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Chapter 9 Awakening the Martial Spirit, Visions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 9 Awakening the Martial Spirit, Visions of Heaven and Earth

The white light flickered on the ancient gate, followed by ripples on the surface of the water.

Hou Tian's hand penetrated the past very smoothly.

"It's really like this!"

Seeing this, Hou Tian was overjoyed, and directly entered the No.12 floor.

Seeing this scene, even the five royal priests were envious.

The aura on the No. 12th floor can dissolve fog, and it is much richer than the [-]th floor.

Hou Tian is standing on the No.12 floor of the training tower.

Looking at the thick fog around him, it was all composed of aura, and instantly felt like a fish seeing water.

His eyes lit up.

With such a handwriting, I am afraid that there is a huge spiritual vein in the ground!
"In such a good place, how can I awaken a better martial spirit!"

While speaking, he had already sat down cross-legged.

"However, before awakening, it is better to learn the seal of the gods and demons first."

The aura of the body is moving and begins to comprehend the exercises.

[I am comprehending the 'God and Demon Seal' at a hundred times the comprehension speed! 】

['God and Demon Seal' has reached the realm of Xiaocheng! 】

['God and Demon Seal' has reached the realm of Dacheng! 】

['God and Demon Seal' has realized the realm of entering the room! 】

[Congratulations to the host 'Shenmoyin' for realizing the perfection! 】

Under a hundredfold comprehension, the comprehension of the God and Demon Seal is similar to drinking water.

It took less than a cup of tea before and after, and I have successfully comprehended the seal of the gods and demons.

The seal of gods and demons is divided into five forms: the first form: the seal of judgment; the second form: the extinction of demons; the third form: the roar of gods; the fourth form: the seal of holiness; .

The martial arts comprehension is successful, the next thing to do is...

Awaken the martial arts!

"Before I swallowed the Body Pill, now my physical body is no problem even if I can resist the Martial Ancestor Realm. The strength is enough. I hope the Martial Spirit will not let me down!!"

Hou Tian muttered in a low voice.

Then continue to run the aura in the body.

Feeling the surrounding aura continuously flowing into his body, and finally into the spiritual sea.

What he has to do now is to use the huge spiritual energy in his spiritual sea to gather the spiritual gate, and then he can awaken his own martial spirit from the spiritual gate.

Under the absorption of aura a thousand times greater than that of ordinary people.

Houtian's spiritual sea began to surge, and the spiritual energy rolled.

A circular arch slowly emerged from the spiritual sea.

Immediately, Hou Tian felt his spirit radiate outwards, forming an arch-shaped vortex behind him.

Surrounded by white spiritual energy, there is a deep darkness in the middle of the spiritual gate, and it is impossible to see what is inside.

However, Houtian's spiritual gate is still too small, and it is not enough for Wu Ling to come out of the spiritual gate.

[Thousand times spiritual energy absorption...]

Hou Tian frantically absorbed the aura in the cultivation tower.

At this moment, his body is like a small construction site.

Countless rich spiritual energy is pouring into his body from all directions of the cultivation tower, and he gathers it from the spiritual sea to the spiritual gate behind him.

Now it's not only the No. 12th floor of the cultivation tower, but even the spiritual energy from other floors has poured into the [-]th floor.

"What's going on, why did the spiritual energy suddenly disappear?" Many people in the cultivation tower felt that the cultivation tower, a place with enough spiritual energy to dissolve the fog, actually disappeared now.

"Fuck, what happened, where is my aura?"

"I have been able to enter the training tower for half a month to practice this time, but I have handed in all the resources of my worth! How can I say that the spiritual energy is gone?"

"Character, why don't you have aura?"

Many people in the cultivation tower were in a daze.

What is it that makes such a strong aura disappear?
However, the No. 12 floor of the cultivation tower at this time.

Hou Tian's whole body was shining like silver, and the spiritual gate behind him had gradually formed.

At this moment, a strong golden light suddenly erupted from his body, soaring straight into the sky.

The entire sky above the Imperial Palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire instantly became dark clouds, and the sky and the earth seemed to change color.

Among the dark clouds, there are faint flashes of thunder and lightning.

When the vision of heaven and earth appears, something big will happen.


Hearing the thunder, his spiritual sense detected the vision of heaven and earth caused by him outside, and Hou Tian was a little speechless.

"Should it be so terrifying, I just awaken a martial spirit, and am I still going to be struck by lightning?"

Over the palace, dark clouds covered the sun, thunder and lightning flashed.

Many royal warriors and everyone in the entire palace looked up one after another, all of them were horrified.

Especially the people under the cultivation tower saw a golden light shooting straight into the sky from the top of the cultivation tower.

"what's going on?"

"Which adult is this cultivating? This is too scary. Could it be the empress?"

"This... this can't be Thunder Tribulation, right?"

Countless people raised their heads and looked in the direction of the golden training tower.


In the sky, a thunderous thunder resounded throughout the palace.

In an instant, countless people ran out of the palace, and the people in the cultivation tower also ran out one after another, and the imperial guards of the palace had already been dispatched.


"Who is this, surviving robbery in the palace?"

"I don't know which adult is going through the tribulation here. It looks like it's powerful!"

A group of chiefs of the imperial guards, strong men in the Martial King Realm, looked at the dark clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky, and a trace of fear rose in their hearts.

Even if they are in the realm of Martial Kings, they haven't experienced thunder calamity yet, looking at the terrifying scene in the sky.

Even if it's just a little majestic, I'm afraid they are all terrified.

"Notify the empress immediately!"

The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard directly gave orders to the people next to him.

The sky-shattering loud noise and the movement of the golden light also instantly attracted the attention of the five priests.

Just now they felt as if their aura had been robbed by someone, but they were on the eleventh floor, so the influence was not very great.

Five people left the cultivation tower.

Looking at the golden light and thunder, his eyes were filled with deep solemnity.

"Why does this feel a bit like the Empress is going through the Great Tribulation?"

Even if they were all strong in the Martial Emperor Realm, they were deeply shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

Don't ask why.

When helping the empress to cross the catastrophe yesterday, they were knocked down and fell into the air just by being touched by a small amount of lightning.

"I'm a mother..."

Seeing the formation of the thunder calamity, recalling yesterday's scene, a flash of horror flashed in Zhao Rui's eyes.

"What the hell is this little monk doing? He can actually attract thunder and calamity!"

Although the other four didn't say anything, they were no less shocked than Zhao Rui.

They have all suffered from thunder calamity, and they still have lingering fears.

Don't think about it, everyone knows that all this must have been done by that little monk.

Because only the little monk is still practicing the tower, and it is on the No.12 floor.


"Grandpa, you mean, this, this terrifying vision is His Majesty... that?"

Zhao Ru, who was in charge of guarding the cultivation tower, came to Zhao Rui's side and took a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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