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Chapter 64 Hou Tian learned that the neighboring country came to commit crimes

Chapter 64 Hou Tian learned that the neighboring country came to commit crimes

Sun Shangxiang, who was far away in the imperial capital, found Houtian overnight after receiving the news from Qin Lan.

"My lord, Sun Shangxiang has an urgent matter to ask to see."

Arriving at the door of Houtian's bedroom, Sun Shangxiang respectfully waited for the answer inside.

After a while, a hazy voice came from the bedroom.

"What's the matter?"

"My lord, Qin Lan has just received news from Phoenix City that there is a surge of beasts in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, and they are attacking Phoenix City."

There was no need to report this matter to Hou Tian, ​​but because Hou Tian and the others were going to the Spirit Beast Mountain Range tomorrow, Sun Shangxiang came to report urgently.

Her purpose is to ask Hou Tian to change the time to go to the Spirit Beast Mountain Range.

After all, the entire Spirit Beast Mountain Range, even the mighty Martial Emperor Realm, dare not say that it is safe.

However, from the perspective of Sun Shangxiang and others, everyone can die, except that no accidents can happen to Houtian.

"Oh? Is there a wave of beasts? Okay, I understand. Inform Ling Tian and the others to gather at the gate of my palace in a quarter of an hour."

In the dormitory, after Hou Tian heard such a sentence, he began to stand up from the bed.

Sun Shangxiang:···
What is this lord planning to do?
But since Hou Tian spoke up, she couldn't ask any more questions.

Immediately, according to Hou Tian's instructions, he went to call Ling Tian and others, and told Zhao Yun about this matter by the way.

the other side.

Qin Lan is nervously organizing the city defense forces of Phoenix City to resist.

At this moment, they all understood that what they were facing tonight was a horde of beasts. Under such circumstances, all they could do was delay time and wait for rescue.

At this time, hundreds of monsters had surrounded the city, roaring loudly, rushing towards the city gate with all their might.

"Quick, strengthen the city gate..."

Qin Lan yelled loudly, but before the words fell, the heavy city gate was knocked open in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Qin Lan's heart instantly turned cold.

She didn't expect that Iron Armored Bear, as a Tier [-] monster, would break open the city gate by himself.

For the people in Phoenix City, without the city gate, they could only be reduced to the rations of monsters.

a time.

After the city gate was broken, hundreds of monsters rushed into the city.

Howling everywhere, the streets were stained with blood, and countless unarmed people were killed by huge monsters.

Listening to the screams of help and screams, Qin Lan's eyes also flashed a trace of despair.

The team they came here this time had heard that there were monsters haunting here from time to time, so they came to investigate the situation, and there were not many people in the first place.

Moreover, they are all 'novices' in terms of cultivation, unable to fight against the huge beast horde at all.


As a Jiangdong female soldier, she never flinches, never gives up.

"All royal guards, city defense forces, attack with me!"

A shout.

Everyone acted quickly.

There are only a hundred or so royal guards in total, and the city defense army in Phoenix City only has a few hundred people.

At this time, each of them had a killing intent on their bodies, and their eyes were like fire.


"A group of trash from the Divine Phoenix Empire, dare to resist?"

At this moment, a sinister laughter sounded from the night sky.

Immediately, a huge black shadow appeared in the sky.

Looking up, it was the Tier [-] Iron Armored Bear just now, but at this moment, sitting on its shoulders was a woman wearing a long skirt and bare black silk long legs.

He couldn't see his face clearly, but the aura he exuded was extremely powerful.

"Who are you?"

Even Qin Lan, who was at the two-star Martial Emperor Realm, asked with a dignified look and fighting spirit.

Although she also felt that she was not the opponent of this person in front of her, she couldn't be cowardly!

The woman gave a sinister smile, looked at Qin Lan and the others with a sarcasm, and replied, "Cangyan Dynasty, black disc!"

"The Cangyan Dynasty?"

"Black disc? The legendary black widow?"

"The heart is like a poisonous scorpion, not to mention the extremely cruel methods, and she is very perverted. I heard that she treats female warriors..."

When a group of city defense troops heard her words, their faces changed drastically.

Although the Cangyan Dynasty is a neighboring force of the Divine Phoenix Empire, they have always lived in peace and there were no conflicts. Why did they suddenly attack?
Today's major forces are all preparing for the battlefield. At this time, the Cangyan Dynasty is brazenly invading the border cities of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

Do you want to start a war?

Perhaps for others, the city defense forces present were not too familiar with it, but they had all heard of the woman nicknamed Black Widow by this man, Black Disk.

She was a female general guarding the border gates of the Cangyan Dynasty. In the past hundreds of years, countless soldiers and civilians of the Divine Phoenix Empire died at her hands.

Moreover, her martial spirit is a black flute, and it follows the way of rhythm, so on the battlefield, her lethality is no less than those of the powerhouses of the Martial Emperor Realm.


What everyone didn't expect was that.

At this time, Heidi was sitting on the shoulder of the armored bear. After a flute blew a few times, all the monsters in the city stopped attacking.

What the hell!

Her flute can actually control monsters!
This is something that even the people of Phoenix City have not discovered.

Just as everyone was shocked.

call out!

Hundreds of black shadows rushed over from outside Phoenix City.

Even though they were wearing night clothes, they didn't need to think about it, they were all from the Cangyan Dynasty.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Lan suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked in a cold voice after his complexion changed drastically.

"That's what you see, hehehe!"

A sinister smile appeared on Heidi's face, and then he let out a laugh that sent chills down the spine.

"This time there are actually royal guards from the Divine Phoenix Empire. Not bad, boys, it's time for you to establish your military exploits!"



"If you kill all these royal guards, you should be able to go back to the barracks and choose some good martial arts books!"

"Yeah, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

A group of people in black behind the black saucer shouted ecstatically.

Looking at Qin Lan and the others, it was like a hunter seeing his prey.

Regardless of the war between any dynasties, as long as you kill the enemy on the battlefield, you can get points. Obviously, the people of the Cangyan Dynasty also want to earn points this time.

In the military camp, with enough points, you can exchange for corresponding martial arts skills.

However, at this time, the royal guards of the Divine Phoenix Empire were extremely ugly.

Even if the army is transferred from the nearest city, there will be at least a few hours on the march, facing the situation that the strength and numbers of the realm are much higher than their own.

How long can they last?

Among the royal guards present, only Qin Lan was a two-star Martial Emperor, and the other party not only had a third-level monster, but also the famous murderous devil, Black Widow.

Rumor has it that her cultivation has reached the realm of the Nine Star Martial Emperor.

"Master Hei, then the people of Phoenix City..."

One of the members of the Cangyan Dynasty looked at Heidi and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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