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Chapter 284 The Lieyang Emperor Dynasty, All the Treasures

Chapter 284 The Lieyang Emperor Dynasty, All the Treasures (please subscribe for a monthly ticket)
"As long as you don't kill me, I'll tell you."

Emperor Buyao gritted his teeth. Now he knew very well that if he didn't come up with something that Hou Tian could appreciate, he might not be able to survive.

In his heart, he already hated the Celestial Dynasty of the Human Race and the maid beside the Emperor of Heaven.

This family, who came to the Divine Phoenix Empire, didn't even mention Houtian's real realm, nor did they say that the emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire was so terrifying.

If he had known that the emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire was so terrifying, he would not have come in person, but sent other people from the Zhen Guofu to come.

At that time, no matter whether Hou Tian was killing or doing something, it had nothing to do with me.

Originally thought that Hou Tian was a soft persimmon who wanted to take credit for destroying the Divine Phoenix Empire, but now it turned out to be so good that he lost his life.

Hou Tian glanced at him indifferently, and said, "Say!"

At this time, Han Ruoshuang, Murong Qianqian, Zhao Yun, and Yuhuatian had already dealt with their respective enemies. They had already reached the level above the Nine Tribulations Emperor, and they also possessed the strength to leapfrog challenges. Guys whose realm is still low can easily solve it.

"The lord of our Zhenguo Mansion discovered a forbidden area in the Zhongzhou domain. This forbidden area was left behind by a master of the Luck Dynasty after his ascension."

"The Lord of the Luck Dynasty has at least promoted the Dynasty to the Emperor Dynasty, and he is considered to be the peerless powerhouse who banned the entire Nine Heavens Continent before."

"After his ascension, there is a key in the secret realm left on the Nine Heavens Continent, and this key is the key to unlock the real secret realm."

"And there are rumors that the current road to becoming a god was created by this peerless powerhouse, in order to suppress the ascension of warriors from the Nine Heavens Continent."

"And that key can only be obtained from the Nine Heavens Continent if he obtains it in the forbidden area of ​​the Nine Heavens Continent."

"That's all the treasures of a Qiyun Dynasty at least at the level of a Qiyun Dynasty."

Emperor Buyao took a deep breath, and then continued talking.

He did this to survive, so he turned around and sold the news that the Human Race Celestial Dynasty had finally found out.

"All the treasures of a fortune dynasty?"

"Has this luck dynasty been destroyed?"

After hearing what Emperor Buyao said, Hou Tian became very interested.If it is said that there are only some inheritances such as martial arts and martial arts left behind, then he really doesn't care at all.

As the eternal reincarnation of the ancestor god of chaos, what kind of martial arts and martial arts does he not have?
However, his current strength is still too weak, and the Nine Heavens Continent is relatively barren and cannot find some high-end refining materials. If he wants to give Han Ruoshuang and others some convenient weapons, he has no way to refine them now.

Even pills can only be refined now, but better pills cannot be refined.

However, if it involves the background of a fortune dynasty, or all their treasures, it will be different.

These things can at least enable the people in Houtian's hands and the Divine Phoenix Empire to develop rapidly.

Even though he didn't intend to let the Divine Phoenix Empire expand outwards, there are some things that you will be bullied if you don't have them, but if you have them but don't use them, others won't dare to bully you.

Anyway, I was about to ascend to the Three Thousand God Realm with Han Ruoshuang and some heroes who had reached the cultivation level, but I still had to make arrangements for the Divine Phoenix Empire.

It is also impossible to take away all the powerful ones at the Great Emperor Realm. They need to stay in the Nine Heavens Continent to ensure the normal operation of the Divine Phoenix Empire, so Hou Tian is very interested in this so-called Forbidden Land of the Luck Dynasty.

"Yes, this luck dynasty has been shattered tens of thousands of years ago, otherwise the human race would not be the world of our celestial dynasty now."

"At that time, the Lord of the Qiyun Dynasty in the Nine Heavens Continent had a battle with another peerless sect expert, and the entire Zhongzhou Region and even the Nine Heavens Continent were banned."

"The Lord of the Luck Emperor Dynasty has already disappeared from people's sight. Even in the Three Thousand God Realm, there is no news of him. Some people speculate that he should have died."

"And he left a forbidden area in this world, and the key to the forbidden area is in the secret realm found in the Zhongzhou domain."

"Because, he has already reached a predictable point. When he really falls, it will be the day when the fortune dynasty he established will be destroyed."

"So, he emptied all the contents of the entire Qiyun Dynasty in advance, leaving nothing for the strong man of another sect."

"These treasure houses were all put into the forbidden area by him."

Emperor Buyao said without thinking.

Hou Tian was actually a little puzzled in his heart. As the head of the Tianchao Zhenguo Mansion, how could he know so many things?

This is somewhat unreasonable. Could it be that this old guy has some unknown background.

"Where is the secret place?" Hou Tian asked lightly.

The doubt in my heart didn't come out immediately, but I wanted to see how far his story could go.

What surprised him was that this secret realm of the Zhongzhou Domain was actually related to the secret realm of the entire Nine Heavens Continent.

And it was all discovered by one person, or one force, which is very interesting.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, our Celestial Dynasty has already found the secret realm of the Zhongzhou Region. It is next to the Wugou Sea, a place not far from the Heavenly Sword Sect."

"It is precisely because the secret realm is near the Wugou Sea, and it belongs to the Heavenly Sword Sect's domain, so we plan to destroy the Heavenly Sword Sect directly, just because we don't want others to know that the secret realm is in this place."

"And the token in my hand was discovered in the secret realm of Zhongzhou Domain."

"With this token, you can sense the specific location of the secret realm, but now the secret realm in the Zhongzhou domain has disappeared. If you want to enter this secret realm again, this token is useless."

"The only way to find out what is in the other secret realms of the Zhongzhou domain is to be able to sense the secret realm of the Zhongzhou domain and open the secret realm."

Emperor Buyao hesitated a little, turned his right hand, and a golden token appeared on the palm of his hand, and threw it towards Houtian.

At this moment, his address to Hou Tian has changed to His Majesty, and he is full of awe towards Hou Tian.

It can be seen that he is really frightened by Houtian now, and he feels that Houtian is not only the reincarnation of the mighty, but also the reincarnation of the mighty from a super power in the Three Thousand God Realm.

Hou Tian took the golden token in his hand, and saw four words written on the token at a glance.

"The Lieyang Emperor Dynasty."

In an instant, he understood that what is the lowest is the treasure of the Qiyun Dynasty. Judging from this token, that is where all the treasures of the Qiyun Dynasty are located.

(End of this chapter)

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