Chapter 52 General Zhao Yun, Ten Thousand Cavalry

"Also, in the next period of time, I will practice hard and strive to find you on the battlefield as soon as possible!"


After talking to the sound transmission jade slip for a while, Hou Tian came to the basement of the palace.

"System, use the S-rank general summon card for me!"

The first thing to do when you come to the underground square is to summon the generals.

【The system is calling...】

After hearing Hou Tian's words, the electronic sound that shocked the system rang in his mind.

At this time, Hou Tian began to look forward to it.

I don't know what kind of generals will be summoned by this so-called S-level generals card.

[Congratulations to the host, summoned the S-level general Zhao Yun! 】

"Zhao Yun?"

Hearing the system's words, Hou Tian's eyes lit up, revealing surprise.

As a Chinese, how could it be possible not to know Zhao Yun's name?
This is the whole Three Kingdoms period, and he can be called a real God of War figure.

Since following Liu Bei, he has rarely had the opportunity to lead troops alone, and has always followed him, without showing his true strength at all.

But now, Hou Tian didn't expect to be able to summon such a general.

After that, after going to the Gods and Demons Battlefield by himself, there would be no problem if he handed over the affairs of the Divine Phoenix Empire to Zhao Yun to guard the house.

As the current emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire, how could he do without any powerful generals under his command?
Now that Zhao Yun has been summoned, it just fills the gap that there is no powerful general.

As for Sun Shangxiang, although she is a martial saint, she can only guard the palace. After all, her general talent is limited to a certain area.

But Zhao Yun was different, he could expand the territory of the Divine Phoenix Empire in the future.

More importantly, this time the system gave back [-] elite cavalrymen from Shu Kingdom.

There are soldiers and generals.

All of a sudden, you have everything, and you can practice with peace of mind when you wait for the weather.

Immediately, Hou Tian glanced at Zhao Yun's data panel.

Name: Zhao Yun.

Cultivation level: Five Tribulations Great Emperor.

Cultivation method: Divine Dragon Code.

Grade: S grade!
Army: [-] elite cavalry from the Kingdom of Shu.

General Talent: Ever Victorious General (Function 1: When leading an army in battle, it can raise the whole army by one small level. 2: When there is a huge gap between the enemy and us, it can increase the whole army's four small levels.)
Invincible General: (Function, when fighting alone, facing an enemy whose number or level is much higher than oneself, increase three small levels.)

"It's really the Emperor of the Five Tribulations!"

After reading Zhao Yun's data page, Hou Tian was taken aback for a moment.

Of course, as for why after Zhao Yun was summoned, his realm was the Great Emperor of the Five Tribulations, which is currently the strongest realm in the Divine Phoenix Empire.

This has been explained by the system when I got the S-level general summoning card before.

When he saw that Zhao Yun had two general talents, Hou Tian was also very pleasantly surprised.

This is too arrogant.

Just the first general talent has two special effects.

The first special effect is that when leading the whole army to fight, it can raise the 1 people to a small level.

Once the disparity between the number of enemies and the enemy is too large, it can directly increase the four small realms.

These elite iron cavalry of the Shu Kingdom have now reached the level of one-star Wuwang at the lowest level, and even some commanders have reached the level of Wuhuang.

In this way, doesn't that mean that under normal combat conditions, these grassroots soldiers in the Wu King realm can be directly promoted to a small realm.

And once there is a situation where less wins more, you can directly improve the four small realms.

Such a general's talent is simply against the sky.

At this time, Hou Tian even thought about calling Han Ruoshuang back to guard the house.

Then he took Zhao Yun to the battlefield of gods and demons to kill the Quartet.

Of course, this matter can only be thought about, it cannot be realized.

After all, Zhao Yun is just a character summoned by himself, and it is okay to guard the house in the palace, as a hole card, if he goes to the battlefield of gods and demons.

I'm afraid that the fact that the Divine Phoenix Empire has two emperors will be directly exposed, which is not good for Houtian's plan.

Moreover, Zhao Yun's second general talent is also very powerful.

If he fights alone, without bringing any troops, and when the opponent is stronger than himself in terms of numbers or strength, he can also raise three small realms by himself.

You know, the current Zhao Yun is already the Great Emperor of the Five Tribulations. If it is to raise three small realms, then...

"Wait, these horses???"

Just when Hou Tian was complacent, he suddenly discovered that Zhao Yun was riding a white horse. He was so handsome that he didn't look like an ordinary war horse at all.

Although this is a fantasy world, this is too fantasy.

Because Hou Tian could clearly feel that the war horse Zhao Yun was riding had actually reached the terrifying realm of a martial saint.

In other words, his war horse is a spirit beast of the martial saint level, and it may even be a divine beast.

Taking a closer look, it was a white flood dragon, so Hou Tian thought it might have the blood of a divine beast.

The power of qi and blood is extremely strong, and if it is a battle, it is even possible to fight with the Nine Star Martial Saint.

"Good guy!"

"It's not just that Zhao Yun has reached the level of the Five Tribulations Great Emperor, but even his war horse has reached the level of a Martial Saint."

"Although I can't see through its true cultivation, I can be sure that it is at least one star Martial Saint."

"This is very perverted!"

Although Houtian had already made psychological preparations before, after seeing Zhao Yun pass by, he still couldn't help but be shocked.

As for the war horses of the [-] Shu Kingdom's elite cavalry, they are not as exaggerated as Zhao Yun's war horses, but their war horses have also reached a level lower than their own.

Soldiers in the Wu King Realm, their horses have reached the Martial Spirit Realm.

The commander of a thousand commanders at the realm of Emperor Wu, and their horses are at the realm of King Wu.

How terrifying is this.

Even in the Divine Phoenix Empire, as far as Hou Tian knew, the Nine Dragons in the imperial palace used spirit beasts that had reached the Martial Emperor realm.

To put it bluntly, the spirit beasts in the palace are not as high as Zhao Yun's horses.

More importantly, there are [-] war horses here!
And there are a full [-] cavalry.

"It's really a terrifying iron cavalry!"

"I want my wife to come back to guard the house more and more, and leave it to me...just leave it to Zhao Yun to do the hard work outside."

"Subordinate Zhao Yun greets the lord!"

Just when Hou Tian was shocked, Zhao Yun got off his horse, holding a bright silver spear in his hand, and knelt down facing Hou Tian.

"Meet the lord!"

Following Zhao Yun's kneeling, ten thousand elite cavalrymen from the Shu Kingdom dismounted in unison, and bowed down to Hou Tian with great momentum.

"Okay, everyone get up!"

Hou Tian looked at Zhao Yun and this elite cavalry, with a look of satisfaction on his face, he waved his hand and said.

These are all summoned by the system, and they are 100% sincere to him, which makes Hou Tian very relieved.

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

The [-] elite cavalrymen of the Shu Kingdom shouted in unison, causing the entire underground square to vibrate.

"Zhao Yun, you first arrange for all the soldiers to station here, and stay here temporarily with the [-] Jiangdong female soldiers next door."

"I will ask Xun Yu to allocate enough food, grass and military supplies for you at that time, and I will arrange for you to be stationed in the military camp of the imperial capital later."

(End of this chapter)

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