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Chapter 6 Banana Rewards, the Empress Hosts a Banquet

Chapter 6 Banana Rewards, the Empress Hosts a Banquet

Chapter 6: Banana Rewards, the Empress Hosts a Banquet

Although Han Ruoshuang had made adequate preparations, he still felt a little terrified when he saw such a scene.

She has used everything she has prepared.

Mobilize the spiritual energy within a thousand miles, open the dragon marrow and phoenix body, and jointly resist the last few thunder dragons of the fifth thunder disaster.

under the witness of all.

The milky white energy shield collided with the thunder dragon.

Make a deafening sound.

The sky trembled, and the starry sky swayed!
The several priests of the Divine Phoenix Empire sitting around Han Ruoshuang all fell into the void under this powerful influence.

Above the sky, nine colors of light shine.

Xiaguang Wandao, Rui Cai thousand.

At this moment, all living beings in the entire Little Buddha Realm, no matter where they were, could clearly see the nine-colored glowing vision above the Divine Phoenix Empire.

Those who were relatively close could see the nine-colored divine light pouring on Han Ruoshuang.

Ambilight, like a god descending to earth.

There are faintly intertwined avenue runes around her, lingering around her body.

At this moment, the lurking demons became ferocious, as if the darkness met the light, it was very uncomfortable.

However, the aura on Han Ruoshuang's body was constantly rising.

This nine-color divine light is a gift from heaven.

Every great emperor who has survived the tribulation will have gifts from the heavens after passing through the five thunder tribulations, and many of them have the power of the law of the great way.

How much you can comprehend depends entirely on your own comprehension.

Although several Martial Emperor Realm experts who protected the law had already fallen, no one dared to go forward to snatch it even at the Martial Emperor Realm.

Grabbing things in front of Tiandao is like lighting a lantern in the toilet.

The most dangerous moment of crossing robbery has passed.

Now is the time for Han Ruoshuang to absorb the gift of heaven.

However, Hou Tian, ​​who was concentrating on cultivating far away in the palace, heard the system's notification sound again.

[The host's Taoist partner successfully broke through to the Five Tribulations Emperor, and rewarded with a catty of bananas! 】

[The host Taoist shocked the Lord of Yaochi, and rewarded aura +10000]

[The host Taoist shocked the abbot of Tianlong Temple, and rewarded +8000 spiritual energy]

[The host Taoist shocked the suzerain of the Misty Sect, rewarding aura +10000]


"System, I can understand the spiritual energy, but what do you mean by rewarding a catty of bananas?"

Sitting cross-legged in the small courtyard, Hou Tian almost fell to the ground when he heard the system beep.

[Host, everything in the world is available in this system, and what rewards you can get depends entirely on character and luck. 】

The system replied naturally.

"Although Brother Hou likes to eat bananas, what do I need most now?"

[This banana is not that banana! 】

"What's the matter? You don't eat these bananas, but use them?" Hou Tian couldn't help but cast a blank look.

"That's why I don't need it!"

[The function of this banana can not only increase the harmony of life, but also make up for the short time of the host, which is what the host lacks most at present! 】

The system explained it seriously.

At this time, Hou Tian's whole face was just like Bao Gong's.

God damn life harmony, god damn...
"No, you dog system, who is short of time?"

"Come on, come out, I promise I won't fuck you!"

[Don't use your dirty thoughts to question the integrity of this system. 】

[The name of this banana is: tuna banana, which contains a huge amount of spiritual power, and it directly provides spiritual power to the eater without the transformation of spiritual energy. 】

[It can also make up for the short training time of the host, and quickly increase the cultivation level. 】


After listening to the system's explanation, Hou Tian let out a sigh of relief.

Feelings are my own misunderstanding!

Good Jill embarrassment!
The scene of the robbery.

Han Ruoshuang had already completed her tribulation at this time, her whole body was restrained, like a fairy above the nine heavens, she was wearing a lavender dress, with three thousand blue hairs moving with the wind, her thin face blocked her beautiful face.

But those charming eyes can still drive most men in the world crazy.

The jade feet move lightly, stepping on the air.

"I, the Empress of the Divine Phoenix, have achieved the position of Great Emperor. Three days later, I will hold a banquet with wine. Fellow Daoists, please come here!"

The pleasant voice, like the Sanskrit sound, spread throughout every corner of the small Buddha's domain.

After speaking, he disappeared in place.

All of a sudden, the entire Little Buddha Land became lively.

Longfo Temple, as the biggest superpower in the entire small Buddhist domain, is located on a majestic mountain.

Under a mountain wall that looks like a knife cut, two old monks in cassocks sit cross-legged.

If it is not moving, it will be mistaken for a statue.

"After a hundred years, the human race has finally produced another Tianjiao!"

"Being able to survive the five thunder tribulations at once, it seems that she is lucky and has found an extremely rare special trait."

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, Amitabha Buddha!"

The two old monks are now the eminent monks of Longfo Temple, the strong ones in the Great Emperor Realm.

He has been guarding Longfo Temple for hundreds of years. He has seen the rise and fall of countless geniuses, and no one has ever allowed them to open their eyes at the same time.

The vision of heaven and earth caused by Han Ruoshuang's crossing, as well as her words just now, made the two of them open their eyes at the same time.

First-class forces, within the Misty Sect.

"Prepare generous gifts and go to the Divine Phoenix Empire in three days to congratulate the Empress on her successful breakthrough!"

An old voice came from the Misty Sect Forbidden Land.

The Suzerain of Misty Sect who was discussing countermeasures in the hall, Ling Feng's body trembled.

This voice is exactly the voice of the elder of Misty Sect Tai.

The powerhouses at the peak of the Emperor Martial Realm have never been able to find a special physique, and they have never been able to step into the Realm of the Great Emperor.

But it is the strongest combat power in the entire Misty Sect.

"Follow the orders of the Supreme Elder!"

Facing the direction of the forbidden area, Ling Feng clapped his hands and answered.

Although he is the suzerain of Misty Sect, his current cultivation level is only eight-star Martial Emperor.

Following the sound transmission from the Divine Phoenix Empress just now, all major forces in the Little Buddha Region got ready one after another.

Three days later, at the Imperial Palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire, they attended a banquet hosted by the Empress.

at this time.

In the magic sea connected to the small Buddha domain.

Deep in the back mountain of an island, this place belongs to the sea demon clan.

A devil emperor who just came back from inquiring about the news from the edge of the small Buddhist realm, walked to a closed stone gate, waved his sleeve, and the stone gate slowly opened.

The Devil Emperor stepped in, and the originally pitch-black space was ignited by green flames.

On the walls on both sides, green ghostly fire emerged, and the Devil Emperor stepped into it, and there was a huge stone statue in front of him.

"The Divine Phoenix Empress has become a great emperor, should my sea demon clan choose to retreat temporarily?"

After a while, there seemed to be a black light flashing on the stone statue, and he responded:
"Your chance is in the Divine Phoenix Empire. He can let you step into the realm of the great emperor. How you choose is up to you!"

After the words fell, the stone statue regained its composure, as if it had never reacted.

Seeing this, the Demon Emperor of the Sea Demon Clan frowned and fell into deep thought.

Her name is Luo Wuqing, she is the princess of the Sea Demon Clan, a peak Martial Emperor.

He is also the rival of Divine Phoenix Martial Emperor, Han Ruoshuang, the two have fought many battles, and their strength is evenly matched.

But now, Han Ruoshuang has stepped into the realm of the great emperor.

But the stone statue told her that her chance was in the Divine Phoenix Empire.

So, she made a bold decision.

(End of this chapter)

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