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Chapter 94 The Final Sprint, SS Rank Summoning Card

Chapter 94 The Final Sprint, SS Rank Summoning Card (on sale for first order)

What awaits them will be a test of spiritual strength.

But this is only the first step of No.60, which is not a big problem for Houtian.

When they started to climb, Yuan Bao and Xu Chengfeng, who were below, had also successfully ascended the sixty steps.

When they came to the No.60 step, after defeating the white tiger, they chose the light group.

Yuan Bao, who was lucky, only picked a low-grade imperial artifact, which almost made him vomit blood.

"What kind of shit did the emperor step on when he went out, that two groups of light can choose two pieces of emperor soldiers?"

"Do you want to let people live?"

Yuan Bao stood on the sixty steps, muttering in his mouth, looking very dissatisfied.

No matter what, he is also a genius disciple of Treasure Judging Holy Land, his luck has always been very good, and when he buys things, he takes the initiative to give discounts to others.

Such a great achievement, but God doesn't recognize it?
I just gave a low-grade imperial artifact, even if it was sold, it wouldn't cost much!
"Just be content with it, I'll just have a top-grade king weapon, what did I say?"

Xu Chengfeng, who was temporarily allied with Yuan Bao, looked even worse.

For him, the ultimate king weapon?

It's just rubbish. As the holy son of the Lingxu Sect, does he still lack a royal weapon?

"No, we have to hurry up to catch up with the Lord God. There may be soup to drink after following him. If we stay far away, we may not even have to lick the plate."

Yuan Bao immediately put away the low-grade imperial artifact, and started walking towards the first step of No.60 with a round belly.

He was very unwilling to find the treasure.

that's it.

On the entire road of false gods, the members of the Houtian team led the way and rushed to the forefront.

Moreover, they still haven't been blasted down, while Yuan Bao and Xu Chengfeng are in the second echelon, and the other warriors who are still alive are in the third echelon.

Because, at this time, they have not even stepped up the fifty steps.

Time flies fast.

In a flash, a day passed.

After a day of climbing, all the way through, Houtian has reached the 88th step, and there are only twelve steps left before the final peak.

However, the others behind him were far different.

The only one who was closer to him was Ling Tian who had just stepped up the 85th step.

The farthest one is Wang Jun, who is also a female warrior, and she is still at the 73rd step.

The short ten-step distance from the [-]th step to the [-]th step is a test of mental strength. Fortunately, the entire team passed it smoothly.

And on the No.70 step, everyone worked together to defeat the guardian spirit beast phantom, so they were able to step on the 71st step.

In the back, the mental pressure became more and more serious, and except for Hou Tian, ​​everyone else was a little bit overwhelmed.

Therefore, the current situation has been formed, and the difference is relatively large!
On the contrary, it was Xu Chengfeng and Yuan Bao who actually overtook them. At the No. 70 step, when they saw that the guarding spirit beast was about to die.

Xu Chengfeng wafted out a sword and scratched a little bit of the skin of the spirit beast, so he made a move, so he passed the test.

And Yuan Bao was even more perverted, directly took a gold ingot, threw it at the last moment when the spirit beast dissipated, and smashed it on top of it.

That's okay too.

As for how the two of them managed to catch up on the ten steps, it was entirely by using all four limbs.

And they don't care what formation they are in, as long as they can catch up with Hou Tian's footsteps.

Therefore, the two of them have now reached the eighty steps.

Xu Chengfeng and Yuan Bao didn't meet the spirit beasts guarding the checkpoint on the eighty steps, they just had a mental test.

This is why Hou Tian rest assured that he is at the forefront and let others do what they can.

However, at this time, Hou Tian and the others sat on their own steps and began to practice cross-legged.

At this moment, the beautiful voice of the system sounded again in Houtian's mind.

[Congratulations to the host, Zhang Han has completed the act of destroying the country, and the general's cultivation level has been improved! 】

[From the original Emperor of the Five Tribulations to the Emperor of the Seven Tribulations! 】

Hearing this voice, Hou Tian was taken aback for a moment.

Didn't expect Zhang Han to win the Cangyan Dynasty so quickly?

It seems that I have not been in the emperor's tomb for a long time!

He knew that with Zhang Han's strength and 30 prisoners, it would not be a problem at all to win the Cangyan Dynasty.

Originally, Zhang Han had the strength of the Great Emperor Realm, and with the addition of those prisoner troops, winning a dynasty is just like playing.

However, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

If it's all done, it will only take two days.

However, it is a good thing to hear that Zhang Han's strength has improved.

No matter what, being able to be promoted to a seventh-rank emperor would give the future Divine Phoenix Empire an extra card.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Hou Tian's face, and his mood was even better.

I thought that was it.

Unexpectedly, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Congratulations to the host, the military general won the entire territory of the Cangyan Dynasty, and rewarded an SS-level summoning card. 】

"SS rank summon card?"

"Is this the civil servant's or the general's?"

Hou Tian was very puzzled and asked.

The summoning card obtained before, no matter how it can be said whether it is a civil servant or a general, this time it came directly without explanation.

[Back to the host, there are everything in this system, only you can't think of it, and you can't do it without this system. As for what kind of summon card, the host will know if you try it after summoning it? 】

The system's voice was full of arrogance.


Hou Tian was in a good mood, but suddenly fell silent.

This f*cking system is getting skinnier!

"You won't summon me a ****!"

There was a bad feeling in my heart.

Generally, when the system is not serious, the things summoned are not very serious.

[The host's thoughts are dangerous! 】The voice of the system is full of smiles.

"Fuck, system, you're eavesdropping on me again, are you still talking about morality?"

Hou Tian almost gritted his teeth and said it in his heart.

After speaking, the corners of his mouth twitched violently a few times.

I thought I was already cheap enough, but I didn't expect this system to be even more cheap than him.

[This system is not a human being, so why do we need morality? 】


Fuck, I want to be quiet!
Houtian just kept silent.

No matter who this summoning card can summon, at least this level has reached SS, which means it is still very good.

After tidying up his mood, Hou Tian continued to practice for a while, and looked at Ling Tian and others below, who were all trying to climb.

But the speed is very slow.

No way, they were not mentally strong enough, so it was not easy to go through these few steps.

"There are still twenty hours left!"

At this moment, the black-robed emperor standing on the top of the mountain spoke lightly to remind him.

Those warriors who were still below the [-]th step heard the words, a flash of fear flashed in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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