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Chapter 248 Han Ruoshuang Trapped, Deja Vu Feeling

Chapter 248 Han Ruoshuang Trapped, Deja Vu Feeling (Please subscribe for monthly ticket)

Hou Tian, ​​who was standing opposite the Demon Emperor Yingsha, suddenly heard Han Ruoshuang's cry, and his heart skipped a beat.

He never imagined that Han Ruoshuang, the Nine Tribulations Great Emperor, and Han Ruoshuang who possessed leapfrog fighting abilities, would cry out for help at this time.

Hou Tian didn't have time to think too much, he turned his head and looked in the direction where Han Ruoshuang was.

At this time, an ominous premonition had arisen in his heart, and his first reaction was to rush towards Han Ruoshuang.

But how could Demon Emperor Yingsha let Hou Tian go to save people so easily?
"Since you choose to face me alone, then don't think about leaving, let me see how strong you are." A gloomy voice erupted from the mouth of the Shadow Demon Emperor.

The voice fell, and before waiting for the sky to get close to the place where Han Ruoshuang's cry for help came out, the Shadow Demon Emperor had already caught up, and an attack formed by a condensed demonic energy hit the front of Houtian.

Hou Tian dodged and narrowly escaped the attack of the Shadow Demon Emperor. Just as he was about to fight back, Han Ruoshuang's cry for help came to his ears again.

When he lowered his head to follow the prestige, he saw 64 bucket-thick black pillars of light on the ground below the Demon Emperor's Demon Palace, coming out of the ground, like 64 black giant pythons.

64 giant pythons entangled Han Ruoshuang's arms, legs, and neck respectively, tying Han Ruoshuang to pieces like five horses.

No matter how Han Ruoshuang struggled, she couldn't break free.

At this moment, a woman flew out from the formation, it was Murong Xue who fought with Han Ruoshuang just now.

"You are courting death."

Hou Tian stared at Murong Xue, his eyes were like fire, and said viciously.

At this moment, Demon Emperor Yingsha landed in front of Houtian with a smile on his face, came to Murong Xue's side, and said, "You two are in the same realm, why don't you give it a try?"

The reason why he asked Murong Xue to deal with Hou Tian was because he felt that there were still a few human emperors with strong auras in the magic city below, and that old thing Qin Chuan hadn't appeared yet.

The lion fought the rabbit with all its strength, and the Shadow Demon Emperor naturally knew this truth. If Houtian had no cards, he would definitely not come to him on his own initiative.

Demon Emperor Yingsha was worried that Houtian had some hole cards, and he would take it out when he was not paying attention, and hurt himself. At that time, even if he killed Houtian, other great emperors of the human race, especially the old Qin Chuan, would come over. I am definitely not an opponent.

In that case, the demons will lose in this battle of gods and demons!

Besides, although Murong Xue seldom made a move, Demon Emperor Yingsha knew that this woman was very strong. Even with the cultivation base of the Demon Emperor of the Seven Tribulations, she would not have any pressure against the average Demon Emperor of the late Eight Tribulations.

Murong Xue nodded, then looked at Hou Tian and said: "I've always heard that there is a monster genius in the human race. I thought the cultivation level was too low and I had no chance to fight. Today I have a chance!"

"I'm very interested in the genius who tortured and killed the race. I believe that after killing you, I will be happier."

However, Hou Tian on the opposite side didn't seem to hear Murong Xue's words, and now Hou Tian's gaze was fixed on the 64 black python beams that trapped Han Ruoshuang.

Suddenly, a feeling of deja vu arises spontaneously, but for a while, I can't remember what kind of formation it is.

As the first ten thousand reincarnation of the ancestor god of chaos, he has integrated the eternal memory of the ancestor god of chaos.

In an instant, Hou Tian was a little confused. With his current knowledge, he couldn't see the formation at a glance, and he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Because he knew that what was trapped inside was his own woman, if a warrior couldn't even protect the women around him during his cultivation, it would be a failure.

For Hou Tian, ​​he is still a man with a system and a cheat, how could he watch his woman suffer in it?

At this time, Murong Xue who was opposite found that Hou Tian was ignoring her, and the woman became angry all of a sudden.

"Hou Tian, ​​I'm talking to you, didn't you hear?" Murong Xue's pretty face became a little distorted, and then a long spear appeared in her hand, the whole body was silver and white, but the tip of the gun was blood red.

"call out!"

The spear in Murong Xue's hand shot towards Hou Tian's head.

Seeing this, Han Ruoshuang, who was trapped below, shouted heart-piercingly: "Husband, get out of the way..."

Before she finished speaking, Murongxue's spear had already arrived in front of Houtian, only two meters away from Houtian's head.

"Haha, don't worry, my wife, I will rescue you soon." Hou Tian laughed out loud, and at the very moment, he tilted his head and dodged Murong Xue's head-on shot.

The reason why he was in a daze just now was because he finally saw what formation trapped Han Ruoshuang.

To be precise, it is somewhat similar to some formation.

Obviously, the person who arranged this formation did not learn the essence of arranging this formation at all, so the formation she arranged became a bit different.

It has its own shape, but its power has indeed become much smaller. If it is really the big formation that Houtian thought, let alone the Emperor of the Nine Tribulations, even the immortal kings and late emperors in the Great Thousand World can't help it. break free.

After Hou Tian dodged Murong Xue's blow, his eyes fell on the formation again.

Suddenly, his body trembled violently, an extremely excited expression appeared on his face, and tears of excitement filled his eyes.

Hou Tian's expression was something Han Ruoshuang had never seen before.

"Husband, be careful behind you!" Han Ruoshuang, who was trapped in the formation, saw that Murong Xue had sneaked up from behind Hou Tian in the sky, struggled a few times, and roared to remind.

Now Han Ruoshuang was controlled by the formation, the more she struggled, the tighter the formation became, and the situation became very critical.

Hou Tian smiled slightly, and said: "Honey, hold on for a while, and when I finish this woman, I will come to rescue you right away."

He is now fully confident that he can break the formation that traps Han Ruoshuang, but before breaking it, there is one thing he must be clear about.

Hou Tian took out the Human Emperor Sword with his right hand, made a long sword back posture, blocked Murong Xue's attack, clenched a fist with his left hand, turned around, and hit Murong Xue's stomach fiercely with his fist.


After Murong Xue was directly blasted several hundred meters away, she barely stabilized her figure, a mouthful of blood sprayed out, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise and murderous intent.

She never imagined that the human youth in front of her had such a powerful physical body, and Hou Tian's punch just now obviously did not use any martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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