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Chapter 33 Opening the Eye of Heaven, Deterring the Cabinet

Chapter 33 Opening the Eye of Heaven, Deterring the Cabinet
[Congratulations to the host for completing a mid-level shock, the reward is the eye of the sky]

[Tiantian Eye: It can see the martial artist's cultivation potential, luck, and see through all illusions. 】

When Hou Tian heard the system's notification sound, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop raising.

This thing can be said to be very practical.

When I meet some geniuses in the future, I can tell at a glance whether they are real geniuses or not.

"Is there any other function of this eye that penetrates the sky?"

Regardless of the expressions of the people in the hall below, Hou Tian asked silently in his heart.

[As long as the host opens the eye of the sky, everything will be seen by the host. 】

"How to open it?"

[In view of the current situation of the host, it is best to turn it on when no one is around. 】


Since the system said so, Houtian naturally wouldn't say go to the scene to open it.

After all, if some vision occurs, he is still in court!
Bad influence!

The court at this time.

A dead silence.

Only Houtian's heart is flattered.

Unexpectedly, the eyes of the sky can be opened this time, and then the empire will have another selection to participate in the genius of the battlefield.

You can find some sons of luck by yourself.

"It seems that Brother Monkey, who has a system, is destined to become a person who shocks the world!"

If Houtian's current thoughts were known to other people in the court, he would probably vomit blood and die.

This guy actually shocked us by killing people to get rewards.

It's so nasty.

"I thought this little monk was just a puppet placed by the empress on the court, but now it seems that the old man really underestimated his ability!"

Yang Hong, the cabinet secretary, looked at Hou Tian, ​​who had unexpectedly killed Nalan Zhan, a one-star martial sage, without anyone noticing.

Even the one-star martial saint's Nalan Zhan was instantly killed, and it was done on purpose.

Even the Nalan family can't say anything now!
After all, the little monk was personally decreed by the Empress to take charge of state affairs on her behalf, as if the Empress had come in person.

Nalan Zhan dared to release his martial sage aura on the court hall, which was suspected of killing the king, and his death would be in vain.

After all, all civil and military officials in the dynasty were watching.

Originally, he thought that Hou Tian was just a brat, but now it seems that whether it is killing the previous Nalan Zhize, or the current Nalan Zhan.

Hou Tian is very scheming, smiling on the surface, but MMP in his heart.

This kind of person is often the most difficult, and he is more like an emperor than an empress.

Now, in the entire court of the Divine Phoenix Empire, everyone could see that there was an undercurrent surging.

However, Kong Zheng and Ye Yunlong secretly touched the sweat on their foreheads.

Fortunately, they didn't go to be the first birds, otherwise...
"What did Lord Yang say just now?" Hou Tian sat on the high seat, his eyes were still smiling, as if killing Nalan Zhan was a very common thing.

Yang Hong, who was standing below, trembled all over.

He had completely lost the air he had just now, and his hands naturally dropped down.

"Dijun, my majesty, I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything."

While answering Hou Tian's words, he kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

Even the little monk who dared to kill the first-rank martial saint directly, would give himself a shot if he didn't guarantee it.

Even if the Yang family can find the Empress to file a complaint afterwards.

But, he is dead, so what's the use of seeking justice?
"Well, maybe my ears heard it wrong?" Hou Tian stood up from the dragon chair and paced on the high platform.

He continued: "I remember that Master Yang and the Nalan family should be familiar with each other!"

"Yes, ah, not familiar, not familiar!"

After Yang Hong replied subconsciously, he immediately felt something was wrong and denied it.

However, his denial, even he himself could not believe it.

"Don't be so nervous, I have a good job for you, I'm sure you like it!"

Hou Tian waved his hand, and continued: "The Lingshi of Nalan's family, if they don't deliver it within ten days, you will collect it. If you do, you will receive [-] yuan in interest, and you will not be able to collect it..."

The latter words are not finished yet.

Yang Hong knelt directly on the ground.

"Dijun, I'm old and I have trouble walking. How about letting Master Ye and Master Kong go with me?"

Yang Hong naturally knew what Hou Tian's words meant.

If it can't be accepted, then Yang Hong will have to post it himself.

That's 30, no, after ten days, it's [-] spirit stones!
Even if it was his Yang family, if he wanted to take out so many spirit stones at once, it would still be painful.

Decisively drag the other two into the water first.

Hearing Yang Hong's words, the faces of Ye Yunlong and Kong Zheng immediately darkened.

This old thing has to drag labor and management into trouble.

Is the Nalan family's money so easy to get?
"This matter is settled like this. As for who will go with you, you can decide for yourself. Anyway, after ten days, I will ask you for money. 30 spirit stones. If one is missing, you will pay [-]."

"Everyone, if you have nothing else to do, just retreat. Remember to be early tomorrow. If you are late, you will be fined!"

Hou Tian had obtained the Eye of the Sky, and he couldn't bear it for a long time, and wanted to go back to the palace to open it. Naturally, he didn't have so much time to waste with these ministers.

"Congratulations to the emperor!"

"Congratulations to the emperor!"

As soon as they heard that Hou Tian was about to leave, all the civil and military officials of the court heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly knelt down to send him off respectfully.

After Hou Tian left, the others did not dare to stay for a moment, for fear of becoming cannon fodder.

After all, going to Nalan's house to ask for money is a life-threatening job.

Of the three major cabinets, except for Kong Zheng who is clean and honest, the other two have strong backgrounds, and they must send pawns before they go.

No matter who this pawn falls on, it will be sent to die.

The empress' bedroom.

After Hou Tian came back, looking at the empty room, he took out the jade slip left by Han Ruoshuang and put it back on the dressing table.

Then sit cross-legged on the ground.

"Open the eyes of the sky!"

【The eye of the sky is opening...】

[Successful opening! 】

It only took a dozen breaths of time, and with the strong help of the system, a golden eye appeared on Houtian's forehead.


Open your eyes and look in the mirror.

What the hell!

Is this Erlang God?

But Monkey Brother is much more handsome than Erlang God.

Different golden pupils, between the eyebrows!

With a thought, I feel that everything printed in front of my eyes is extremely clear.

In the room, it can't be well reflected.

When he looked at the sky through the window.

That's when I really felt the horror of Tongtianyan.

He could clearly see the clouds outside, the little spiritual energy floating on them, and a spirit beast bird that occasionally flew by tens of thousands of meters away.

"System, this thing, it won't be like this all the time, and why do I feel a little dizzy?"

After a while, Hou Tian asked curiously.

[No, it will only appear when the host uses the eye of the sky. As for the dizziness, it is because the host's mental power is too rubbish. 】

[If you want to use the eye of the sky, you need to consume the spiritual power of the warrior. 】

 All handsome men and beauties, ask for a recommendation ticket!

  Starting today, there will be three changes every day. If you have recommended tickets, please give some!

(End of this chapter)

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