However, at this time Houtian couldn't hear Dongfang Yusu's voice at all. After the huge information merged into his mind, he felt as if his whole head was about to explode.

Three full days have passed in the tower.

At this time, less than an hour had passed outside.

When Hou Tian woke up again, he found that Dongfang Yusu was sitting cross-legged in front of him, with an anxious look on his face.

"Your name is Dongfang Yusu. I named you this Town Demon God Tower when I finished refining it and created you, right?"

Hou Tian shook his head violently, and asked in a trembling voice.

Dongfang Yusu, who suddenly opened her eyes, choked up and said: "Yes, yes, master, I didn't expect to see you again here."

Hou Tian, ​​who has already integrated a huge memory, saw Dongfang Yusu's appearance, and stood on the spot in a daze.

Because he knew his identity, he was one of the three great ancestor gods, the ancestor god of chaos. During a battle with the extraterrestrial demons, he was stabbed in the back by the hateful woman of the primordial supreme, causing himself to fall.

Then he was cursed to go through the reincarnation of thousands of generations, and he was an orphan in each life, without parents and family members, and he would not live to be 20 years old each time.

The current Houtian is the [-]th reincarnation. He was going to die at the beginning, but he was saved by the system, or because he traveled from the earth and got this body.

This has survived until now.

Leisurely, Dongfang Yusu choked up, becoming weaker and hurried: "Master, the six-story pagoda, there is...a field of elixir that the master stored in it before, and... ··”

"There are also some magical weapons that the master refined in the past. After you get these elixir and magical weapons, they will be of great use when you return to the God Realm in the future."

The phantom of Dongfang Yusu flickered frequently, as if it was about to dissipate at any time, but she still did not forget to tell: "Master, please remember that Yusu has been waiting for you all this time, and now I am about to fall into a deep sleep, I look forward to seeing you again." "..."

Before Dongfang Yusu finished speaking, she disappeared amidst Houtian's mournful cries.

And the entire Tower of the God of Suppressing Demon suddenly dimmed a lot.

"Jade Crisp!"

Hou Tian looked around at the empty first floor of the pagoda, feeling extremely lonely in his heart.

For some reason, since he got the memories of the Primal Chaos God, the deep sleep of Dongfang Yusu made Hou Tian feel extremely heavy.

Moreover, he suddenly discovered that he still had a lot of things to do.

In the Nine Heavens Continent, build the Divine Phoenix Empire into the most powerful luck dynasty, and then bring Han Ruoshuang, Zhao Yun and others to ascend together.

At this time, Hou Tian seemed to think of something, raised his head to the sky and screamed, trembling with excitement: "When my strength is strong one day, I will definitely be able to revive Dongfang Yusu again."

"But now I have a lot of exercises in my mind, including alchemy, weapon refining, formations, and runes, all of which I can learn without a teacher."

"It's just that the current Nine Heavens Continent is too barren. It is still very difficult to refine the Demon God Tower and revive the Eastern Jade Crisp."

"It seems that I still need to speed up the layout and cultivation on the Nine Heavens Continent."

After Hou Tian made up his mind, he came to the sixth floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower.

I found that after entering it, it was not just a bare space like other floors, but a field of elixir with a radius of nearly a thousand miles.

The aura inside is extremely strong, and it is full of all kinds of rare and rare herbs. Houtian didn't know it before, but after integrating the reincarnation memory of the ancestor god of chaos, he knows all the elixir inside.

"I'll go, this is the best soul fairy grass!"

"This is the best fig!"

"Damn it, it even has Jiuyehua, the main medicine for refining Yuhua Pill."

Looking at all kinds of high-grade elixir, Hou Tian was extremely excited.

Originally, he planned to refine some elixirs in the Demon-Suppressing God Tower, but in order not to worry Han Ruoshuang, with a surging mood, he stepped on Splash and walked out of the Demon-Suppressing God Tower with ease.

Because of those who Houtian was beaten by Dongfang Yusu just now, their own blood of chaos has already fallen into the tower, and Dongfang Yusu took the initiative to recognize the master.

So Houtian can open the ban on the Demon-Suppressing God Tower at any time now, and take away the Demon-Suppressing God Tower.

After stepping out of the tower gate on the first floor.


The hundred-foot-high tower behind him shook instantly, and in just a moment, it turned into the size of a palm and landed on Houtian.

Hou Tian, ​​who is holding the Tower of Demon God, looks a bit like the King of Tota at this moment.

At this time, Han Ruoshuang and the others who had been waiting outside for more than an hour, saw Hou Tian come out, and said excitedly: "Look, the master has come out."

"Yes, the master not only rushed out of the tower, but also subdued the tower."

At this time, because Hou Tian had put away the Tower of the Demon-Suppressing God, the lights of the Demon-Suppressing God outside had also disappeared.

Han Ruoshuang hurried over and asked with concern: "Husband, how are you? Are you not injured?"

Hearing Han Ruoshuang's words, Zhao Yun and others all turned their attention to Hou Tian.

You know, they are people who were summoned by Hou Tian. Although Hou Tian's death may be a relief to them, they are also very concerned about Hou Tian's life and safety.

Hou Tian looked at the crowd, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine, and the tall tower I subdued just now is called the Tower of Demon God, which has a strong suppression effect on demon energy."

"Moreover, it also has a very heaven-defying function."

"What function?" Seeing that Hou Tian was fine, Han Ruoshuang asked quickly.

Hou Tian smiled mysteriously, and introduced: "That is, this is a mustard space-time tower. What is a mustard time-space tower?"

"The flow of time in the tower is different from that of our outside world. To put it simply, we practice in the tower for a month, and the outside world has only passed one day."

Houtian's voice fell.

"My God, is this tower so miraculous?" Han Ruoshuang couldn't help exclaiming.

Zhao Yun and others also had expressions of excitement on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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