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Chapter 281 Emperor Buyao, Emperor Bilian

Chapter 281 Emperor Buyao, Emperor Bilian (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

The old man in fancy clothes was overjoyed when Hou Tian said that he was a casual cultivator.

He could feel that the one who crossed the tribulation just now was the Great Emperor Tianlei Tribulation, and it was also a very terrifying Great Emperor Tianlei Tribulation, and the aura emanating from his body the day after tomorrow was actually the Eight Tribulations Great Emperor.

Of course, Hou Tian deliberately let him see this.

Such a powerful Great Emperor Realm powerhouse should be the ancestor of a small faction. After hearing that he reported his origin, he deliberately said that he was a casual cultivator.

Yes, it must be so.

The old man in Chinese clothes smiled and said, "Hello fellow daoist, my name is Bu Yao, and I am the head of the Tianchao Zhenguofu. I wonder if you are interested in joining our Tianchao Zhenguofu?"


"Fellow Daoist is such a good name, but I think this is like the way to Little Buddha Land!" Hou Tian said, scanning the three flying boats in front of him lightly.

On the flying boats, only one of the flying boats has great emperor level powerhouses, and the other two flying boats are basically warriors at the Martial Emperor level, and they are all high-ranking Martial Emperors.

Twelve of those below the Seven Tribulations of the Great Emperor Realm actually came, plus three Nine Tribulations Great Emperors and two Peak Great Emperors. If this lineup is placed in the five major domains of the human race, let alone wipe out a small dynasty.

Even those prestigious holy places for cultivation can be wiped out by them.

Thinking of this, Hou Tian had to admire that the Celestial Dynasty of the Human Race is really rich and powerful, and they can dispatch so many great emperors to deal with him at once.

Buyao smiled and said: "We are indeed going to the Little Buddha Land this time. If fellow Taoists have time, you can go and see it with us."

From Buyao's point of view, even though he dispatched so many Great Emperor Realm powerhouses, it is more than enough to destroy the Divine Phoenix Empire, but the Sanxiu Emperor in front of him is a very good fighter.

As long as he develops into a person of the celestial dynasty, then he, the chief executive, will be a great achievement.

"I don't think it's necessary. I just crossed the tribulation, and I haven't stabilized the realm yet!" Hou Tian shook his head and declined.

I actually sneered in my heart, you people really want to go to my Divine Phoenix Empire.

At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yun, Han Ruoshuang, Yuhuatian, and Murong Qianqian, so that they were ready to attack at any time.

After several years of training in the tower, these three people have now reached the peak of the emperor, plus Hou Tian's five peak emperors, it is a breeze to deal with these people.

"Fellow Daoist, there is a special spiritual energy training room on the flying boat, which can help you stabilize your realm. Why don't you go there together?"

Bu Yao's words seemed to be discussing, but there was a tone of command in his tone.

In his opinion, Hou Tiancai had just been promoted to the Dao Eight Tribulations Great Emperor. With so many great emperors and powerhouses in his hands, he could completely subdue this person. At that time, it would be impossible for him not to join the Celestial Dynasty.

The means of the Zhen Guo Mansion were not blown out, if not for some special means, it would be impossible for the Tian Dynasty Zhen Guo Mansion to have so many Great Emperor Realm powerhouses.

Of course, these things are only known to Bu Yao, the general manager, and the senior officials of the Zhen Guo Mansion.

"Oh? There is such a good thing?" Hou Tian felt that Han Ruoshuang and the other four had arrived nearby, so he replied with a smile.

He couldn't understand the meaning of old man Bu Yao's words. To put it bluntly, if you want to go, he will be more polite to you. If you insist on not going, then he will force you.

Soon, Hou Tian followed Bu Yao onto a spirit boat.

Hou Tian could tell that this spirit boat should belong to the low-rank emperor soldiers, and it was definitely a top-level spirit boat in the Nine Heavens Continent.

For a general power, it would be very good to have a spirit boat of the imperial level, but the Celestial Dynasty of the Human Race, even the head of a town government can own an imperial spirit boat, which is enough to show the wealth of the Celestial Dynasty.

After boarding the spirit boat, Bu wanted to summon the other great emperors, and introduced them one by one: "Fellow Daoist Tianji, these are all fellow Daoists who are traveling with us, and they are all strong in our Zhenguo Mansion."

The name Tianji is naturally a fake name used by Hou Tian.

Hou Tianwen looked at the reputation, and saw more than a dozen middle-aged men and women in front of him, all of whom were strong in the Great Emperor Realm without exception.

At this time, Bu Yao raised his finger and pointed to a woman standing in the front, who was dressed in coquettish clothes and had black lips. She looked like a black widow at first glance and introduced: "Fellow Tianji, this is the chief deacon of the Zhenguo Mansion, the peak of the emperor." His cultivation level is called Emperor Bilian."

"Bilian? Face to face?"

Hou Tian couldn't help laughing in his heart, and secretly said: "Is it so casual to name yourself?"

However, he still greeted Emperor Bilian very politely and nodded, which was regarded as a greeting.

After all, she will have to snatch all the treasures from her in a short while, so it is appropriate to be more polite at this time.

"This is Emperor Ankui!"

"Who is this···"

Emperor Buyao introduced all the strong men in the Great Emperor Realm who were present one by one, not so much as an introduction, but as a deterrent to Hou Tian.


Waiting for the day to hehe.

This is a gift for myself and an introduction, how can the people of the Celestial Dynasty be so good?
Hou Tian greeted more than a dozen powerful men from the Great Emperor Realm of the Celestial Dynasty one by one, and when everyone was about to leave, Hou Tian suddenly said:
"Dear friends, this is the first time we meet, I have a small gift for you all."

When Bu Yao heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, thinking that it was Hou Tian who wanted to join the Tianchao Zhenguo Mansion, and now he has come up with something good to build a good relationship with everyone.

He beckoned to everyone and signaled everyone to stop.


Waiting for the sky to say something that doesn't make sense.

After finishing speaking, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in the same place, and attacked the dozen or so great emperors who were seven calamities and one.

The aura from his body erupted. His strength was already very strong, and coupled with the sudden attack, even a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm would have to fall.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the auras of four peak emperors appeared on the spirit boat.

When the emperors of the Celestial Dynasty reacted and wanted to make a move, they found that except for the three Nine Tribulations Emperors and the two peak emperors Bu Yao and Bi Lian, the other great emperor-level powerhouses had fallen to the ground, lifeless.

Even their souls were destroyed.

"Here, what's going on here?"

"You, who are you?"

After reacting, Emperor Buyao gritted his teeth and looked at the other four people and Hou Tian who appeared on the spirit boat, and asked.

It never occurred to him that this guy who seemed to be only the Eight Tribulations Emperor was actually a Peak Emperor, and what made him even more unexpected was that there were four accomplices who were also Peak Emperors.

You know, in the entire Nine Heavens Continent, even in the Celestial Dynasty of the Human Race, there are only a handful of peak emperors. It has never been heard that there are actually five peak emperors among forces other than the Celestial Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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