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Chapter 89 Perspective Cards, Xu Chengfeng

Chapter 89 Perspective Cards, Xu Chengfeng (please recommend tickets for collection)

"This is a breakthrough, and she is actually a strong person in the Martial Saint Realm!"

"So it is, so it is!"

How can everyone not understand at this time, Hou Tian and others are sitting on the steps of the false god's road, they are practicing, and looking at it like this, the effect is not bad.

The young black-robed emperor, standing in front of the temple on the top of the mountain, nodded slightly when he saw this.

When he was a teenager, he was arrogant and seldom admired others, but Hou Tian's wisdom made him a little impressed.

Knowing the difficulty of the road to false gods, the black-robed emperor has a little more confidence that someone will be able to come to the temple this time.

However, at this moment.

A more powerful roar erupted on the road of false gods, like a voice from outside the sky.

Immediately afterwards, an almost solid golden glow shot up into the sky.

Under the golden beam of light, it was Houtian sitting cross-legged.

At this time, the aura he erupted was even stronger, and the few remaining people on the entire road of false gods were blown away by his coercion.

The most unlucky one was Yuan Bao, the genius disciple of Treasure Judging Holy Land who was sitting next to him.

Originally, they were close, but they were still cultivating just now. If they were not careful, they almost fell into the abyss on both sides.

"Fuck, this emperor is simply not human!"

"This aura, could it be that he is already a strong man in the Martial Emperor Realm?"

Yuan Bao fell to the ground, rolled over, got up and looked at Hou Tian on the fifty steps in shock.

It's the weather at this time.

Originally, not long ago, he had already reached the brink of breakthrough, this time with the help of coercion, coupled with the feedback of the power of faith, he broke through to the realm of five-star Martial Emperor in one fell swoop.


Hou Tian slowly opened his eyes and let out a breath of foul air.

At this time.

【Ding, congratulations for shocking the black robed emperor again. 】

【You shocked the Son of the Holy Land of Treasure Judging, Yuan Bao. 】

【You shocked all the arrogant warriors. 】

[Congratulations on getting a perspective card. 】

[Note: The perspective card can penetrate all illusions and nothingness, and the use time is one hour, and it will become invalid after use. 】

Hearing the beautiful voice of the system in his mind, the corner of Hou Tian's mouth twitched slightly.

It's just that when talking about the final prize, the smile froze a bit.

"Perspective card?"

"Can this see through anything?"

Hou Tian asked curiously.

In the fantasy world, people have the kind of supernatural powers that can see through all illusions. If you come to a perspective card now, you always feel that you are leading him on an unscrupulous path.

[Quickly take back your dirty thoughts, this perspective card can't see through women's clothes. 】

A disdainful tone came from the system.

"I'm so special!"

"When did I say I wanted to see that?"

"System, you are not serious!"

[Do you know it in your heart! 】

After the system said something arrogantly, it didn't speak again.

Houtian didn't bother too much.

Slowly stood up from the steps.

It was discovered that on the entire road of false gods, except for the five-star martial saint who had a little bit of talent before, everyone else actually 'returned'.

He frowned slightly, expressing his incomprehension.

That's fine, those imperial soldiers are all Brother Monkey's.

"Okay, everyone has almost rested, let's move on."

He turned around and said something to the person behind him.

It seems that the distance from fifty to sixty steps is only ten steps, but everyone knows that with each next step, the coercion will increase exponentially.

This is also the reason why the guy in front, who has already stopped on the 58th step, dare not take a step forward.

"Fuck, are they leaving now?"

"Yeah, could it be that the aura just now is a strong person in the Martial Emperor Realm?"

"Looking at him walking more than fifty steps, it's no different from walking on a flat road!"

"Could it be that it is much easier to climb up after practicing on the steps?"

Many people who were blasted off the road of false gods stood below, staring at Hou Tian and the others with wide-eyed eyes.

Today, it may be that they have been surprised the most in their life.

I didn't expect a group of people in the same grade as me to be so much better than them. The warriors who claimed to be geniuses in the major holy places all felt that their self-confidence was damaged.


Hou Tian led his team to attack the sixty steps, while the people behind started to climb up from the first step.

For those warriors now, it doesn't matter whether they can get the treasure or not, the important thing is to climb to the top of the mountain within three days.

Otherwise it is death!
They also imitated the way they waited for the sky before, and when they walked up to the stairs that they felt could not bear it, they sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

Let's talk about Houtian and others.

Now he has become the Houtian of the five-star Martial Emperor, and he is much stronger both physically and mentally.

The steps beyond level [-] were not too stressful for him.

Soon, he was the first to reach the eighth step.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​practicing on the steps?"

Just as he was about to step up the nine steps, he suddenly heard a voice from the side.

It was Xu Chengfeng, the holy son of the Lingxu sect who had stayed on the 58th step for a long time, the five-star martial saint realm.

"Think with your brain!"

Originally Hou Tian didn't want to answer, but seeing this guy is very confident, then just tell him.

"Are you a strong Martial Emperor?"

Xu Chengfeng sized Hou Tian carefully with his tiger eyes, and asked with an ugly expression.

This guy who looks younger than himself is actually a strong Martial Emperor.

As the holy son of the Lingxu Sect, he was dubbed a monstrous genius since he was a child, but now he unexpectedly discovered a genius who was even more monstrous than himself.

it's just...
"Emperor Wu? Is he very strong? There is still a long way to go."

Hou Tian thought about it, spread his hands and said.


Puff, puff!
When Xu Chengfeng and the people behind Houtian heard his words, they couldn't help but spit out old blood in their hearts.

You must know that in the entire Nine Heavens Continent, the strong ones at the Martial Emperor Realm are always with top combat power wherever they go.

A boy who looks like he is only in his twenties can say such big words.

The point is, they don't have any reason to refute it yet.

He is indeed already a strong man in the Martial Emperor Realm!
"Well, not bad, it has the demeanor of my past!" Even the black-robed emperor standing on the top of the mountain nodded his beard.

I admire Han Ruoshuang's eyes even more in my heart.

He is obviously an old monster who is about the same grade as himself, yet he can still find such a talented little fresh meat.

On the road of false gods.

"I, I'm fine, please!" After a while, Xu Chengfeng came over and made an inviting gesture to Houtian.

At this moment, he felt that if he said a few more words to Hou Tian, ​​his Dao heart would be unstable.

Hou Tian nodded, raised his feet and walked towards the nine steps.

Just one foot up the 59 steps.

(End of this chapter)

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