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Chapter 271 The imperial palace has become a holy place for cultivation

Chapter 271 The imperial palace has become a holy place for cultivation (please subscribe for a monthly ticket)

"Hehe, I think there should be no need for patrols!" Hou Tian smiled, looking at the smiling faces of the people below, he felt very relieved.

He knew that all this began to change after Xun Yu took charge of state affairs.

Not only did the entire imperial capital be divided into inner and outer cities, but the inner city was also improved, and the streets and houses that looked a bit dilapidated were remodeled.

It turned the entire imperial capital of the Divine Phoenix Empire into a bustling, prosperous city with the highest safety factor.

To say that seeing such a big change in the empire, Luo Qingcheng was the most shocked. The lord of the Yaochi Holy Land used to come to the imperial capital a lot, but at that time, except for the imperial palace, the other places were a bit horrible.

But looking at it now, the entire imperial capital has taken on a new look, and it feels like the entire city is full of vigor and vitality.

What surprised her even more was that after everyone came to the inner city, they felt that the aura was obviously much stronger. Such a big change meant that a spirit gathering formation was arranged in the inner city.

You must know that in ordinary holy places, only core disciples and above are eligible to use the spirit gathering array, but this entire city has been set up with a gathering spirit array.

How much skill and skill does this require?

She knew about Han Ruoshuang's ability. Apart from knowing how to cultivate, this woman had nothing else, so at that time, there was nothing outstanding in the Divine Phoenix Empire.

But now, it can be said that in the entire Little Buddha Realm, even in the Yaochi Region, there is no city that can reach their level.

However, all these changes come from waiting for the weather.

Soon, a group of people arrived in front of the imperial palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire and landed one after another.

Although the imperial capital originally did not allow people to fly, but Houtian and the others are the masters of the empire, so no one dared to say anything about their flying.

As for the imperial palace, it was because Hou Tian didn't want to leap, and it was a bit contemptuous of the imperial power, which was not good.

When everyone landed on the ground and looked at the Imperial Palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire in front of them, Han Ruoshuang and Luo Qingcheng were shocked.

The tall red walls are matched with blue tiles, and the bluestone roads are flat and lacklustre, which cannot be covered by the glorious atmosphere, just like a fairy palace coming from the sky.

As for the others, although Gao Ying was a little shocked, she was not too shocked. Zhang Han had already told him about these things on the way.

And Murong Qianqian?
She is a woman who has seen the Chaos Temple in the Chaos Supreme Realm. How could such a mortal thing surprise her?
"My God, is this still the palace of my Divine Phoenix Empire?" Han Ruoshuang looked at everything in the palace in disbelief, and couldn't help exclaiming.

She really did not expect that the current palace has become so beautiful.

The large square, the brand-new bluestone road, and all kinds of artificial mountains and fake waters are all there. What's more, the aura in the entire palace has increased by [-]% compared to the inner city.

Even if it is an ordinary person, staying in the palace to cultivate is several times faster than the outside world.

Not only that, but there are also many training platforms, martial arts platforms, etc., so that in the entire palace, not only civil and military officials work, but also royal warriors practice.

If the former imperial palace was a prison to Han Ruoshuang, now it is like a holy place for her cultivation.

Under the excitement, she lost the aloofness and inhumanity of a female emperor, and she was just a little girl who was confused by love.

"Ahem!" Hou Tian coughed dryly twice, and said, "Okay, pay attention to your image, this is just a small scene."

If he had changed before, the weather would have been as cold as frost, like a frog in a well, but after he merged the memories of the Chaos Ancestor God, there was really no disturbance at all about these.

Next, under the leadership of Xun Yu, Hou Tian and others walked towards a palace.

Luo Qingcheng, who was following behind everyone, was completely shocked by the aura, layout, and decoration of the palace.

In such a huge imperial palace, the concentration of aura is not lower than that of Yaochi Holy Land. Although it is a place without increasing the spirit gathering array, it is already very powerful.

You must know that among the five great domains of the human race, there are only a few blessed lands. To be able to find a treasured land and keep it, that is a skill, that is remarkable.

But Hou Tian was even more terrifying. He directly built the imperial palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire into a holy place for cultivation.

Come to the palace.

This is a Daqin-style palace specially built by Zhang Han for Houtian, which is very different from the previous palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

All here are guarded by Sun Shangxiang with female guards.

"Luo Qingcheng, you and Murong Qianqian choose a room each, and you can practice in this palace from now on." After arriving at the palace, Hou Tian gave them no time to ask questions, and directly opened his mouth to give instructions.

Hearing this, Luo Qingcheng showed a cute smile on his face, and said, "Okay, thank you Dijun for taking me in."

She can't show her real identity now, except for Hou Tian and others, everyone thinks that the Lord of Yaochi has died in the battlefield of gods and demons.

Luo Qingcheng knew about this matter, and there was something tricky about it, so she didn't plan to make a comeback, and started practicing at Houtian's place.

After finishing the order, Hou Tian brought Han Ruoshuang to the meeting hall of the palace together.

Looking at Xun Yu, Sun Shangxiang and others below, he said: "Next, Zhao Yun's [-] cavalry will return to the Imperial Capital, and Yuhuatian's [-] Jinyiwei."

"Luo Yi, your task in the future is to give all the people under you to practice as soon as possible, and leave the rest of the work to the people in Yuhuatian."

"The subordinate understands!" Only his voice was heard, but the person was not seen.

Houtian knows that this guy Luo Yi is practicing shadow-attribute skills, and he has been hiding in the dark to protect his safety.

Of course, the current Houtian no longer needs his protection, because their strength is too weak, and the realm of Emperor Wu is already very low under Houtian.

This was also the reason why Hou Tian was going to throw Luo Yi and others into the Demon Suppressing Tower to concentrate on training.

"Gao Ying, Xun Yu, the two of you have to prepare something next." Hou Tian looked at Gao Ying and Xun Yu and said.

The two stepped forward at the same time, waiting respectfully for orders.

Hou Tian glanced at Han Ruoshuang, who nodded to him with a firm expression, and said, "Husband, let me speak!"

"My lords, next go discuss with the cabinet members such as Lord Yang Hong and Kong Zheng about the ceremony of passing on the throne."

Hearing Han Ruoshuang's words, the audience was shocked.

Gao Ying and Xun Yu looked at Hou Tian at the same time, asking for his opinion.

You know, although Hou Tian is Han Ruoshuang's husband, the succession of the monarch of an empire is a very grand event.

Hou Tian nodded, and explained: "Before, my wife discussed with me, saying that she wanted to pass on the Divine Phoenix Empire to me."

"Of course, I originally refused. After all, I don't want to be bound by an imperial force. My goal is not the Nine Heavens Continent."


(End of this chapter)

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