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Chapter 58 Kunlun Holy Land, This Is Very Monarch

Chapter 58 Kunlun Holy Land, This Is Very Monarch

"Be gentle, there must be a lot of resources in their Sumeru ring."

Seeing that Zhao Yun made a move, Houtian quickly reminded him.


Hearing Hou Tian's words, everyone present almost spattered out a mouthful of old blood.

What time is this?

Still thinking about resources.

But for Sun Shangxiang and others, this is very emperor.

How could it be possible that there would be no benefit in traveling all the way.

Han Long kept asking himself in his heart.

How could he be so arrogant?
This time I was cheated by my father!

He just wanted to let his father leave the Divine Phoenix Empire safely and go to Kunlun Holy Land.

With his status in the Kunlun Holy Land, not to mention making his father the emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire, even if the territories of the surrounding dynasties were included in the Divine Phoenix Empire, that would be nothing more than a matter of lip service.

But now!
If he died like this, everything would be over!

The sky-shattering loud noise fell, and Han Long, who was still aloof just now, was completely killed by Zhao Yun's gun shadow.

Fortunately, he withdrew some strength at the end and kept Hanlong's Xumi ring.

With the fall of the cold dragon, the whole world was dead silent.

Everyone heard the words of the strong Emperor Wu who was beside Han Long just now.

High-ranking Martial Emperor.

Zhao Yun was actually a high-ranking Martial Emperor-level powerhouse.

However, only Hou Tian and Sun Shangxiang knew that Zhao Yun was a powerful Emperor of the Five Tribulations, and it was too easy to deal with the ants of the Martial Emperor Realm.

A high-level Martial Emperor, no matter which faction he is in, is a high-ranking existence.

Moreover, this person is obviously not an enshrinement of the royal family.

Doesn't that mean...

Besides Zhao Rui, who was enshrined by the royal family, beside the little monk, there are two other strong men in the Martial Emperor Realm?
As for Sun Shangxiang, the deputy commander of the royal guards, he was directly airborne, so you don't need to guess to know that he is someone who waits for the sky.

That is to say, now Houtian alone has mastered the three strong Martial Emperors, and one of them is a high-ranking Martial Emperor.

I can still explode the strength of the great emperor, even if it is the method left by the empress, who knows how many times this method can be used?

What a terrible thing is this?
Let's talk about the powerhouses brought by Hanlong.

Although there are many great emperors in the Kunlun Holy Land, Han Long's master is not a strong man at the Great Emperor level, but an elder at the pinnacle of the Nine Star Martial Emperor.

Even if he left Han Long his hole card, he didn't even have a chance to use his hole card in front of the person in front of him.

This is not a good stubble.

Whether it was Han Gang or the other people in the Kunlun Holy Land, they all watched Han Long, the unicorn, being killed by Zhao Yun directly.

Especially Han Gang, who was already in tears at this time, felt like his head was about to explode, and his heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Several people in the Kunlun Holy Land were also trembling, showing signs of despair.

If he could kill Hanlong so forcefully without being afraid of the majesty of the Kunlun Holy Land, then he might even kill them all together.

thought here.

Without further ado, just run away.

One can run away, at least survive first.

"In front of me, you still want to run?" Zhao Yun snorted coldly, his figure was like a ghost, after flashing several times in the sky, only a few screams were heard.

After only a few breaths, Zhao Yun had already arrived in front of the Nine Dragons God with several Xumi rings.

Respectfully said: "Master, this is the sumeru ring of those people."

"Well, except for that old man, kill everyone else!"

Hou Tian took a few Xumi rings and nodded, looked at Han Gang and the others, and said to God indifferently.

Whoosh whoosh!
Several figures moved quickly.

Sun Shangxiang finally made a move for the first time.

To deal with those minions, Zhao Yun had no intention of making a move, because they were not worthy.

After finishing everything, he headed home.

No matter how late it was, Houtian still told the Yinchuan Yujian what happened tonight.

After all, these are the relatives of the empress, so I still have to communicate with the empress's wife.

However, the reply from the Empress was only one sentence.

'Everything is up to you! '

Hearing the empress's reply, Hou Tian felt as if he had been pumped with chicken blood, and was so excited that he stayed up all night.

Although not two hours.

However, after listening to the empress's words repeatedly, he found that the empress's voice was a little tired.

"It seems that the battlefield of gods and demons is not peaceful. After these things are dealt with, I have to hurry up and practice."

When it was time to go to court, Hou Tian finished his meditation practice.

When Hou Tian came to the court hall, he found that all civil and military officials of the court had already been waiting for him.

Even the Eighth Prince, who is rarely seen in ordinary times, has already stood on the court.

"Everyone came very early today, yo, the Eighth Prince is here too!"

After scanning around, Hou Tian smiled faintly.

In particular, his gaze paused for a moment on the Eighth Prince, revealing that trembling smile.

All the officials froze in their hearts.

They all have only one idea.

That is to hope that today's court can be more stable, and nothing shocking will happen again.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is destined not to go as they wish.

After all, such a big event happened in the palace last night, how could the court be peaceful today?

Moreover, even the Eighth Prince has appeared in the court.

That means that today's morning court is destined to be another uneventful day.


Everyone hasn't spoken yet.

The Eighth Prince who stood at the very front stood up first, bowed his hands to Hou Tian, ​​and after bowing to Hou Tian, ​​he took out a Xumi ring.

"Emperor, I heard that the national treasury is not abundant recently, and I am willing to take out 50 spirit stones to replenish the treasury."

Hearing the Eighth Prince's words, the entire court was in an uproar.

The Divine Phoenix Empire's treasury is not very rich?

When did it happen?

How do we not know?
But Hou Tian, ​​who was sitting on the dragon chair, took a meaningful look at the Eighth Prince.

This old boy is really old and cunning!
To be able to speak in such a high-sounding manner.

However, compared to the Fourth Prince Han Gang, the Eighth Prince also spent 50 spirit stones to buy his own life.

"Oh!" He replied lightly, and gave Zhao Ru a look.

The latter stepped forward directly and put away the Sumeru ring in the Eighth Prince's hand.

Everyone knows this kind of thing well, since the Eighth Prince has done this, Hou Tian will not give him face.

"Dijun, the royal family enshrines Ouyang to see you!"

At this moment, outside the court hall, a sharper voice sounded.

Immediately, he saw a slender old man with a pale face, obviously a manifestation of being hollowed out by alcohol.

However, the most important thing is that the sound of communication, this is the royal worship Ouyang!
A strong man with eight stars in the Martial Emperor Realm, what would be the reason for coming to court at this time?

Many people sighed secretly in their hearts: "It seems that what happened last night was not simple!"

"Can't you people calm down a little bit? It's only been a few days since morning. Is it necessary to make people panic every time?"

(End of this chapter)

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