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Chapter 250 Murong Xue, who betrayed Shadow Sha, was surrounded and killed by three people

Chapter 250 Murong Xue, who betrayed Yingsha, was surrounded and killed by three people (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
A series of attacks landed on the black energy shield of the Shadow Demon Emperor. Although he didn't suffer any damage, the valley around the entire demon palace was already covered in flying sand and rocks, being ruthlessly destroyed by the aftermath of the attacks.

At this time, the Shadow Demon Emperor, who had been besieged by the three people, looked at Murong Xue who was constantly attacking him with eyes full of murderous intent, and he really didn't think clearly.

He really didn't know how Murong Xue, who had been following him for decades, would suddenly betray him, and he was sure that Hou Tian and Murong Xue had never met before.

Because Murong Xue has always been arranged by the Shadow Demon Emperor in the base camp, as a counselor, today is the first time she meets this human Houtian, and she was actually instigated by someone?
Simply incredible.


"Bang bang bang!"

With a few deafening sounds, the ground shook, and the feather-like snowflakes in the sky fell on the black protective cover of the Shadow Demon Emperor. At this time, the protective cover was already crumbling and might shatter at any time.

He also wanted to strike back, but although Hou Tian and Murong Xue's cultivation bases were low, the power of each attack was not low, and the woman Han Ruoshuang was even more terrifying.

Her current strength is completely capable of fighting against her.

"Old man, don't be stubborn and stubborn, go with peace of mind, don't worry, those people from your demon clan will come to accompany you soon."

Seeing that the energy shield of the Shadow Demon Emperor was about to shatter, Hou Tian stopped attacking, standing proudly in the void, with a faint smile on his lips, and said.

The Shadow Demon Emperor, who was already exhausted from being attacked by the three of them, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when he heard Hou Tian's words.

Looking at Hou Tian viciously, he said, "Boy, I don't know what method you used to make Murong Xue betray me, but do you think you can defeat me by doing this?"

"What a joke, the power at the peak of the Emperor Realm is beyond your imagination."

As soon as the Shadow Demon Emperor's words fell, the moment the energy shield shattered, his entire body swelled to a size of hundreds of meters.

At this time, the Demon Emperor Yingsha has already been demonized, and the aura on his body is already infinite. After all, he is in the realm of immortals above the realm of the great emperor, and those snowflakes that are as cold as frost are less and less harmful to him.

Because not only his demon body has become bigger, but more importantly, his defense has also improved a lot. The reason why he didn't become demonized as soon as he came up was because he was worried that the old guy Qin Chuan was hiding in a dark place. After being demonized, he failed to resolve the battle quickly, and if he was attacked by Qin Chuan during the weak period after being demonized, he would be finished.

But now, he released his magic sense to sense it within thousands of miles around, but he didn't find Qin Chuan's aura, which made him dare to demonize at ease.

However, what he didn't expect was that a figure was rapidly moving towards the side at this time.

The film and television demon emperor, who was several hundred meters high, didn't waste any nonsense, and directly swung his arms like a small hill, and slammed down on Murong Xue fiercely.

Among the three, the one he hates the most and wants to kill the most is neither Han Ruoshuang nor Hou Tian, ​​but Murong Xue.

It is his shame that the Shadow Demon Emperor, a powerful man at the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm, was actually betrayed by Murong Xue, whom he cultivated.

"Murong Xue, be careful!" Hou Tian reminded loudly when he saw this.

Then he yelled again: "Chaotic celestial body, open."

After a burst of shouting, a golden light radiated from Hou Tian's body, and his whole body was wrapped in a beam of golden light, and gradually the golden light cluster became bigger and bigger.

At this time, Murong Xue was stunned when she saw the Chaos Heavenly Tire displayed by Hou Tian.

It was just a little stupefied that caused her entire body to be hit by the arm of Demon Emperor Yingsha.


The hillock-like arm of Demon Emperor Yingsha pressed heavily on Murong Xue's body, at this moment Murong Xue's body seemed extremely small.

Seeing this, Han Ruoshuang quickly used her ice and snow world, forming a thick layer of ice and snow on the way Murong Xue fell, trying to protect her with this.

However, the Demon Emperor Yingsha is at the peak of the Emperor Realm, and now he is infinitely close to the Immortal Realm after being demonized. His blow is extremely terrifying.

Murong Xue's body was directly broken at the waist, and Han Ruoshuang in the void also sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

The current Shadow Demon Emperor is still in the cold world of ice and snow, so his attack naturally landed in the cold world of ice and snow, because the attack was too powerful, so Han Ruoshuang was backlashed.

Looking at Hou Tian's side again, his body has soared to a height of nearly [-] meters at this time, even though it is still very small for the Shadow Demon Emperor.

When he saw Murong Xue being interrupted by the Shadow Demon Emperor, his eyebrows first frowned, and then relaxed.

Shouting to Han Ruoshuang: "Honey, use the world of ice and snow to control him, I'll clean it up, don't worry about Murong Xue."

"Oh!!" Han Ruoshuang was taken aback when she heard Hou Tian's words, and said in her heart, "What is the relationship between this woman and your husband? Just now, the relationship between the two is very good. Why is she dead now? Husband, don't worry." Don't you care? '

Of course, there are doubts in her heart, but she knows that if she doesn't work together to get rid of the Shadow Demon Emperor, she will be the one who will die.

As for the weather?

Han Ruoshuang knew that there was a secret person in Houtian, and with Yuhuatian's strength and their loyalty to Houtian, even if they died, they would not let Houtian die.

"Ice field, open!"

Han Ruoshuang shook his head, and after shaking off all those negative emotions, he let out a soft drink.

The Ice Domain is a domain skill that her Ice Phoenix Martial Spirit evolved after practicing the Ice Phoenix Nirvana. Although it is not as wide as the Ice and Snow World, the space inside is more stable. At the same time, in the domain, if you want to break open If so, the only way is to defeat her.

Then, with the Shadow Demon Emperor as the center, within a radius of one kilometer, a closed space composed of ice blocks was formed. The inside was all light blue, and no other colors could be seen. Even if you want to move, you will feel Very difficult.

Hou Tian also entered the frosty field of ice at this time, and he felt as if he had entered the gravity space, and felt that his body had become extremely heavy.

"System, Great Emperor Peak Experience Card, use it!"

Houtian roared in his mind.

That's right, the Great Emperor's Peak Experience Card he got before can be used at this time.


Immediately, Hou Tian's aura rose again.

Eight Tribulations Great Emperor.

Nine Tribulations Great Emperor.

He didn't stop until the Great Emperor had passed his peak, and his body had already reached a height of 500 meters, about the same size as the Shadow Demon Emperor.

"You... how could you... who are you?" The Shadow Demon Emperor was immediately stunned by Hou Tian's move.

(End of this chapter)

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