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Chapter 276 Officially Became a Fortune Dynasty

Chapter 276 Officially Became a Fortune Dynasty (please subscribe for monthly ticket)
After knowing this, countless people in the entire Divine Phoenix Empire were shocked.

For a long time, Zongmen have always been a high-ranking existence, an existence overlooking all living beings, not to mention ordinary people, even the collapse of some dynasties is only in the Zongmen's thought.

But now, the Divine Phoenix Empire will become a luck dynasty that can dominate everything and surpass the sect forces.

Regardless of whether it was the people of the Divine Phoenix Empire or the warriors within the territory of the Divine Phoenix Empire, at this moment, they all knelt down and cheered in unison.

Because they discovered that after the Divine Phoenix Empire was promoted to the Qiyun Dynasty, not only the luck has changed, but for the warriors, they obviously felt that the spiritual energy in the entire Divine Phoenix Empire was much more abundant.

And for those ordinary people, they have become the people of the dynasty who are enough to surpass the power of the sect, and who are enough to make all the people behave in a dignified manner.


A huge dragon chant resounded throughout the territory of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

A golden dragon tens of meters long appeared.

This golden dragon finally disappeared in the palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

"Golden Dragon Condensation?"

"My Divine Phoenix Empire has been completely recognized by the heaven and earth, and has become the luck dynasty."

After seeing a lucky golden dragon appear, many warriors already know that the current Divine Phoenix Empire has been approved by the will of heaven and earth.

From now on, the Divine Phoenix Empire has officially become the Qiyun Dynasty, which exists just like the Celestial Dynasty of the Human Race.

What the luck power of the luck dynasty condenses is only the luck golden dragon.

"Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

Both Gao Ying and Xun Yu knew that the Divine Phoenix Empire had been promoted to become a real luck dynasty, and their expressions were extremely alarmed. They knelt down again and stood up and shouted.

"Long live, long live, Your Majesty."

"Long live, long live, Your Majesty."

"Long live, long live, Your Majesty."


First, the soldiers of the prisoner army, the elite cavalry of Shu, Jin Yiwei, and the common people in the imperial capital.

Then there are countless people in the territory of the entire Divine Phoenix Empire.

In the entire twelve counties of the Divine Phoenix Empire, except for Hou Tian and Han Ruoshuang, no one stood still.

Everyone has already knelt down.

At this moment, what Hou Tian felt was all the scenes within the territory of the entire Divine Phoenix Empire.

As long as he wanted, he could instantly appear in any corner of the territory of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

This is the strength of Qiyun Dynasty.

Of course, if he breaks through from the Great Emperor Realm to the Divine Realm, he can also do it in a small place like the Nine Heavens Continent.

But now he can't do this, he can only do it through the condensed luck of the luck dynasty.

"Today, since it is a sacrifice to the heavens, there should be the best."

Hou Tian looked at the Jade Seal of Chuanguo on the table in front of him, the imperial decree, and the list of conferring gods. He knew that the Divine Phoenix Empire on the surface had become a dynasty of luck before it shone.

But in fact, the last step is still missing.

That is offering sacrifices to heaven.

The real sacrifice to the heavens is about to be chanted casually.

A real sacrifice to heaven must require sacrifices, but at this time, sacrifices are needed.


Hearing Hou Tian's words, Xun Yu and the others looked at each other, knowing that the next step would be the last and most critical step for the Divine Phoenix Empire to be promoted to a true luck dynasty.

If this step fails, the advancement of the Qiyun Dynasty will be judged as a failure.

So not only Hou Tian, ​​but the entire Divine Phoenix Empire's civil and military officials, as well as the soldiers of the Divine Phoenix Empire, will all receive backlash.

It was also at this time that no matter whether it was Xun Yu, Gao Ying, Zhao Yun or the others, their faces became serious.

The people of the Divine Phoenix Empire did not know this.

They only knew that His Majesty said that he wanted sacrifices to sacrifice to heaven.

"The Heavenly Dynasty of the Human Race, the Great Emperor of the Seven Tribulations of the Zhenguo Mansion, was a free ticket, disrespecting the way of heaven, bullying the weak, leading the emperor and the strong, and wanted to chase and kill me."

"There is no pardon."

"Today, I will use the white ticket of the Seven Tribulations Great Emperor Realm as a sacrifice to sacrifice to the heavens."

Hou Tian said sonorously.

This voice not only spread throughout the entire Divine Phoenix Empire, but could even be heard in the entire Little Buddha Territory.

Others didn't know who Bai Piao was, but a veiled woman in the outer city of the imperial capital twitched the corner of her mouth violently.

Bai Piaodang is the Celestial Dynasty of the Human Race, a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm of the Zhen Guo Mansion, but he was used by Hou Tian to sacrifice to the Heaven. This is a provocation to the Celestial Dynasty of the Human Race!

At first, I thought, just bear with it and let Houtian, the reincarnation of the mighty, ascend directly, but now...
At this time, on the altar of offering sacrifices, Zhao Yun escorted an old man whose spirit sea had been sealed off to the stage.

This man was a vain ticket, kneeling on the ground.

In front of that voice like Tianwei, he was like a person abandoned by heaven and earth, his face was ashes.




A Great Emperor of the Seven Tribulations was sacrificed to the heavens in full view, and under the suppression of the will of the heavens, he died directly.

Originally, Hou Tian already possessed the peak strength of the Eight Tribulations Great Emperor, and when the Qiyun Dynasty sacrificed to the sky, he was also blessed with the power of heaven and earth.

So it was too easy to clean up the pawn of a Seven Tribulations Great Emperor.


Standing on the platform, Hou Tian raised his hand lightly and tapped towards Bai Piao Dang.

The white ticket immediately disappeared completely.


After Hou Tian wiped out the white ticket pawn, the Jade Seals, Imperial Edicts, and List of Conferred Gods placed on the top platform of the interim worship platform began to emit extremely dazzling golden light.

On the jade seal, the six characters of Divine Phoenix Empire Houtian began to appear.

As for the imperial decree and list of bestowed gods, although they were blank, they already contained divine light, and were truly connected with the luck of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

"The ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven is over, and our Divine Phoenix Empire has officially advanced."

"From now on, my Divine Phoenix Empire is the luck dynasty."

Hou Tian said sonorously.

His voice spread throughout the territory of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

Hearing Hou Tian's words, countless people of the Divine Phoenix Empire cheered in unison.

Although they didn't see how Houtian exterminated the Seven Tribulations Great Emperor Realm powerhouse, they already knew that after the sacrifice to heaven was completed, the entire Divine Phoenix Empire became a dynasty of luck.

For warriors, they have a more intense aura, and they are more comfortable with cultivation.

For ordinary people, the current Divine Phoenix Empire is no longer what it used to be when the Empress was in power, but also a mortal empire that needs to look at the faces of some sects and holy lands.

It's a real luck dynasty.

Even the faction of the sect could only bow down before the Divine Phoenix Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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