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Chapter 82 Dreamland of Life and Death, This Is Just a Dream

Chapter 82 Dreamland of Life and Death, This Is Just a Dream (Please recommend for collection)
Others also began to sense it.

Whether it is the door of life or the door of death, the aura emitted is different.

Soon, some people sensed the Shengmen, and walked in with joy on their faces.

But Hou Tian and his team stood in front of the nine gates and took a serious look.

For the strong in the Great Emperor Realm, the means of arrangement cannot be so simple, whether it is the gate of life or the gate of death, there may be only one way in the end.

That is death.


"Come on, let's go in!"

Hou Tian raised his finger and pointed to the door of the dream, and said a word to the people behind him.

Seeing that Houtian led his team to choose the gate of dreams, the black-robed emperor couldn't help but be surprised.

"This kid, seems to be interesting!"

According to his settings, it doesn't matter if he chooses the gate of life, the gate of death, or the gate of dreams.

As long as you enter, you will be teleported to an independent space.

So don't look at so many people entering through one door, but they are all in their own independent spaces.

Including the members of Houtian's team, after they followed Houtian into the dream gate, they all entered their respective dreams.

As for whether they can come out, it depends on their good fortune.

Waiting for the day here.

After stepping into the dream gate, the body suddenly fluctuated, and then a landscape of mountains and rivers appeared in front of him.

There are beautiful mountains and clear waters here, and there is plenty of aura. It is like a paradise. Occasionally, you can hear a few birdsong.


Suddenly, a captivating and pleasant voice sounded.


Wearing a light blue dress, with fair skin and beautiful appearance, a pair of long white legs, and bare feet, she came lightly stepping on the stream.

It's so beautiful!

A gust of wind rolled up, and the familiar fragrance floated into Hou Tian's nostrils.


"This dream is too real!"

Hou Tian couldn't help but want to reach out for a hug, and that kind of subconscious movement was beyond his control.

Originally, Houtian was full of confidence and would not fall into a dream.

At this moment, the defense was broken.

I was caught off guard.


"Husband, you are tired, my servant will come and change your clothes for you!"

Clear and real touch, a jade hand across Hou Tian's chest, exhaling fragrance.

What caught Hou Tian's eyes was Han Ruoshuang, whom he hadn't seen for several months.

However, at this time, she was extremely docile, a stunner full of temptation.

"Don't, don't do this!"

At this time, Hou Tian looked like a pig brother, saying things against his will, but he couldn't control the movements of his hands.

Why is this touch so real?
and many more.


The empress's wife is most afraid of touching her waist, as long as she touches it a little, she will...


Before Hou Tian finished thinking, he felt a big panting sound.

That voice that is easy to make people commit crimes seems to have some kind of magical power, and it has always been around his ears.

From time to time, there is a gust of hot air pouring in.

"Husband, let me help you!"



The prelude begins.


"No!" Just when the steps were at the last point, Hou Tian's mind seemed to be hit hard by something, and then he cried out inwardly.

Pushing away the 'Emperor's Wife' whom I have been thinking about day and night!
"Hehe, this dream is quite real, you can actually know what's going on in my heart!"

"However, is Brother Hou such a gullible person?"

After putting some distance away from that 'Han Ruoshuang', Hou Tian said with dodge eyes.

There's no way, it's not that his concentration is not strong, but that the 'Han Ruoshuang' in front of him is exactly the same as his wife in every aspect.

Not even the same size.

If it wasn't for Hou Tian who still had a sliver of sobriety in his heart, maybe...
"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

'Han Ruoshuang' had a look of worry on his face, and he was about to walk towards Hou Tian as he spoke.

She didn't care at all at this time, naked, and even saw the swelling of a certain part of Hou Tian, ​​and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

Everything is so realistic.

"No, don't come here."

Hou Tian waved his hand while retreating and said: "You are not my wife, don't try to seduce me, I don't have any feelings for you!"

While talking, Hou Tian hurriedly ran towards the stream, intending to wash his face with some water and wake himself up.

"Husband, what's the matter with you, don't you feel for me?"

'Han Ruoshuang' walked towards Houtian slowly, his slightly resentful eyes fell on a certain part of him.

What the hell!

Hou Tian looked down and quickly quickened his pace.

So embarrassing.

"System, this thing is too real, help me find a solution!"

Hou Tian asked for help in his mind.

Aren't normal dreams just nightmares?

Why did I come to a gentle town?

The key is that it is too realistic. If someone who doesn't pay attention doesn't grasp it, I don't know what the consequences will be.

He hasn't gone to the Gods and Demons Battlefield yet, so nothing can happen to him.

[The way to crack this dream is very simple, just kill her! 】

The sound of the system sounded.


Hou Tian almost staggered and fell into the creek.

"System, are you serious? No matter what she says, she will be with me..."

[This is the only way to shatter the dream! 】

After the system said something, there was no reply.

Hou Tian fell into deep thought.

Even though you know this is a dream, you said that you want to kill the 'Han Ruoshuang' you've been thinking of with your own hands?
Even in a dream, Houtian couldn't do anything.

Even though the relationship between him and Han Ruoshuang is not deep, they are his women after all.

Can't go.

"Husband, wipe your face!"

At some point, 'Han Ruoshuang' had already come to Hou Tian's side, took out a handkerchief embroidered with mandarin ducks and handed it over.

Hou Tian took out a new set of clothes from Yin Yang Walnut and put them on quickly.

"In order to see the real Han Ruoshuang, Brother Hou can only..."

The voice fell.

There was an extra sword in his hand, he turned around and stabbed into the chest of 'Han Ruoshuang'.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Blood flowed from the body of 'Han Ruoshuang', and finally fell into the creek.

this moment.

'Han Ruoshuang' didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face, his whole body gradually became unreal.

Until Hou Tian felt the sword in his hand lighten suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly.


The original Xanadu with beautiful mountains and clear waters has disappeared.


There was a gust of wind in my ears, and there was a dense forest in front of me.

That chilly feeling is still so real.

"It's interesting!"

Hou Tian looked at the deep forest around him, and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth twice.

It's so infiltrating, it feels like breaking into a graveyard in the middle of the night.

Everything so real, it's hard to imagine, it's a dream.

"But what exactly is this dream?"

(End of this chapter)

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