Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 143 Yang Wudi Refining Medicine, Capital of Slaughter

Chapter 143 Yang Wudi Refining Medicine, Capital of Slaughter

Tell Prince Xue Xing about the next small move of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and then all they have to do is wait for Ning Fengzhi to officially implement it.

As long as it is confirmed that some of the members of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School have been transferred to the Star Luo Empire, then Prince Xue Xing will officially attack. At that time, he can use this to suppress the Prince's faction, and then strengthen his control over the Tiandou Royal Academy and weaken the power of the three education committees. Influence, such a set of combo skills will definitely have a good effect.

For the future arrangements, Prince Xue Xing basically already knew it well.

And Dai Yaochen didn't continue to meddle, for him, he only needed to tell Prince Xue Xing the news that Ning Fengzhi was on two boats, and Prince Xue Xing would naturally take care of the rest.

After cheating (or helping) the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, the grand conferment ceremony held by the Star Luo Empire is also completely over, except for the two titled Douluo sent by the Spirit Hall Outside of the Spirit Temple, all the other major forces that came to congratulate them left one after another.

With their return, Dai Tianyu's powerful influence has also spread to the entire Douluo Continent. Except for those who don't know what's going on outside the window, all other soul masters know that the emperor of the Star Luo Empire is now on the mainland. The top powerhouse.

Although their understanding of the top powerhouses is basically only titled Douluo in general, but now they also know that the emperor of the Star Luo Empire is stronger than ordinary Title Douluo.

In a sense, this title conferring ceremony can be regarded as strengthening the influence of the Star Luo Empire, letting everyone know that the Star Luo Empire is not only the most powerful national power on the mainland, but also a Powerful soul master forces.

Even without counting the number one national power in the mainland, in terms of soul masters alone, the Star Luo Empire is comparable to the top three sects in the world of soul masters. This influence may not be visible now, but for the long-term development of the Star Luo Empire Definitely very beneficial.

But at this time, the top executives of Star Luo Empire including Dai Yaochen couldn't care about this growing influence anymore, all their attention is now focused on the body of Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King.

Before that, they were busy planning the ceremony of conferring titles, and because they didn't know the specific medicinal properties of the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King, so the Star Luo Empire temporarily handed over the body of the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King to Yang Wudi for study.

After this period of time, Yang Wudi has basically researched concrete results, and with the permission of the Star Luo Empire, he used the medicinal properties of the Ninth Grade Ginseng King for ten thousand years to help Ye Lingling solve the problem of the Jiuxin Begonia family.

Well, the problem of the Jiuxin Begonia family is the difficulty of inheritance. Anyway, Yang Wudi said that he has solved it, but it will be a little troublesome to verify. It depends on whether the inheritance of Jiuxin Begonia is still restricted as before. However, Ye Lingling is still underage now, and she doesn't even have a partner. If she wants to really verify this, she doesn't know how long she will have to wait.

However, everyone still has great trust in Yang Wudi's ability. He said so swearingly, so there should be no falsehood.

Now that Yang Wudi has thoroughly researched the medicinal properties of the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King, the next step is naturally to deeply develop the body of the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King. The best way is to refine it into a elixir, so that the medicinal properties contained in it can be fully exerted. If it can be paired with crystal blood dragon ginseng, it would be even better.

Because Dai Tianyu quickly broke through to level [-] with the help of the pill refined by Yang Wudi before, so he was deeply impressed by Yang Wudi's proposal for refining the pill, and immediately agreed to it.

Dai Yaochen also felt that it would be more reliable to make pills, so he also handed over the crystal blood dragon ginseng to Yang Wudi to refine together, and he also took out the many medicinal herbs swept out from the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi , to see if it can be used as an auxiliary material in the process of refining elixir.

Dai Yaochen's inventory was basically emptied this time, except for Long Zhiye, who was purely able to promote the recovery of soul power.

With Ginseng King and Ginseng Empress as the main ingredients, as well as sufficient various auxiliary materials, Yang Wudi started working immediately after everything was complete, and the Siji Sect did not return, and stayed in the palace every day to refine elixirs.

With so many precious medicinal materials, Yang Wudi naturally wouldn't bring them back to the Siji Sect to refine them, and he wouldn't be able to explain if something went wrong, so it was justified to stay in the palace to refine them.

So after Yang Wudi officially began to refine the elixir, a certain place in the Xingluo Palace was designated as a forbidden area. Except for a few people including Dai Yaochen, anyone who dared to trespass would be killed without mercy, and Even if Dai Yaochen had the right to enter, he never disturbed Yang Wudi's alchemy, at most he just occasionally walked outside the forbidden area to see from a distance.

According to what Yang Wudi said, even for him, it would take at least several months to refine a pill of this level. Combined with the bright day and night conditions in the forbidden area, it is obvious that Yang Wudi, apart from the necessary rest time, It has not stopped for a long time, so it seems that it is really not an easy task to refine this kind of elixir.

Because this refining time will last for a long time, Dai Yaochen paid close attention to it in the first few days, and then waited patiently. During this waiting process, Dai Yaochen was also preparing for his next itinerary. Prepare.

Dai Yaochen has now become a five-ring soul king, and his real combat power is even comparable to that of a soul saint. Although he is not considered the top powerhouse on the mainland, he is still capable of being alone, so he does not intend to continue to stay. He was practicing step by step in Xingluo City, but he was going to go out to practice.

As for the training destination he chose, it was the killing capital.

Ever since he crossed over to the Douluo Continent, what Dai Yaochen pursued was to become a god. He used to be lacking in strength, but now that he has cultivated to this level, it is enough to formally start pursuing the goal of becoming a god.

And the Killing City happened to have the inheritance of the God of Asura, as long as he passed the trial of the City of Killing and obtained the domain of the God of Killing, it was equivalent to crossing the threshold of the inheritance of the God of Asura, so Dai Yaochen would naturally go there.

Although the Slaughter City is very dangerous, Dai Yaochen believes in his own strength. Knowing that Tang San and Hu Liena both passed the Slaughter City test at level 50 in the original book, Dai Yaochen felt that he must have no problem.

Now that he is sure to pass the trial of the City of Slaughter, for Dai Yaochen who is pursuing to become a god, he has no reason not to go there.

(End of this chapter)

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