Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 118 Star Luo Empire's Big Move

Chapter 118 Star Luo Empire's Big Move
"I haven't seen you for a while. I'm a little surprised by everyone's progress." After returning to the Prince's Mansion with his partners, Dai Yaochen first affirmed their strength, "The Holy Dragon team is also good among teams of the same level. , and you defeated it without using all your strength, it is indeed very rare to be able to achieve this level."

Tonight's soul fight, Dai Yaochen saw it from beginning to end. Based on his understanding of his partners, the Polar Star team didn't use all their strength at all. For example, Tai Long didn't transform into a Titan giant ape, and Dugu Yan could only let go. There was no other action other than a little poison. Except for Bai Chenxiang and Ye Lingling, who were at the level of the soul master of the third ring, who went all out, the other five people had reservations.

And even with some reservations, they were able to fully suppress the Holy Dragon team, which can be regarded as a strong team, which made Dai Yaochen very satisfied with the strength of his partners.

"It's just defeating them, it's no big deal." Dugu Yan curled his lips, "Then Tuoba Xin is still a disciple of the fourth-ranked Sacred Dragon Sect among the seven major sects, and his soul power is so much ahead, it's not Tai Long or Mu Wei. opponent."

"What kind of white armored earth dragon, if the spirit power level is the same, in a one-on-one situation, it will not take much time for Tai Long or Mu Wei to solve him."

Regarding Dugu Yan's words, Yang Muwei looked indifferent and didn't express anything, while Tai Long subconsciously nodded his head in agreement.

"The spirit of Baijia Dilong is actually pretty good." Several people didn't pay much attention to Tuoba Xin, but Niu Bi did not blindly look down on his opponent, but gave a pertinent evaluation, "On Wu In terms of soul quality, the Baijia Dilong is a little stronger than the martial spirits inherited from the various branches of our Four Extremes Sect, and it is also because of the gift from Brother Dai that the martial spirit has been strengthened, so that we can overwhelm the Baijia Dilong in turn."

The next four sects do not have a titled Douluo, but they are able to rank among the seven major sects in the mainland. Naturally, their martial souls are also unique. If they hadn't taken Dai Yaochen's fairy herbs, their martial souls would have been more or less weak. It has been strengthened, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with that Tuoba Xin when the soul power is not as good.

"If you can defeat Tuoba Xin now, then he won't be your opponent in the future. Don't pay too much attention to him." Dai Yaochen said, "But don't underestimate the whole Saint just because of a mere Tuoba Xin." Long Zong."

"Tuoba Xi, the suzerain of the Holy Dragon Sect, is definitely capable of rivaling Title Douluo. Yanyan, even your grandfather may not be able to defeat that old guy. There are also Tai Tan and Elder Niugao of the Siji Sect. Cheng will not be Tuoba Xi's opponent, Elder Baihe has more than enough protection for himself, there is no hope of defeating Tuoba Xi, only Elder Yang Wudi can fight against that old fellow Tuoba Xi."

Dai Yaochen didn't want to give them a wrong impression of the Holy Dragon School because of that Tuoba Xin, so he specially reminded them.

For them, Dai Yaochen's words still carry a lot of weight. Even Dugu Yan, although he still put on an expression of indifference on the surface, he heard it in his heart.

After a brief reminder to his partners, Dai Yaochen then started to talk about the serious business: "In the next period of time, the empire will make some big moves, and the elders of your families should all be involved. Let me remind you first, so as not to Sometimes things happen suddenly, and you can't figure out the situation."

"The big move of the empire?"

"Is it involving our elders?"

Hearing what Dai Yaochen said, the others except Ye Lingling immediately looked at each other, apparently not knowing what was going on.

"Does it have something to do with my grandfather too?" Dugu Yan couldn't help asking, looking at Dai Yaochen with a serious expression.

Speaking of which, Dugu Yan hadn't seen her grandfather for a long time, if what Dai Yaochen said was related to Dugu Bo, she would be even happier, and just happened to take this opportunity to meet Dugu Bo.

However, Dai Yaochen shook his head in response to Dugu Yan's expectant question: "It has nothing to do with Senior Dugu, I'm mainly talking about the four elders of the Siji Sect, the Duke of Youming, and Lingling's grandfather, Ye Yunqian enshrines."

"The empire will use all its high-end combat power to deal with a powerful existence in the future, and they should need their help at that time."

"To deal with a powerful existence?" Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help asking, "Brother Yaochen, what kind of enemy would use such a large battle to deal with it?"

To actually deploy all the high-end combat power of the Star Luo Empire, the strength of this enemy must be too strong.

"Don't think about it." Dai Yaochen took a look at Zhu Zhuqing and explained, "That enemy may not be very powerful. The empire's big battle is just to ensure that nothing goes wrong. After all, when the enemy cannot win the battle, it is very likely that they will choose to run away. , if you let him escape, all the previous preparations will be in vain."

Hearing that such a big battle was just to prevent the enemy from escaping, not because of how powerful the enemy was, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they are very confident in their elders, they are not Titled Douluo after all. If they really deal with some super powerful existence, it is inevitable that there will be no casualties. This naturally makes them a little worried, and now they know that it is nothing It's dangerous, so I relax.

"Brother Dai." Knowing that there would be no great danger, Bai Chenxiang's curiosity was aroused, "What are you going to deal with? How cautious are you, just in case even Grandpa and the others will attack. "

"It's a 10-year soul beast, right." Before Dai Yaochen could explain, Yang Muwei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke. Her tone was so firm that even Dai Yaochen was a little surprised.

Because Dai Yaochen and the others made a decision to attack the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King after the emperor Dai Tianyu broke through the ninetieth rank. It should not be leaked. Except for a few parties, no one else should know. How did Yang Muwei know now?
"In my spare time, I heard from the tribe." Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Yang Muwei immediately explained, "There is a very high-level pill formula in the tribe, which is said to be created by the royal family commissioned by the patriarch, and it can be refined. Create a pill that assists in breaking through level ninety."

"Combined with the big move of the empire that you just mentioned, Big Brother Dai, so I guess it should be that someone in the royal family broke through to level 10 with the help of pills, and wanted to hunt and kill a suitable soul beast, and they also wanted to create such a large formation. To make sure everything is safe, we can only encircle and suppress the legendary [-]-year-old soul beast, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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