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Chapter 60 Disposal in Court, Faith Collection

Chapter 60 Disposal in Court, Faith Collection

At this time, the fourth prince Han Gang outside the door was dragged into the court hall by two royal guards like a dead dog.

"Dijun, the Fourth Prince Han Gang bought a murderer to assassinate the Dijun, he should be punished according to the law."

At this time, Zhao Rui also walked in. As an enshrinement, he had witnessed Houtian's majesty last night, so he naturally knew what was going on.

If you want to kill the fourth prince in court, you still need to give a legitimate reason.

And Zhao Rui, who is enshrined by the royal family, is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

Regardless of prestige or strength, no one in the entire court dared to question anything.

Seeing that it was Zhao Rui who said this, all civil and military officials in the court gasped.

At the same time, Yang Hong, who belonged to the camp of the Fourth Prince, is now trembling and sweating profusely.

How could this be?
Isn't the fourth prince's eldest son in Kunlun Holy Land?

How could this be?
Could it be that they were captured by this little monk again?
"Fourth Prince, do you say it yourself, or shall I help you?"

Sitting on the dragon chair, Hou Tian glanced around at the officials, and saw the disbelief on their faces.

However, where does the current Fourth Prince have the strength to answer the day after tomorrow? He has already been searched for his soul when he came back last night, and he is just a walking dead.

His only value now is to deter the court.

"Last night, several strong men appeared in the palace and wanted to take my life. I think everyone knows about it."

"I originally thought they were sent by the hostile forces of the Divine Phoenix Empire, but I found out later after investigation."

"I never thought that the person behind the scenes who hired those strong men was actually the Fourth Prince."

"In order to reflect our Divine Phoenix Empire, princes break the law and commit the same crimes as ordinary people, so this lord has decided."

"Outside the Meridian Gate, make a decisive decision!"

When the voice sounded, all officials in the court froze.

This emperor is too... cruel, and he will kill someone if he disagrees with him.

However, at this time, no one dared to speak out, and they could only curse in their hearts that the weather was too cruel.

However, Yang Hong, Ye Yunlong, and Kong Zheng, the three major cabinet members, had different ideas.

Nothing is more relaxed than Kong Zheng, whether it is the Eighth Prince or the Fourth Prince, he has never stood in line before, and now no matter which one is down, it has no effect on him.

However, the Eighth Prince, who was one of the parties involved, saw the royal guards dragging the Fourth Prince out of the court, and his whole body seemed to be numb.

At first, he didn't think that Hou Tian really dared to kill the Fourth Prince, after all, his son was in Kunlun Holy Land.

But now.

The seemingly young monk above the court hall was so decisive in killing.

"Anyone, don't try to challenge this emperor's bottom line, otherwise..."

With a harmless smile on Hou Tian's face, he tapped the dragon chair rhythmically with his right hand.

"Follow the emperor's will!"

"Follow the emperor's will!"

All the officials in the audience hurriedly saluted to show their sincerity.

"Okay, my lords, start playing if you have something to do, and leave the court if you have nothing to do."

Hou Tian saw this group of officials who were already terrified, and waved his hands. Today's goal of killing chickens and monkeys has been achieved.

All the officials shook their heads when they heard the words.

At this time, if you stay in the hall for a second longer, you will have a little more uncertainty, and it will be like a year.

Finally, Hou Tian let go and retreated, even Kong Zheng didn't speak again.

Everyone goes back to their own homes and finds their own mothers.

After waiting for the world to go to court, along the way, many people looked at him with eyes full of admiration.

After listening quietly, I realized what was going on.

It turned out that last night I summoned the phantom of the Great Emperor and powerfully killed eight nine-star Martial Emperor powerhouses, and now it has spread throughout the entire palace.

Those are eight nine-star martial emperors.

A strong man in the Emperor Wu realm is no different from a block of tofu under the emperor's hands.

There was such a big commotion last night, so many people must have seen it, plus word of mouth.

So it was passed down to the present: Dijun killed Nine Star Martial Emperor in one move.

Even the physical body and soul were completely wiped out in one fell swoop. Thinking of this, many royal warriors and palace maids were excited, excited, and adored.

Dijun is an eternal god!

Therefore, along the way, Hou Tian kept hearing the system's prompt tone.

[Ding, it is detected that there is faith energy nearby, do you want to absorb it? 】

"You don't have to ask, of course it's absorption!"

Hou Tian secretly replied in his heart.

Then, strands of pale green belief energy that only Hou Tian could see flew out from the royal warriors, guards, maids, and eunuchs, and merged into his body.

[Faith energy absorption +1]

[Faith energy absorption +2]

[Faith energy absorption +5]


[Faith energy absorption +8]

Soon the faith energy encountered along the way was absorbed by Houtian.

At the same time, he also discovered a very strange phenomenon.

That is, the more beautiful a woman is, the more faith energy she will provide him with.

Normal ones can generally provide 1 Faith Energy, but those women can basically reach 2, and some directly provide him with 8 Faith Energy at once.

"It seems that these women have more faith energy!"

Hou Tian whispered in his heart while walking towards Wudao Cliff.

At this time, the system displays another message.

[Current Faith Energy Storage: 103/500!]

"What if I collect all five hundred?" Hou Tianxia asked consciously.

System: "There is a big move!"

Big move?

Is it the R skill?

Fuck, I feel that this upgrade is a bit slow, it took so long to have the R skill.

Just as he was contemplating, he had arrived at the Cliff of Enlightenment.

At this moment, Wudao Cliff was almost full of people. When they saw the arrival of Houtian, they respectfully opened a passage and saluted in unison:
"See Emperor!"

"Join the emperor!"

"Well, everyone came early today!"

Glancing at the royal warriors present, Hou Tian smiled.

But he didn't expect that the few newcomers to the royal warriors also came to Wudaoya to practice this time.

Of course, for Ling Tian, ​​Shangguan Ya and the others, this was reminded by Hou Tian before.

"Okay, today's practice begins now."

Hou Tian, ​​who walked to the front, raised his hand and made a few gestures, and a magic circle of faith appeared around him.

Immediately, he began to practice himself.

Some old royal warriors also quickly meditated with their legs crossed.

"Brother, why didn't I feel that the speed of cultivation has accelerated!"

"Could it be that I opened it the wrong way?"

As a genius of the Xiaoyao Sect, Zhuge Changfeng has always been skeptical of the rumors in the palace. After practicing for a few breaths, he found that there was no change.

A royal warrior next to him, with a sincere face, looked at Houtian in front of him, as if seeing a god.

"Senior Brother Changfeng, you have to shout that the emperor is awesome, otherwise it's useless!"


Zhuge Changfeng looked at the disciple in bewilderment with a dazed face.

(End of this chapter)

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