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Chapter 92 2 Imperial Artifacts, Imitating Fu Xiqin

Chapter 92 Two Imperial Artifacts, Imitating Fu Xiqin
Hou Tian smiled and came to the countless light clusters, looked at those bright light clusters, his eyes were microscopic, and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile.

There are dozens of light clusters in front of you, but there are only a dozen or so that actually have something inside.

And his goal this time, of course, is to collect all the good things, as for the others.

Ahem, leave it to those who are destined.

He didn't even think about whether he could walk up to the temple on the top of the mountain, because he had a strong self-confidence.

"Your, choose one yourself, and then I will help you choose one!"

Hou Tian walked up to those light groups, looked around, then turned his head and said to the members of his team.

It's not that he is overbearing, but that he can't deprive Ling Tian and others of the right to choose the light group, and he doesn't want them to return empty-handed.

Therefore, this method is the most effective.


Fatty Lan was the first to stand up, gearing up, and agreed with an eager look on his face.

Anyway, with the emperor behind him, he can make a good choice.

"Dijun, help me choose mine!"

At this time, Shangguanya, who was wearing a long purple dress, was tall, with cloudy hair, thin powder on her face, and frosty skin, walked up to Houtian, and said with nowhere to place her jade hands.

Now her admiration for Houtian is like a torrential river that stretches endlessly.

She believes that if Waiting helps, she will definitely be able to spread good things.

"Well, let's do it!"

Houtian didn't say much, and took a look at Shangguanya, and he could see the blush at the base of her ears.

It can be seen that this little girl has undergone some changes.

Soon, except for Shangguan Ya, the other five began to choose by themselves.

When the ball of light they held in their hands slowly dissipated.

Everyone looked at the ball of light in their hands.

"Is this weed?"

"You actually got the king weapon?"

"Or a king's weapon?"

When they saw the things left in their hands after the light ball in their hands dissipated, everyone felt as if they had eaten Xiang Xiang.

This is all garbage!

If it was placed in normal times, a king weapon would be enough to surprise them.

But the point is, what is in front of them now is the emperor soldier!
It's like the feeling that there are Australian lobsters in the light before you, but you only found a bowl of steamed buns, not to mention how aggrieved.


"This is so lucky that no one is there!"

At this moment, the fat blue man who was the first to volunteer and wanted to choose by himself, after the light ball in his hand dissipated, only an ordinary broadsword remained.

It is the kind of ordinary weapon that is not even considered a royal weapon. It may be placed in the army, and no soldier is willing to use it.

"Follow the path you choose!"

Hou Tian suppressed the smile in his heart, and said something lightly.

He always felt that the appearance of the weapons in these light clusters on the No. 60 steps might be helpful for the road ahead.

Fortunately, the black-robed emperor gave them two chances to choose.

Presumably the old man himself did not expect that Houtian would have such a thing as a perspective card.

"Here, these two light clusters are yours!"

Hou Tian seemingly casually grabbed two balls of light and handed them to Shangguan Ya.

Taking it over and looking at it, the light cluster dissipated, revealing an extremely beautiful feather robe, not to mention its function, this style is very beautiful.

As a female warrior, Shangguanya couldn't be happier.

"This is···"

"Fuck, it's an imperial weapon!"

At this time, Fatty Lan couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the lady's feather coat.

For them, the imperial weapon is already very good. If he can get one, even if he can't use it, he can give it to some beautiful woman in the future.
Cough cough, do some biological discussion?
"This should be a middle-grade imperial weapon, the Zisha Shenyi, which can increase the movement speed of warriors, and the defense is also very good!"

Hou Tian stood aside and repeated to everyone what the system said just now.

He himself doesn't have a comprehensive understanding of the weapons and magic weapons in this world. Fortunately, there are system plug-ins.

"Thank you, Dijun!"

Shangguanya's blush had reached her neck, and it was obvious that she was very excited at the moment.

This purple sand god clothes is very suitable for her. Originally, she was in the position of supporting the team, using the rhythm to provide everyone with bonuses to various martial arts.

Her own combat power is limited, if she encounters someone stronger than her own team, if she has the defense and speed bonus of this purple sand god clothes, it can greatly increase her chances of surviving in battle.

"Quickly, let's see what this second light cluster is?"

Lan Batian on the side urged eagerly.

He didn't believe it anymore, it wouldn't be possible that the two light groups would be the emperor's weapon!

Shangguanya nodded, and opened another light group.

A ray of red flame burst out instantly.

All the people present stared at Shangguan Ya with their eyes wide open.

Everyone below was also attracted by the dazzling light.

"Oh my god, what kind of treasure did that fairy get to exchange for such a dazzling light!"

"Emperor Artifact, this must be the Emperor Artifact!"

"Talk about it, I'm so envious!"

Not to mention them, even Wang Jun standing beside Shangguan Ya.

She raised her willow eyebrows lightly, her eyes were like silk, and she looked at Shangguanya with fiery eyes.

"This is···?"

Couldn't help asking a question.

Because, at this moment, what Shangguan Ya is holding in his hand is a guqin, the whole body is crimson, and every string of the qin is shining with golden light.

"This is the ultimate imperial artifact, a fake Fu Xiqin. Although its power is not as powerful as Fu Xiqin, one of the top ten artifacts, it is enough for you now."

While everyone was puzzled, Hou Tian spoke again.

Originally, Shangguan Ya's martial spirit was Qin Se, but now with this imitation Fu Xiqin, her auxiliary ability and combat effectiveness can be increased a lot.

"Thank you, thank you!"

At this time, Shangguanya, who was already so excited that he couldn't be more excited, felt a little hot all over his body, and even his martial spirit was about to move, conveying joyful emotions.

This kind of situation will only appear when Wuling and the weapon he holds reach a certain degree of fit.

Obviously, at this moment, Shangguanya has obtained the most suitable weapon for her in the realm of Martial Saint.

The Wang Jun next to me is an envy.

If I had known it earlier, I would not be so reserved, and like Shangguan Ya, the two light groups were selected by the emperor for help.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world. Apart from envy, she can only pray that the emperor will help her choose a weapon that is convenient for her.

Hou Tian smiled and nodded.

For him, he doesn't care about these imperial weapons. Of course, it is also a very good thing to be able to find some suitable magic weapons for the members of his team.

(End of this chapter)

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