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Chapter 96 The Last Hour of Jianshang Yuanbao

Chapter 96 The Last Hour of Appreciating Shang Yuanbao (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

"As expected of a top-grade imperial weapon, this kind of spiritual connection seems to integrate me and this Fu Xiqin into one."

Shangguan Ya nodded in satisfaction.

With this psychic sense, coupled with the soul connection with Fu Xiqin, I obviously feel that my ability to comprehend the rhythm has been greatly enhanced.

Seeing this, several other people also began to cross their knees and comprehend.

At this time, they don't know how much they need to comprehend to pass the level.

After all, even the monsters like Dijun have been comprehending here for so long, and they haven't left to go to the next step until now.

It's just that they don't know that they only need to comprehend one way, and Hou Tian himself chose to comprehend three thousand ways.

This is not an order of magnitude at all.

"No, I have already comprehended my Dao. According to the monster of the emperor, I should have comprehended it long ago!"

Yuan Bao, who had fully comprehended his way, held a gold ingot in his hand, took out a spiritual fruit and threw it into his mouth from time to time, and looked at Hou Tian in bewilderment.

It has been more than ten hours since he and Xu Chengfeng came to the [-]th step, and they have already comprehended their own avenues, and even recovered almost all the spiritual power they had consumed before.

In terms of talent, they asked themselves that they were not as tyrannical as Hou Tian, ​​but they couldn't figure it out, why Hou Tian was still comprehending at this time.

"Perhaps the avenue he comprehended is more difficult, and there are still ten last steps. Should we wait for him or try to go up first?"

Xu Chengfeng, who was sitting cross-legged on the side recovering his spiritual power, glanced at Houtian who was comprehending with his eyes closed, and he was still puzzled.

Although he didn't choose any good things just now, he also gained a lot on this road of false gods.

At least let his cultivation reach from the realm of five-star martial saint to the current six-star martial saint.

If this was done outside, it might not be possible within three to five years, but here, it only took two days to break through a realm.

He even thought that if there was no time limit, he could stay on this false god road for a hundred years, and wait until he became a great emperor, or even go out after he was above the great emperor level.

At that time, sure...
Of course, this is just his imagination, not realistic.

"Have you used all your brains on cultivation?"

Yuan Bao couldn't help giving Xu Chengfeng a blank look.

After getting along for a short time, the two felt that they got along quite well, so the relationship became much better.

Therefore, Yuan Bao spoke very straightforwardly, "Do you think you are better than Dijun?"

"Do you think you are smarter than Dijun?"


"Then you are not as powerful as Dijun, nor as smart as him, so you are going to be cannon fodder to scout the way, are you stupid?"

Yuan Bao said while spitting all over the sky.

When Xu Chengfeng heard these words, he was taken aback for a while.

He clearly knew that this guy was hurting him, but he couldn't find any reason to refute.

and many more!


This guy is not only hurting himself, but also hurting the emperor?
What he meant was that the enemy army should be used as stones and cannon fodder for exploring the way?
"Fatty, are you sure Dijun didn't hear what you just said?"

After Xu Chengfeng suddenly understood, he seemed to be grabbing Yuan Bao's braid, and asked with a half-smile.

In his opinion, this guy Yuan Bao is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of meeting the enemy.

No way, he can't compare to profiteers.

In terms of strength, let alone, what's more important is that even in bickering, he can't beat the emperor.

It was as if he had met his own natural enemy.

"Hey, hey, do you still want pills? If you dare to make a small report, believe it or not, I will announce the news that you bought ten Yang-enhancing pills from me!"

Seeing Xu Chengfeng moved out of Houtian, Yuan Bao was nervous, not because he was afraid of death, but because he was afraid that the emperor would take the opportunity to steal his treasure.

These treasures are his second lifeblood, and he must not let the emperor cheat him.

Of course, he also had Xu Chengfeng's braid in his hand.

That is, at that time, Xu Chengfeng bought ten yang-enhancing pills at a 'low price' in Yuanbao's hands.

"Fatty, do you still have some professional ethics, and you promised to keep it a secret?"

Xu Chengfeng's face turned livid, and he was already regretting it to death.

Why did you believe the words of this fat man and buy his elixir?

Just as the two of them were fighting each other, the time came and there was an hour left before the end.

At this time, even the later members of Houtian's team had woken up, but Houtian was still sitting there as a rock.

"Fuck, the emperor is out of his body, isn't he?"

"I haven't woken up for such a long time, the emperor will not be in any danger!"

"He, he'll be fine!"

After everyone realized their own way, Shangguanya put away Fu Xiqin, and subconsciously approached Houtian, with a very obvious look of worry on his face.

"Fairy, you like your emperor. Brother Bao has a good medicine to make your dreams come true here. If you want, Brother Bao will give you a little bit cheaper."

At this time, Yuan Bao suddenly ran over, looking like a profiteer, standing between Hou Tian and Shangguan Ya, and said with a smile.

"You... don't talk nonsense, no, I don't!"

Seeing a fat man full of the smell of copper suddenly appearing in front of him, and actually expressing his thoughts, Shangguan Yaqiao's face turned red instantly, and he denied it.

"Cough, fairy, don't deny it. The eyes of the masses are discerning. I am one of the masses. What's the matter? This medicine is very effective, and it's also very cheap."

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you!"

Yuan Bao quietly took out a red pill from the Xumi ring, which exuded a hot breath, and said in a secretive way.

He specially found this old man Yao from the Holy Land to refine it, in order to sell it for a good price.

Originally, the market for this kind of elixir has always been male warriors, but as long as there are spirit stones to make money, they can be sold to anyone.

However, he didn't notice at all that the scene of him running in front of Shangguan Ya in a sudden gust of wind had already attracted the attention of Ling Tian and others.

Everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

This dead profiteer never forgets to sell things wherever he goes, so conscientious!
"Fellow Daoist Yuanbao, thank you for your kindness. I don't think our Divine Phoenix Empire is short of things like your Treasure Gathering Holy Land!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was like a vice-captain in the team, came over at this time and said in a hearty voice.

Now that Hou Tian is practicing, he naturally has to take good care of all members of the entire team.

How could it be possible to watch the comrades of the team being fooled by Yuan Bao, a profiteer!
"Yes, yes, I don't need it, thank you Fellow Daoist Yuanbao for your kindness!"

Shangguan Ya heard Ling Tian's voice approaching from far away, her body trembled violently, her face became even more red, and she quickly waved her hands to decline.

However, she still couldn't help but take another look at the red pill.

"Uh... alright!" Yuan Bao said with a look of disappointment, and was about to leave.

at this time···
(End of this chapter)

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