Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 106 Successful invitation, chapter return to Xingluo

Chapter 106 Successful Invitation, Returning to Star Luo
Dai Yaochen felt that when he had grown enough to absorb a 10-year soul ring, he could hunt and kill 10-year-old soul beasts. As far as he knew, there were quite a few 10-year-old soul beasts on the Douluo Continent. So there is no need to reserve the soul ring of the ten thousand year ninth grade ginseng king for yourself now.

In comparison, it's better to give it to his cheap daddy, not to mention the relationship between them, at least they belong to the same camp, with the help of a 10-year soul ring, Dai Tianyu might be able to die in the later stage. Being able to cultivate to the level of 95 or 96 can be regarded as a high-end combat power that can be used.

After discussing the disposal plan for the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King, Xingluo Patriarch turned his head to look at Ye Yunqian again, and said, "As for Brother Ye, the difficulty of inheriting the Wuhun of your Jiuxin Begonia clan is not a problem. It’s not necessary to ask Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King to help solve it.”

"Some time ago, a sect called 'Siji Sect' was established in our Xingluo City. There is a very powerful Elder Yang in the Siji Sect. He is proficient in various medicines and is good at using medicines to solve various martial arts problems question."

"Brother Ye, you must have heard about the lack of light attributes of our royal family's inheritance of martial arts. After nearly a thousand years, our royal family has not found any solution. The elders helped Yaochen activate the light attribute in his body, so that our royal family can pass on the complete white tiger spirit."

"Since Elder Yang can solve Yaochen's Wuhun problem, he might also have a solution to your Jiuxin Begonia clan's problem. If Brother Ye is interested, why not come with us, what do you think?"

After the words of ancestor Xingluo, Ye Yunqian inevitably felt a little moved.

The lack of light attribute of the Xingluo royal family is basically known to the long-standing forces on the mainland, so Ye Yunqian also understands this problem, knowing that this problem has plagued the Xingluo royal family for many years.

However, now Dai Yaochen was free from the trouble of this problem, the fact was before Ye Yunqian's eyes, he couldn't help but be moved.

That's right, why bother to hang on the tree of Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King?Since the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King can solve it, then other people may not have a solution.

Thinking of this, Ye Yunqian made a decision: "If that's the case, then I'll go to the Star Luo Empire with you and see Elder Yang."

"Welcome Brother Ye." Upon receiving Ye Yunqian's affirmative reply, Xingluo Patriarch smiled and stretched out his right hand to Ye Yunqian, "With Elder Yang's ability, I believe he will not disappoint Brother Ye, and neither will our Star Luo Empire." Brother Ye is disappointed."

This time, Dai Yaochen and Xingluo Patriarch's purpose of this trip was completely achieved. Not only did they get the method to summon the Ninth Grade Ginseng King at any time, but they also successfully brought the Nine Heart Begonia clan to the Xingluo Empire.

Although there are only two members of the Nine Heart Begonia family, their roles are not low. Ye Lingling is only young, so she may not be able to play a big role in the Star Luo Empire now, but she has made great progress. space.

As for Ye Yunqian, as a soul sage whose martial spirit is Jiuxin Haitang's auxiliary system, he alone can completely match more than half of the medical power of the entire Star Luo Empire, which is enough to describe it as terrifying.

Just when Ye Yunqian made the decision to go to the Star Luo Empire together, the door next to him suddenly opened, and Ye Lingling walked out of the room slowly.

Because she was in her own home, Ye Lingling was not wearing a veil at this time. It can be seen that Ye Lingling's complexion was a little pale, the kind of paleness that lacked blood, obviously her physique was not very good, it should be due to lack of blood for a long time. For exercise's sake.

Seeing that besides her grandfather, there were two outsiders she didn't know in the living room, Ye Lingling didn't say anything, she just cast a questioning look at her grandfather.

"Lingling, have you recovered your soul power?" Seeing Ye Lingling coming out of the room, Ye Yunqian said immediately, "Pack up your things, we will go to the Star Luo Empire with these two tomorrow."

"The Star Luo Empire?" Ye Lingling's voice sounded a little cold, and she obviously didn't like talking very much, and she didn't ask who Dai Yaochen and the Xing Luo Patriarch were, but just repeated the four words of the Star Luo Empire, and then said Nodding his head, he understood.

Anyway, she has always lived with her grandfather, no matter which country she goes to, it doesn't make much difference to Ye Lingling.

And Ye Yunqian originally planned to let Ye Lingling enroll in Tiandou Imperial Academy after she obtained the third soul ring, so that she could have a good experience outside and increase her knowledge, but who knew that the plan could not keep up with the changes. The Royal Academy is gone, but I want to go to the Star Luo Empire with myself.

Next, Dai Yaochen and Xingluo Patriarch rested in the village for one night, and then joined Ye Yunqian and Ye Lingling the next day, and set off for the Xingluo Empire.

When I went back, because there were two more auxiliary system soul masters, it was naturally not as fast as when they came here before. It took about a week to arrive at Star Luo City.

Along the way, Ye Yunqian also took this opportunity to tell Ye Lingling many things, such as the secrets that their Jiuxin Begonia clan has kept for more than 200 years, and the purpose of going to the Star Luo Empire this time.

After knowing these things, even with a veil covering her, Dai Yaochen could clearly feel Ye Lingling's violent mood swings, obviously these things had a great impact on her.

But in any case, Ye Lingling is actually very lucky. After all, the inheritance difficulty that has plagued the Jiuxin Begonia family for many years is likely to be solved by her.

After arriving in Xingluo City, Dai Yaochen and Xingluo Patriarch did not return to the palace immediately, they just sent someone to inform Emperor Dai Tianyu that they had returned, and told Dai Tianyu not to worry about them, and then directly took Ye Tianyu with him. Yun Qian and Ye Lingling, the grandfather and grandson, came to Siji Sect, and they indicated by name that they wanted to visit Yang Wudi.

Yang Wudi has now been reduced to a dead house. Apart from eating and sleeping, he is basically researching and preparing various medicines and poisons. Family affairs require going out for a period of time, so Yang Wudi stays in the Siji Sect all the time, as long as he comes to visit him, he is usually there.

After being notified by the disciples of Siji Sect, Yang Wudi soon arrived at the sect. His hair looked messy, as if he hadn't taken care of it for a while, and there were bloodshot eyes in his eyes, obviously due to lack of rest. .

(End of this chapter)

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