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Chapter 29 The Emperor's Faith, Nalan Zhize

Chapter 29 The Emperor's Faith, Nalan Zhize

Hou Tian's laughter echoed above the Golden Luan Hall, containing his aura of a two-star Martial King Realm, causing the eunuchs and maids who followed him to prostrate themselves on the ground.

The ordinary eunuchs and maids in the palace are all ordinary people with no cultivation.

Even if Hou Tian was only in the realm of King Wu, the aura he released was enough to make them panic.

Hou Tian stepped forward and walked towards the dragon chair on the Golden Luan Hall.

Because Han Ruoshuang had explained before that he would wait for the sky like an emperor in person, so he directly stepped onto the dragon chair.

After sitting down, his fingers slowly tapped the golden faucet next to him.

"On the first morning, it seems very deserted!"

It's not loud, but everyone can hear it clearly.

Zhao Ru followed and stood next to Hou Tian with an embarrassing expression on his face.

The empress ordered her to help Hou Tian control the court, but such a thing happened.

A look of anger rose on his face.

But immediately, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

'I'd like to see how this little monk who shocked the whole palace at the beginning will end up in this situation. '

'The empress and all the priests are very optimistic about his cultivation talent. I don't know how capable he is to lead a country? '

at this time.

There was a sound of footsteps in the deserted Golden Temple.

An upright old man in plain court clothes and simple cloth shoes walked slowly towards the court hall.

"Veteran cabinet minister Kong Zheng, pay homage to the emperor."

Kong Zheng came to the center of the court hall, and made a royal and minister's salute to Hou Tian.

Although he also looked down on this little monk in his heart, since the empress issued an imperial decree, he, as a subject, must abide by it.

"Unexpectedly, Master Kong came so early this morning!"

On Hou Tian's smiling face, no joy or anger could be seen, and he waved his hand to Kong Zheng below.

He also knew now that someone wanted to disown him, presumably it was the battle for the throne in the novel again.

But if you think about it, you are an outsider, and in a daze, you took an empress wife, and then became the emperor.

Hey, are you angry?
If it were Monkey Brother himself, he would probably vomit blood with anger, and then try to find a way to trip up.

However, Hou Tian didn't expect that Kong Zheng, one of the three cabinets, would come to court.

I am afraid that only this cabinet has the courage to come. If it is other officials, I am afraid that they will be squeezed out by others, so they dare not come.

"The emperor forgives the sin, the old minister is old, and his legs and feet are slower!"

Kong Zheng hurriedly saluted again.

What Hou Tian said just now seems to be nothing, but how could Kong Zheng not understand that he could become one of the three cabinets?
"Okay, I don't mean to blame you, but..."

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Hou Tian's eyes, and the moment he stood up, the wind howled, his body was magnificent, and a harmless smile appeared on his face.

He continued: "Next, let Master Kong see the good show!"

After finishing speaking, there was a hint of domineering in the brilliance deep in the eyes.

"Come on!"

Then, there was a burst of drinking.

Two Wu Zongjing royal guards in golden armor walked in.


Hands in a bow, the momentum is like a rainbow.

"Decide the will of my lord, the six ministers of the cabinet, the officials of the fifth rank and above in the imperial capital, all go to the court within an hour."

"If it doesn't arrive..."

"Well, just ransack the house and punish the nine clans. Anyway, the eighteenth generation must be gone!"

This emperor is too cruel.

After Hou Tian finished speaking, a system notification sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host, shocked the royal guard Zhao Ru! 】

[Congratulations to the host, shocked the cabinet minister Kong Zheng. 】

[Congratulations to the host, shocked all the eunuchs and maids. 】

[Reward: Emperor Faith. 】

[Emperor's Faith: After the host produces believers, when they practice together with the host, the speed of the believers' cultivation is doubled, and the spiritual energy cultivated by the believers will be fed back to the host. 】


"Is there such a good thing?"

"Then the characters I summoned, aren't they all going to be the same as me in the future, are they cheating?"

"Ha ha!"

After listening to the system's words, a smile appeared on Hou Tian's face, and his heart was ecstatic.

If it weren't for being in the court, he would have laughed out loud.

But relying on himself, now Yanyun Shibaqi and Luo Yi, there are still a little few believers!

It seems that I have to plan well.

Just when Hou Tian was in ecstasy, Kong Zheng, who was standing below, opened his lips wide and didn't know what to say when he heard the words.

Everyone present did not expect that Hou Tian would actually make such a decree.

If all the civil and military officials in the court did not come to the court, wouldn't it mean that all the officials of the entire Divine Phoenix Empire would be killed?

"It seems that you have taken my emperor's words as air!"

With a smile on his face, Hou Tian looked at the two royal guards who stood still and remained unmoved, and a murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Why keep this kind of disobedient garbage?

at this time.

"The emperor is so majestic!"

"However, our royal guards are under the direct management of the royal family, and we have not received His Majesty's order, so we cannot be transferred!"

A thick male voice sounded, and then dozens of royal guards in golden armor, each accompanied by a middle-aged man, broke into the court hall.

Zhao Ru, who was standing next to Houtian, frowned slightly.

She also knew this person, Nalan Zhize, the commander-in-chief of the royal guard at the level of a one-star Martial Emperor.

And it's not long after breaking through the one-star Martial Emperor, and now it's gaining momentum.

Even Zhao Ru is not his opponent.

"Zhao Ru, let me introduce you?" Hou Tian didn't pay attention to Nalan Zhize below, but looked back at Zhao Ru who was standing beside him.

"Return to Dijun, this is the commander of the Royal Guard, Nalan Zhize."

Zhao Ru's complexion changed slightly, and she stepped forward to answer.

The heart is also curious.

This Nalan Zhize has always been an unruly master, and now that his strength has reached the one-star Martial Emperor, I am afraid that he will not pay attention to Hou Tian even more.

Back then, he was also one of the empress' secret admirers!
"Oh, so it's the commander-in-chief of the royal guard!" Hou Tian kept a smile on his face.

People can't see his anger.

But everyone knows that the person who talks cruelly to you with a smile on his face is not easy to mess with.

But Nalan Zhize was not afraid.

The current Houtian is only a two-star Martial King, not even a little bit behind him.

If it weren't for the fact that the little monk was a little better looking than himself, how could he have been favored by the empress?

"During my wedding ceremony, you were there. You should have read the imperial decree issued by my wife!"

"My wife asked me to lead state affairs. Are you disobeying orders? Are you planning to rebel?"

"Then I will confiscate all your family's property first, and then... not much, I will just punish your nine clans."

Hou Tian walked slowly from the hall towards the audience, and said with a smile.

He knew that to be able to sit on the commander of the royal guard, there must be some strength and influence behind him.

so what?

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(End of this chapter)

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