Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 162 The Killing God Domain Inscribed on the Soul Bone of the Right Arm?

Chapter 162 The Killing God Domain Inscribed on the Soul Bone of the Right Arm?

When Dai Yaochen lost consciousness, a large amount of white murderous aura gathered on his body, according to instinctive preparations, he imprinted the imprint belonging to the domain of killing gods on his martial soul.

Because Dai Yaochen's martial spirit is a white tiger, these murderous auras naturally chose the black king character pattern that appeared on Dai Yaochen's forehead after his martial spirit possessed him, and wanted to engrave the killing god domain there.

Everything was normal at first, murderous aura continued to gather on the black king pattern on Dai Yaochen's forehead, and it seemed that he was about to successfully condense the killing god domain, but at this moment, something unexpected happened.

The power of destiny stored in the soul bone of Dai Yaochen's head seemed to be stimulated by this continuously condensed murderous aura, and began to resist instinctively.

The power of destiny has already occupied the position of Dai Yaochen's head, and now these murderous spirits want to condense the killing god domain on Dai Yaochen's head. Let the murderous intent be engraved on Dai Yaochen's forehead successfully.

After all, the power of fate has been deposited on Dai Yaochen for a long time, and the murderous aura belongs to the latecomers, so under the resolute resistance of the power of fate, this murderous aura cannot in any case engrave the imprint of the killing field on the black king pattern on Dai Yaochen's forehead , only another target can be selected.

However, apart from the black king pattern on the forehead, where else is it suitable for condensing the killing field?

Because in the concentration of the God of Death field, there has never been such a situation like Dai Yaochen, the murderous aura will be rejected, so now the murderous aura on his body is uncontrollably disordered, and he can't find a suitable target for a while .

Fortunately, Dai Yaochen has a place that repells murderous aura, and naturally there is also a place that is friendly to murderous aura, that is the soul bone of his right arm that he has just absorbed.

The soul bone of his right arm contains a bloodthirsty soul skill, which happens to be very compatible with things like murderous aura, so after the murderous aura on Dai Yaochen's body was repelled by the force of fate on his forehead, he instinctively flocked to the blood-thirsty And breath, where the soul bone of his right arm is located, the killing god domain is engraved on the soul bone unprecedentedly.

This kind of situation is very strange, it has never happened before, because no one can forcibly stop the inscription of murderous intent, who knew that the power of destiny possessed by Dai Yaochen would actually lead to such a situation, it is simply unprecedented.

Of course, Dai Yaochen didn't know about the game between the power of fate and murderous intent, he fell into a coma from the very beginning, he only felt as if he had a dream, and then slowly woke up.

With Dai Yaochen's awakening, the long-lost feeling of being able to use soul skills reappeared, making Dai Yaochen feel extremely refreshed.

But now he is not obsessed with the thrill of being able to use his soul skills again. He has stayed in the ghostly place of the Killing Capital for two years. The purpose is to obtain the Death God Domain, so the most important thing for him now is naturally Check out what you've gained from this trip.

However, just when Dai Yaochen was about to activate his Killing God Domain, he suddenly discovered that the murderous aura suppressed by the soul bone of his head had disappeared, and his body seemed to have no power from the Killing God Domain.

Huh?Where did my majestic murderous aura go?Where is the killing god domain?There will never be any, right?

For a moment, Dai Yaochen was really confused, but fortunately he calmed down soon.

Dai Yaochen knew that if he successfully broke through the road to hell, he must have obtained the killing god domain, so he immediately searched his body inch by inch, looking for the changes in his body, until he found a hole in his right arm. Only then did Dai Yaochen realize something was wrong with his right arm.

Because the soul bone of his right arm originally possessed a bloodthirsty soul ability, Dai Yaochen didn't notice the abnormality until he checked carefully, and found that the murderous aura contained in the soul bone of his right arm was far greater than before, and among them It seems that there is one more soul skill.

One more soul skill?Could it be...

Although Dai Yaochen had already guessed about this, he still couldn't believe it, and immediately activated the second extra soul skill in his right arm soul bone to confirm his guess.

Under the urging of Dai Yaochen, a surge of white light quietly emerged, released from the position of the spirit bone in his right arm, but soon, this white light became a colorless existence, covering all surrounding areas within a certain range. Covered, under the cover of the colorless "air current", everything around seemed to be trembling.

"This is the killing field?"

Dai Yaochen confirmed his guess now, but immediately became completely confused.

What's happening here?Shouldn't the Killing God Domain be engraved on the Martial Soul and become an ability similar to the Martial Soul Talent Domain?How did it get on my soul bone?Became a domain skill attached to a soul bone?
Dai Yaochen had never heard of such outrageous things, and now it suddenly happened to him, which naturally made him confused about the situation.

Such an unexpected situation occurred in the killing god domain, so now he still passed the threshold of the Asura God's assessment?

Dai Yaochen was inevitably confused and worried for a while, but this kind of thing had happened after all, and he couldn't figure out why it happened, so he had to suppress all kinds of distracting thoughts for the time being.

Although it's a bit strange, whether it's on the spirit or the spirit bone, anyway, he did get the Killing God Domain and he didn't run away. The two years in the Killing City were not wasted.

Now that he has obtained a field as a two-year harvest, he doesn't need to continue to struggle, just pack up his mind and do what he should do.

At that moment, Dai Yaochen sorted out his thoughts and left the unknown small valley where he was now.

Although these two years have not been in vain, the situation in the mainland is changing every day. After staying in the capital of killing for so long, now that he suddenly comes out, Dai Yaochen doesn't know what happened on the mainland during this time, so his current best What needs to be done, of course, is to figure out the situation on the mainland.

So after figuring out where he was now, Dai Yaochen didn't return to the Star Luo Empire immediately, but headed towards the direction of Tiandou City.

Two years ago, he "helped" the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and he doesn't know how the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is doing now, and the prince Xue Qinghe, who was pretended by Qian Renxue, doesn't know if he has What methods to use, for these situations, Dai Yaochen needs to go to Dugu Bo to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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