Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 150 Pass the Test

Chapter 150 Pass the Test
"So, everyone can do it now."

Before Xing Luo Patriarch uttered these words, Dai Yaochen had a bad feeling in his heart, now with this voice, Dai Yaochen immediately understood what was going on.

The next moment, Dai Yaochen's friends who were watching by the side of the martial arts arena rushed onto the martial arts arena one after another, their bodies surged with soul power, and all of them summoned their own martial souls to surround him.

"It turns out that there is still this hand."

Seeing this scene, Dai Yaochen was speechless.

I remember that before the test started, Dugu Yan seemed to be ready to tell himself that there were still arrangements behind the test, but it turned out to be like this.

My great uncle didn't know when he secretly ordered Dugu Yan and the others, even if he managed to win the battle with the three Contras, they would jump out to finish it off, that's how it was supposed to be.

"Brother Dai, I'm sorry." After they surrounded Dai Yaochen, they didn't act immediately, and Bai Chenxiang stuck out her tongue and said, "I thought that Brother Dai would not be able to pass the test of Grandpa and the others. They should take turns." We didn't play until we played, so we didn't explain the situation before."

"Senior asked us, if Big Brother Dai wins against Grandpa and the others, then we will have to continue fighting against Big Brother Dai until the victory is decided again."

Hearing what Bai Chenxiang said, the expression on Dai Yaochen's face didn't change much: "It's okay, I almost guessed it too, let's go together."

Although Dai Yaochen said it easily, but he had already started to smile bitterly in his heart.

Since breaking through level [-], the gap between Dai Yaochen and his companions has widened again. If he is in his prime, even if he faces the siege of seven companions, he will definitely be able to win.

However, he just had a fierce battle with the three big Soul Douluo. Although he won the victory in the end, it was very reluctant for Dai Yaochen. Fighting with his companions, Dai Yaochen really didn't have much confidence in winning.

"It's still the same as before, no spirit ring skills are allowed, let's start." Ancestor Xingluo didn't let them continue chatting, indicating that they could start fighting.

It is still stipulated that soul ring skills cannot be used, which is good news for Dai Yaochen. After all, with his little soul power left, he would not be able to use soul skills in the first place. According to the regulations, it is Dai Yaochen's partners who are restricted.

In this case, there are still fights.

Dai Yaochen let out a long breath.

And when Patriarch Xingluo gave the first order, Dai Yaochen's companions also moved, Bai Chenxiang, the only one with the advantage of flying, soared into the sky, Zhu Zhuqing, Duguyan, Tai Long, Niu Bi, Yang Muwei and Ye Lingling followed suit. They attacked Dai Yaochen from all directions.

Huh?Why did a strange guy get mixed in?Ye Lingling rushed over too?
Well, Ye Lingling's only ability is to provide healing for everyone, but under the condition that the use of soul skills is not allowed, her ability cannot be used at all, and she can't just stand by and watch everyone fight, so she simply Gritting his teeth, he mobilized enough soul power and rushed towards Dai Yaochen with everyone.

Dai Yaochen, who was originally surrounded, still had some headaches, but after seeing Ye Lingling, he was immediately happy, and immediately chose Ye Lingling as a breakthrough point, wanting to break through the encirclement from her direction.

Auxiliary-type soul masters don't really have any combat power, after all, they have soul power in their bodies, and if they really want to fight, they must still have combat power, but they are far inferior to other types of soul masters at the same level.

However, even if he has a certain combat power, to Dai Yaochen, Ye Lingling's combat power is equivalent to non-existent, even if his current strength is nonexistent.

With just a face-to-face meeting, Dai Yaochen easily dealt with Ye Lingling, and the tiger claw gestured at Ye Lingling's neck, indicating that she was killed by him, and immediately rushed out from the crowd's encirclement.

As long as they break through the siege, then the next step will be relatively easy. Compared with the three big Contras, Dai Yaochen's partners are still far behind. They can't use the spirit ring skills and only rely on their own spirits. The combat power that can be displayed is very limited.

Even if Dai Yaochen's soul power is running low, relying on his own physical fitness is enough, except Tai Long who turned into a titan giant ape and Dugu Yan who attacked by poisoning caused him a lot of trouble. Not too much of a threat.

Although it took a lot of effort during the period, Dai Yaochen finally defeated his partners one by one, but this time not only his soul power, but also his physical strength was almost exhausted.

"Great Uncle, this time...this time should be fine." Panting heavily, Dai Yaochen looked at Patriarch Xingluo with burning eyes, waiting for Patriarch Xingluo to give his final answer.

If so, Xing Luo Patriarch still thinks that he failed the test, then Dai Yaochen doesn't know what to say.

Ancestor Xingluo's face has always been very calm. Although he was silent for a moment to Dai Yaochen's question at this time, he finally said: "Congratulations, Yaochen, you have successfully passed my test."

"Since you can achieve this level, then you can go wherever you want in the future. Remember, you must come back alive from there."

After finishing speaking, Dai Yaochen felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the figure of Patriarch Xingluo disappeared from his sight.

With the departure of Xingluo Patriarch, Dai Yaochen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For him, today was really too difficult. First, he had to fight against the three Contras, and then he had to face the siege of his partners. He was almost exhausted. Fortunately, he passed this time in the end. test.

"His Royal Highness has fought many battles, and now he looks very tired. You might as well take a rest in our Siji Sect first." After Xingluo Patriarch left, Tai Tan said kindly, "We old fellows are not here either. Excuse me, let Tai Long and the others accompany His Highness the Crown Prince."

After ordering Tai Long and the others to treat Dai Yaochen well, Tai Tan and the other two elders also went to deal with the affairs of the Siji Sect, leaving this place to Dai Yaochen and the others.

After all the elders left, leaving only friends of the same generation, the atmosphere in the Martial Arts Field immediately relaxed, and Dai Yaochen's partners immediately chattered and asked him various questions.

Just now because they had to fight, they didn't communicate too much. Now that the battle is over, they naturally have a lot to talk about, especially the previous battle between Dai Yaochen and the three Contras, so they have too much to say up.

(End of this chapter)

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