Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 146 Dai Yaochen's Advantage, Mental Power

Chapter 146 Dai Yaochen's Advantage, Mental Power
After Dai Yaochen stepped into the martial arts arena, Xing Luo Patriarch didn't say anything more, just retreated directly, and gave up the venue to the few people who were about to fight.

And when they saw Dai Yaochen, the expressions of the three Contra-level elders of Sijizong became a little strange.

Looking at each other, Tai Tan couldn't help but said: "Your Highness, the senior has already told us about the specific situation. In the next battle, except for not using soul skills according to the regulations, we really will not show mercy. .”

"Ask the three elders to teach you." Dai Yaochen said calmly.

Now that he has made the decision to fight the three of them, Dai Yaochen will not waver any more, he just needs to go all out, no matter whether he wins or loses in the end, he can accept it.

"Then... let's begin."

The moment Tai Tan's voice fell, the muscles all over his body immediately bulged. He didn't have a martial soul yet, but simply burst out his own strength, jumped up suddenly, and carried a fierce and domineering momentum towards Dai Yaochen. The position where he was standing at the time was smashed down.

Dai Yaochen had already made preparations, so at the moment when Tai Tan moved, the white tiger spirit instantly possessed him, and the pair of magnificent wings behind him spread out, and at the same time, he made a backward jumping movement with all his strength, dodging it at the nick of time The Titan's bombardment took advantage of the momentum and soared into the sky.

For Dai Yaochen, the probability of him passing this test is actually very low. If he wants to win, he must use all his advantages as much as possible, and flying ability is naturally the top priority.

Although Tai Tan and Niu Bi are strong, they are both incapable of flying. As long as Dai Yaochen gives full play to his flying advantages, he will be able to break free from the siege of the three Contras. He only needs to concentrate on dealing with the three of them first. The only white crane with the ability to fly will do.

Accompanied by a loud bang, Titan immediately punched a big hole in the martial arts arena. Even if he didn't use soul skills or even martial arts, his strength was equally terrifying. If Dai Yaochen was hit by this punch, it must be unbearable.

After labeling Tai Tan as absolutely invincible again, Dai Yaochen hovered over the Martial Arts Arena while sizing up the three Contras below with serious eyes, always on guard, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

"Sure enough, it flew."

As for Dai Yaochen's advantage of flying, the three Contras have already expected it. After all, only in this way can Dai Yaochen have such a chance of winning, but only one chance of winning is useless.

Tai Tan and Niu Gao immediately looked at Bai He. Although they didn't say anything, the meaning was obvious.

Either go up and directly defeat Dai Yaochen, or force Dai Yaochen to a low altitude, so that they can solve it together.

Of course, the two of them would not just watch Bai He go up to the sky and fight Dai Yaochen one-on-one, Tai Tan and Niu Gao both unleashed their own soul pressure and pressed down on Dai Yaochen who was in the air.

Under the powerful pressure of the two Contras, Dai Yaochen only felt that the surrounding air seemed to become viscous, and the speed of hovering in the sky was suppressed by half immediately, and his movements seemed much slower.

Seeing the coercion released by the two old buddies, which greatly restricted Dai Yaochen's movements, Bai He couldn't help showing a strange smile on his face, and immediately his body was radiant, and he directly entered the state of being possessed by the spirit.

It can be seen that with the release of the martial spirit, each of Baihe's arms turned into a wing, and the legs together looked very much like a pair of tail feathers, and the two yellow, three purple, and three black soul rings rose from his body. rise.

Dai Yaochen only saw the changes in Bai He's body at the moment when he summoned his martial spirit. The next moment, Bai He's body disappeared in place, replaced by a white shadow flashing in front of his eyes.

Dai Yaochen's heart was full of alarm bells. He knew that Bai He had already rushed in front of him, and his powerful mental power urged his body to respond. However, under the pressure of the soul power of the two Contras and the speed displayed by Bai He, he No matter what, his movements seemed extremely sluggish. Even if he reacted mentally, it was difficult for his body to move, so he could only reluctantly make a defensive movement.

The white shadow transformed by the white crane flew past Dai Yaochen immediately, leaving a bloodstain on his arm that stood in front of him.

Fortunately, Dai Yaochen's defensive power is strong, Yang Wudi once praised him, his defensive power is a little bit stronger than the disciples of the same level of the Yuzhi Clan.

With Dai Yaochen's current level 54 cultivation base, even if he doesn't use soul skills, he can only rely on the defensive power attached to his own white tiger martial soul, which is very durable. It didn't do much damage to him.

After all, Baihe is good at speed, without using soul skills, the attack power is still relatively limited, it just caused some minor injuries to Dai Yaochen.

However, even though Bai He's attack power is limited, his attack frequency is very high. After leaving a scar on Dai Yaochen's arm, the white shadow transformed by him passed by Dai Yaochen's side again, and once again shot at him. There was a scar on his body.

Just in the blink of an eye, as the white shadow continued to pass by, Dai Yaochen's body was covered with scars. Although the actual injuries may not be that serious, these scars still look very terrifying.

While being continuously attacked by Bai He, he couldn't catch Bai He's movements at all and counterattack effectively. If this continued, he would soon be defeated.

Could this test of Dai Yaochen be over like this?

No, of course not, Dai Yaochen has other means.

The next moment, when the white shadow transformed by the white crane was about to pass by Dai Yaochen's side again, Dai Yaochen's eyes suddenly lit up, bursting out with a blood-red light.

How can Dai Yaochen defeat a Contra when both parties stipulate that they cannot use soul skills?At least one must be stronger than Contra.

In terms of soul power, Dai Yaochen definitely cannot compare with Contra.As for fighting skills, everyone who can cultivate to the level of Contra can be said to be experienced in many battles, and Dai Yaochen obviously can't surpass Contra in terms of fighting skills.

None of these works, so for Dai Yaochen, the only thing he can rival Contra, or even be stronger than ordinary Contra, is his mental power.

Dai Yaochen's current spiritual power is relatively advanced in the level of Contra. Generally, Contras above level 85 have this level of spiritual power, but Bai He is only at level 82 now, and he is not that kind. A spiritual soul master, so at least in terms of spiritual power, Dai Yaochen surpassed him.

(End of this chapter)

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